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 on: Today at 02:40:42 PM 
Started by Micky - Last post by jaypo
 ;D That's a cracker clkd

 on: Today at 02:32:24 PM 
Started by Yenal25 - Last post by Yenal25
Thank you both Jd & CLKD for your replies  :).  It is reassuring to know that others have had similar experiences.

@CLKD were you taking HRT at the time?

It was my GP that made the referral. I can’t fault her for being thorough. Bearing in mind the bad press the NHS receives a lot of the time, they have stayed within the 2 weeks timescales for both the scans and biopsy.

I will update you again next week following the biopsy.

Thanks again  :-*

 on: Today at 02:31:55 PM 
Started by Eggcustard - Last post by bombsh3ll
Are you sure the units used are pmol/L?

Some labs use picograms, which does translate to a much lower number.

For example I am on 1.5mg oral estradiol. My levels are about 380pmol/L which is about 100pg/dL.

Before you make any changes just double check the units your lab is using!

 on: Today at 02:18:22 PM 
Started by Fizwhizz - Last post by Violetta808
Hi Fizwhizz. I sympathise - that feeling that the colour has drained out of the world is one of the reasons I went on HRT (as well as frequent headaches, VA, lost libido, tinnitus, creaky joints...) my sleep was OK though  :)

Walking/running/being out in a park or somewhere green did help up to a point, but it also made me sad that I wasn't getting the buzz out of it that I used to, if you know what I mean.

I'm currently on tibolone and it's working very well for me. I'm on it because I have very bleedy fibroids that didn't like conventional HRT (plus I felt very bloated on 50mcg patch and utrogestan). I believe it's the androgenic component of tibolone that is very good for 'blunted motivation' as I saw it described somewhere. I've not had a whoosh of energy but I feel much more resilient and optimistic and like my normal self again - it's also helped relieve all the other symptoms which obviously helps with mood. And I've had no side effects.

Is tibolone contraindicated if you have thyroid issues? It works in a different way to oestrogen/progesterone though so perhaps you could try it sooner rather than later.

 on: Today at 02:09:13 PM 
Started by Taz2 - Last post by discogirl
its nice in our little lost world x

 on: Today at 02:01:20 PM 
Started by KaraShannon - Last post by CLKD
When I had tamoxifen I had cold shivers for hours at a time.  An anti-oestrogen drug.

 on: Today at 02:00:34 PM 
Started by Taz2 - Last post by CLKD

 on: Today at 01:54:25 PM 
Started by Taz2 - Last post by discogirl
Now that would be telling clkd 😜

 on: Today at 01:51:18 PM 
Started by KaraShannon - Last post by HellsBells
There is some research to suggest that Thyme in some form helps a chronic cough.

 on: Today at 01:50:28 PM 
Started by JoannFran - Last post by CLKD
Propranolol never altered my food intake - they did in fact take away the constant, 24/7 nausea which enabled me to eat 'properly'. 

Fortunately I've never been aware of my heart etc. .

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