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Menopause Health and Wellness

Katie Morris, Fitness

A monthly exercise video by Katie Morris

May 2019.

Katie Morris"I coach menopausal women to reduce symptoms, find their energy, regain their confidence & love what they see in the mirror".

High Vs Low Impact Exercise

Women often ask me whether certain workouts are "high impact" or "low impact," and in answering them, I have discovered that there is a lot of confusion about what these terms actually mean. They deal somewhat with overall intensity and calorie burn, and are important for seeing positive results with your health & fitness, but there's more to it than that. Low and high impact exercises offer different benefits and pose different risks. So here are the basics you need to know about the highs and lows of these different forms of exercise. In addition I have provided a home workout for you to try that includes a mixture of high and low impact exercises:

30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest

  • High knees OR Bodyweight squats
  • Walking plank
  • Burpees
  • Bicycle abs
  • Mountain climbers
  • leg raises
  • Lunges
  • Ab crunch
  • Press ups
  • Oblique ankle taps


Have a go and let me know how you got on and if you have any questions as always please contact me on [email protected]


Other Videos

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Starting off the New Year with a home workout - January 2019

For your information...

Menopause + Premature Menopause + Menopause Symptoms + Bleeding Problems + Vaginal Problems + Bladder Matters Menopause and HRT after Hysterectomy Treatments + Diet, Lifestyle & Exercise + Menopause at Work Hormone Replacement Therapy + HRT Preparations + Prescribable non-HRT Testosterone Alternative Therapies + Alternative Techniques Decision Tree Contraception + Osteoporosis + Heart Disease + A to Z of menopause and medical conditions Magazine Shop More +