Blog Post
Menopause in the workplace
Women currently make up a huge proportion of the workforce. For those of us who are “baby boomers” and are now experiencing the hormonal changes of the perimenopause and of the menopause, demands of work can become even more challenging. Many women report great difficulties coping with what was previously manageable due to sleep disturbance and hence tiredness and, in some cases, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, lack of confidence, anxiety, joint aches, not to mention the embarrassment of the well- known flushes and sweats. Throw into this the demands from teenage children and elderly relatives and one might wonder how women cope at this stage at all!
The sad truth is that some really struggle and need help, yet often try to get through in the knowledge that for many, these symptoms will pass. The problem is that there is no way of predicting how long the “early” symptoms of estrogen deficiency of the menopause will last. Many women report sad tales of significant symptoms which they openly admit have affected their ability to do their job necessitating changes in their role, time off work and even early retirement. Not all have received appropriate support and there appears to be a lack of awareness of the impact that menopausal symptoms can have—“ isn’t it just about a few flushes?”!!
So what can we do? As a doctor working in the field of menopause, I would wish that all women could receive appropriate advice and information about the effects of estogen deficiency, what simple changes women can make to reduce symptoms and improve long term health and what specific treatments are available. Sadly this vision is a long way off but meanwhile, if symptoms are affecting you and your work, do seek help; ask your GP or Practice Nurse, make an appointment with Occupational Health, and above all, do not battle on alone!