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Menopause Blogs


The Dr Daisy Blog

Our Monthly blog by Dr Daisy

December 2018.

Reasons to be cheerful - in middle age!


So did you know - that the "nifty-50's!" are the happiest age group in the UK? It’s a fact! "The over 50’s are happier, wealthier and more carefree than they have ever been!", reported Sarah Young from The Independent, last year. Her article, reported some fascinating findings from a 2016 study, run by a financial services company. This involved asking 50,000 people aged over 50, their attitudes to life and leisure.

» Download the pdf to read the full text. (387Kb)



Dr Daisy

Dr Daisy Mae is a doctor and writer. She has worked extensively as a Specialist in Sexual & Reproductive Health, in the South of England. She has also worked in the field of Menopause for around 25 years, and latterly has run her own specialist Menopause Clinic.

Daisy has just published her first novel - Dating Daisy. She also has a Sexual Health Blog on The Huffington Post UK and writes for Dr Ed, the online doctor service. Daisy will be blogging for us once a month.

You can contact Dr Daisy with ideas and suggestions for the blog or on any specific topics you are interested in.
Email: [email protected]

Dr Daisy's Blog Posts

  1. Understanding Obesity and Menopause Part 1 - October 2019
  2. Reasons to be cheerful in middle age! - December 2018
  3. Breast cancer and HRT - July 2018
  4. Vaginal Estrogen - June 2018
  5. HRT and loss of libido - Feb/March 2018
  6. It's a New Year! 2018 - New beginnings! - January 2018
  7. My Menopause Christmas tree - December 2017
  8. Let's talk about Xenoestrogens - November 2017
  9. Strictly Menopause! - October 2017

» Go back to the Blog Index

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