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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 743120 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1455 on: February 13, 2019, 06:54:43 PM »

Hiya ladies.
I'm not coping well after a month conti utrogestan.
I want to cut it down but what to?

I can't see the point of cutting it to 25 days as I will only have a few days relief from it and if I'm going to get a bleed I might as well have bleedit after 14 days and at least have more time without the utrogestan.

I think i have read that i Will need double the dose if I do this and does double dose mean double side effects? Any experience please.

Given that during natural cycle progesterone is only dominant in the 2nd half it would seem to me that  taking it continously is not something that would happen naturally anyway. Maybe I'm wrong.

Any advice


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1456 on: February 13, 2019, 07:34:45 PM »

You cut it to 12 days out of the 28 starting the Utro on day 15.  Yes the prescribed dose is 200mg for those 12 days but it has been known to be 100mg.

Start by dropping the dose to the 12 days at 200mg vaginally and do so for 3 months.  It is possible to do it for less and play with the cycle but I would not do it to start off with until you have your body in some sort of rhythm   You have to be careful that you are not playing around too much and the whole things goes all over the place.  I was good and did my 12 days for 3 months before I started being able to work out what I could do and what I couldn't.  Again I say to you, you must be patient however hard that is.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1457 on: February 13, 2019, 07:48:54 PM »

Thanks lady so say for instance if I was going to do it today. I would stop taking the u for the next 14 days including tonight and then start on the 15th day for 12 days. After the 12 days on u stop it again for 14    .is that right.
I make that 26 days cycle.
Omg I'm so sorry you must think I'm a right thicko. I'm useless with numbers.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1458 on: February 13, 2019, 08:07:49 PM »

Usually to make it easy you run from the 1st of the month to day 15 but I suppose you could stop and run as you say 14 days clear with oestrogen only and then start day 15.  Looking at the calendar that means you start the utro on 27th Feb.  Take for 12 days and then you should have a bleed.  Then you carry on again to day 15 (by the time you have had your bleed days you are up to the 28 day cycle.

Look at the Utrogestan sheet I sent you.  You just need to be careful that you count on the calendar and mark the days.  I have to say if you went 11 days on Utro or 13 days, the world wont end....honest!


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1459 on: February 13, 2019, 08:44:32 PM »

Thank you. Thanks for your pattience. I will print the sheet off when i go to my mum's..
I've been  trying to hold out til I see gynae Friday after next but I'm just about hanging on. Ive been in bed most of the day crying on and off ,Couldn't even contemplate going out.  Couldn't eat any dinner again and just feel so depressed. It feels like it's going on forever with no sign of any light at the end



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1460 on: February 13, 2019, 08:49:04 PM »

Hi reading this thread with interest,  i stopped my utogestan 200mg pessary after 7 days as just couldnt tolerate it.. im progesteone intolerant.  I then had short bleed for 3 days, due back with consultant to discuss.. so was just wondering  what is the least amount of utrogestan you can have and for how short a time? Thanks ladies x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1461 on: February 13, 2019, 10:38:32 PM »

Check out any of Professor Studd's papers on the subject.  There is an answer to your question but it is not widely publicised on the forum.  Some members consider it irresponsible to post because they believe it cause women to have lining build up which they believe may be life threatening.  It is considered controversial because reducing days should be undertaken with consultant involvement.
Talk to your consultant LW44.  Some of Studd's papers clearly publish 7 days and that advice is widely available here and on the internet under various searches.

Was the 3 day bleed heavy LW44?  Remind me orally or vaginally Utrogestan?

That level of depression is not good Tc - I got like that but I also got almost permanent insomnia which was like being wired all the time as it went on.  I knew I had to change to a cycle and that continuous was no good for me.  I was lucky my consultant didn't bat an eyelid.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1462 on: February 14, 2019, 07:47:36 AM »

Tjsnks Ladybt28 ill have a look,  it was a mid flow not heavy , so not sure if worked its magic :-/ but ive felt extremely tearful since it stopped  for no reason at all.. xx


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1463 on: February 14, 2019, 12:02:22 PM »

I get a bit like that LW, but now I know how the cycle goes and that I know these feelings will pass, it is much easier to handle.I suppose I view it like I used to when I was fertile and had proper periods.... that you gets these feelings ....they last a few days and then pass.  This is the first time since meno for me that any of this stuff has been "under control".  Most of the time before the feelings didn't pass they just went like a permanent roller coaster.  I spent about 10 years like that because my hrt was only controlling flushes and nothing else - it just wasnt the right stuff for me.  Now I have to live with what I have because it is so much better than before and I reckon it is the best its gonna be.

It takes some adjustment and acceptance but when I think where I started and where I am now then although not perfect things are so much better. :)   If you can stick with it 3 months - really hard I know - you will get a proper picture and your body wll adjust.  It took me 5 months to get on an even keel and I am now 7 months in but I think the worse the symptoms and the longer they have taken hold maybe it takes longer to balance.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1464 on: February 14, 2019, 12:45:59 PM »

It's a bad day. Just black. I don't know what to do.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1465 on: February 14, 2019, 07:52:42 PM »

Yes thank you Ladybt28  read it quickly today at work, made me feel so much better :-)  thank you so much x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1466 on: February 15, 2019, 09:33:33 AM »

Thanks lady so say for instance if I was going to do it today. I would stop taking the u for the next 14 days including tonight and then start on the 15th day for 12 days. After the 12 days on u stop it again for 14    .is that right.
I make that 26 days cycle.
Omg I'm so sorry you must think I'm a right thicko. I'm useless with numbers.

Hi Tc

When I was on a monthly cycle (or should I say 4 weeks = 28 days) I didn't count any of the days as such once I'd got going. I just worked out which days I would have the withdrawal and then just started the prog on the same day of the week each time. For example I would start the progesterone say on a Friday every 4 weeks, take it for the requisite time ( in my original prog Cyclogest it was 11 days as prescribed)  and that gives you the cycle. You never need to worry then about Day 1 or where you are at all. If working and want to feel on top of things then time it so your withdrawal happens at weekends ( in retrospect I think that was what I did!).

Hope you are feeling better today?

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1467 on: February 15, 2019, 09:41:48 AM »

Hi reading this thread with interest,  i stopped my utogestan 200mg pessary after 7 days as just couldnt tolerate it.. im progesteone intolerant.  I then had short bleed for 3 days, due back with consultant to discuss.. so was just wondering  what is the least amount of utrogestan you can have and for how short a time? Thanks ladies x

Hi LW44 - how long is a piece of string?

From what I recall (have been away so memory of women's stories has dimmed!) you were taking the prog to thin a thickened lining? You really need to ensure you take sufficient protgesterone to shed what has built up and as such you should consult with your specialist about how you feel and what to do.

As Ladybt says there are some women using a much lower regime quite happily under medical supervision, but Prof Studd's own research has shown that to almost eliminate the chance of endometrial issues (hyperplasia) then 12 days on average per cycle is needed. This is why most HRT preparations give prog for 12-14 days. The risk of hyperplasia increases the fewer days you use it and when used for 7 days I think there were several cases (in the study) of hyperplasia. Obviously we are all individual and hyperplasia does not necessarily lead to cancer and the absolute risk in any case is low - nevertheless any variation from thre licensed regime should be carried out under medical supervision so please do consult your specialiast about this particularly in your case where you are needing to shed the lining (apols if I've got this wrong!). It is so difficult for women who are severely progesterone intolerant and GPs should be able to refer women on to more specialist and individualised treatment so they don't have to suffer nor be forced to seek expensive private treatment.

Hurdity x



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1468 on: February 15, 2019, 10:52:56 AM »

Hi Birdy If you are post meno you can take the Utrogestan every day. However, you can still take it sequentially (I think it's for 12 days every month) . If you are getting side effects you can use it vaginally.

Is it the Utrogestan giving you the side effects or are you just experiencing menopausal symptoms? Sometimes it's hard to differentiate xx


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1469 on: February 15, 2019, 11:31:19 AM »

It is because it has been prescribed to you to take continuously.  Don't let the word "cycle" confuse you. In this case it just means "per month". When using Utrogestan post meno, because we don't have a natural "cycle" provided by our bodies, what happens is that  the hrt hormones (if you have a womb) create a "pretend" one so to speak.  They do what our bodies cannot naturally any more.

As Dotty says post meno women do have a choice. They can take it everyday as prescribed or they can take it for 12-14 days out of a month.  I cant take it continuously I have to do a cycle cos it messes with my head I get permanently depressed and tearful and have dark thoughts.  Although I take it on a cycle now not continuously I still have rough days out of those 12 BUT I know those days will pass and I know what to expect so it is more manageable.

Hurdity is right about getting fixated on which days. but I would say it does get confusing when you start out so I have put this down which might help anyone struggling with days get them in their head.  I started out doing it from 1st of the month and then if you need to adjust further down the line you will be able to do it easier I found.  I now do as she does but it took me 4-5 months to feel comfortable moving my days.  Also you need your body to settle into the cycle because basically we are "tricking" it into a "cycle" our bodies no longer have.

There is an Utrogestan sheet which I was given by the consultant which shows both on a chart:  If you take it as your sticker says you take it from day 1-25 of any month together with your oestrogen. You stop the Utro until you get to the 1st of the month or you can just continue - different GP's/Consultants say different things  about continuous utro.  Both are right.

If you only want to  take it for a shorter period of time because it messes with your head then - here is an example to consider for March.

1st March to 15th of March you use your oestrogen only. On 15th March to 26th March you use 200mg Utrogestan (I suggest  vaginally to minimise side effects) alongside your oestrogen. On 27th of March you just use the oestrogen. On 28th March you are likely to bleed. I  cant say how long you will bleed depends.  So then you just use your oestrogel on its own until you get to15th April.
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