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Menopause Blogs

Dr Ben

Man Shed contributions by Dr Ben

Dr Ben


Welcome to The Man Shed and I’m delighted to be your man in it!

My name is Dr Ben Sinclair (please just call me ‘Dr Ben’, everyone does), and I’ve been a GP for nearly 20 years. Bear with me a sec while I shift these spare paint tins and get my laptop set up…

If you’ve got a question for Our Man in The Man Shed, Dr Ben Sinclair, you can email him on:
[email protected]

Dr Daisy

Guest contributions by Dr Daisy

Dr Daisy


Dr Daisy Mae is a doctor and writer. She has worked extensively as a Specialist in Sexual & Reproductive Health, in the South of England. She has also worked in the field of Menopause for around 25 years, and latterly has run her own specialist Menopause Clinic.

Daisy has just published her first novel - Dating Daisy. She also has a Sexual Health Blog on The Huffington Post UK and writes for Dr Ed, the online doctor service. Daisy will be blogging for us once a month.

You can contact Dr Daisy with ideas and suggestions for the blog or on any specific topics you are interested in.
Email: [email protected]

Glynis Kozma

Guest contributions by Glynis Kozma

Dr Daisy


Glynis is a qualified life coach and writer. She writes for national publications including the broadsheets and magazines on careers, health, family and relationships.

She helps to coach women to help them make positive changes to their lives, feel more confident and fulfil their potential.

Guest Blogs

  1. Amanda Jane : A Menopausal Host's Guide to Self-Care During Christmas Holidays - Nov 2023
  2. Amanda Jane : Menopause and Mental Health - Oct 2023
  3. Kerry Dolan: Let's emphasise the positive - Oct 2020
  4. Kerry Dolan: Scrapping the Rule Book on Ageing - June 2020
  5. Kerry Dolan: Avoiding Menopausal Melt Downs During the Lock Down - March 2020
  6. Jane Renton: Menopautism - December 2017


» Open the infographic full size here.
» Open a high contrast version here.

Menopause Symptoms & Ways To Manage Them
by Dr Heather Currie MBE and Dr Michelle Kelly.
This wonderful visual by was produced following Heather and Michelle's recent presentations at the menopausal festival FlushFest23. We think it provides a lot of information in a creative way, which we hope you may find useful.

For your information...

Menopause + Premature Menopause + Menopause Symptoms + Bleeding Problems + Vaginal Problems + Bladder Matters Menopause and HRT after Hysterectomy Treatments + Diet, Lifestyle & Exercise + Menopause at Work Hormone Replacement Therapy + HRT Preparations + Prescribable non-HRT Testosterone Alternative Therapies + Alternative Techniques Decision Tree Contraception + Osteoporosis + Heart Disease + A to Z of menopause and medical conditions Magazine Shop More + News Press Archive Leaflets Books Multimedia Surveys Testimonials Blogs Katie's Fitness Skin, Hair & Beauty Supported By Commercial Opportunities Bibliography Disclaimer & Privacy Links Press Pack