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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 712123 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #345 on: April 17, 2012, 06:59:29 PM »

Sandi, you and I think a lot alike. And it's the second time I've come across earthing in as many days. I'm familiar with grounding, which I think is the same? Anyway, you've reminded me I should do that more often, thank you.

Have you heard of 'bracing'? It's something talked about on the net by a Dr Stoll and refers to the tension that our bodies are (pretty much always) under. Only by being aware of it can we release the tension and properly relax. And then the body has a better chance to heal leading to less pain.

I've been taking good quality fish oil recently and feel it is making a difference :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #346 on: April 20, 2012, 08:35:21 AM »

I have been suffering with chronic pain for the last 2 years - anyway, recently I was told about a woman called Caroline Myss who was a medical intuitive in America, and became an inspirational speaker.  She developed the idea of woundology, and worked out why people don't heal.  Her theory is that by holding on to pain (emotional or physical), we stay in our story, and by staying in our story healing doesn't take place. She has been giving lectures since the 1980's - have a look at her on You Tube.  She has also written quite a few books.  Definitely food for thought, and I have stopped telling peopl how I am all the time, thinking more towards wellness and healing.  Just when I had mastered acceptance!! . . . . .  .

The other thing I have been doing is 'earthing' myself, by putting my bare feet on the earth for a few mins each day (I warm the grass up with a wheat bag!) You can also buy earthing mats which you can sleep on, or put your feet on.  Apparently people with severe chronic pain are getting major relief from earthing.  Again, all worth trying . . . . .

I've been taking good quality fish oil recently and feel it is making a difference :)

Sandi.  I was so interested to read in the 'earthing'.  I had a weekend away 'living with harmony' and much of that was bare feet, inside and out and 'earthing/grounding' ourselves with nature and ourselves.   I came home and could hardly bear to have shoes on my feet.  I will try that in my garden this weekend!

My chiropractor is very much a holistic healer. As well as adjustments, kinesiology and naturopathy, my chiropractor deals with the stuck emotions which manifest themselves as ailments.

She also recommends daily dose of high quality fish oil as a natural anti inflammatory (among other things).



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #347 on: June 04, 2012, 01:25:36 PM »

Three years ago I got chronic neck pain for no apparent reason. My GP sent me to various 'pain consultants' and I had an MRI. Long story short I had slight wear & tear between C6/C7 plus a 'dry disc.'

Two years ago I started getting lower back pain (right hand side) for no apparent reason. MRI could see nothing wrong but the pain kept getting worse. I tried various painkillers and TENS but nothing helped. Eventually I was given a cortisone injection into my SI joint, but that made no difference. My physio wasn't much help (he actually made things worse!) so I ended up paying privately for acupuncture/massage. (To me it feels like a trapped nerve, but without a medical diagnosis I can't be sure). My acupuncturist showed me some neck/back exercises and suggested eating more protein (I'm veggie). I'm doing these things but they're not helping.

Initially I was hopeful, but after 10 sessions I'm really no better than I was to begin with, and I don't have unlimited funds, so it seems that even that has failed. (NHS won't fund acupuncture for me).

The only thing the NHS will now offer me is two sessions of psychotherapy (!) - pain seminars - so that I can learn how to live with chronic pain, which I'm reluctant to attend as I feel as if it'd be like admitting defeat.

Since before my partial hysterectomy in 2008 (fibroids) I've gained a load of weight and am now 4 stones too heavy for my 5 ft 4 inch frame, but no amount of dieting or exercise seems to make any difference (thyroid test came back normal). This is adding to my neck/back woes, not to mention the additional strain on my joints.

After the removal of my ovaries Feb 2011 I was thrust into full and immediate menopause.

I don't sleep very well (pain) and I ache all over, especially in cold/wet weather. I feel as if I'm a 49 year old woman trapped in the body of a 90 year old.

I've recently been put on oestrogen patches (Evorel 75) and was given a testosterone implant 6 days ago - and told that'd really help with sleep, energy and pain management, but so far it's made no difference (although I live in hope).

Reading some of the posts on here it seems that my aches and pains MAY be related to my menopause, which is something of a relevaltion to me. IF (and it's a big IF) the hormones do actually work, there's a tiny chance that my aches and pains could be alleviated, which would be fantastic. However, I don't want to get my hopes up........

I shall let you know if I get any relief from my pain as & when my hormone treatments kick in.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #348 on: July 19, 2012, 08:58:26 PM »

I have cut out all citrus fruit from my diet ( mainly pink grapefruit, oranges and lemons) and no longer have joint pain !

I was getting so seized up it was painful to move again after sitting down and then one of my customers just mentioned that she did this so was worth a try !


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #349 on: July 20, 2012, 07:21:23 AM »

Thats good  news Anje! Citrus fruits are often a trigger for migraines too. The mum of a friend of mine had suffered debilitating ones for years and was taken into hospital for investigation. While there she didn't suffer one attack and was sent home. The day after getting back she was laid low with an awful one again so she decided to try to work out what she had eaten differently while in hospital. The answer - her breakfast grapefruit. No more grapefruit and no migraines ever again.

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #350 on: July 21, 2012, 05:06:52 PM »

Isn't it grapefruit juice you have to avoid on certain blood pressure or heart medications?  :-\


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #351 on: July 21, 2012, 05:09:28 PM »

You can't have grapefruit juice if you're on Warfarin but then, there's quite a lot you need to be wary of with that.  :(
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #352 on: August 24, 2012, 09:42:37 PM »

I havent read all of the posts but I have terrible hip pain and have recently started on serrapeptase. It is really helping. I am also taking a v low dose of estrogel


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #353 on: September 10, 2012, 02:37:59 PM »

I have very painful shoulder today and haven't got a clue what I could have done to it.  The only fruit I had yesterday was a banana, same so far today.  It is on the side I mostly lie on, don't know if I've just lain too heavily on it or not.  Trying anti-inflams.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #354 on: September 16, 2012, 07:22:47 PM »

I've just come back from a week's holiday which was spoiled by my painful and aching joints.

I have suffered from degenerative disc disease for 20 years so often have back ache in varying degrees and before going on HRT 3 years ago I suffered from painful toe joints and sore knees as peri meno symptoms but up till 6 months ago things were much better. Over the last 6 months I've been getting increasing joint pain, hips, knees, toes, ankles. I've also had quite troublesome sciatica in one leg for about 5 months. I've been coping by taking quite large doses of ibuprofen and keeping exercising but it all seems to be getting worse. I saw a GP last month who put me on naproxen but it has been fairly useless, not even as good as the ibuprofen so I'm going back later this week to see if he can do anything else.

Last week while on holiday we did a bit of walking, only a maximum of about 4 miles, mostly less, but every step I took all week was painful. If it wasn't my sciatica hurting it was my hip joints, lower back, toes, sides of my feet, thoracic spine or rib cage. Then this morning I had such bad lower back ache I could hardly get out of bed and hobbled around for about 15 mins before things started to loosen up.

While some of the pain is undoubtedly due to the degenerative disc disease and sciatica (which may in itself be due to the DDD) the rest I'm sure is due to the menopause and I reckon I need to up my HRT dose. Trouble is, I've got a new GP as mine retired recently and when I saw this guy last month and mentioned I'd been on HRT for 3 years he said 'Oh well, you should be over the menopause by now'. This is clearly nonsense so I'm not anticipating much joy in getting higher dose oestrogen patches off him.

I am so sick of feeling like I'm 96 years old instead of 56.

meno lesley

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #355 on: September 16, 2012, 08:56:13 PM »

Hi Ziggy

I could have wrote your message at the moment! I have 3 discs that bulge out intermittently and cause all sorts going on. However, for the last 7 months I have had foot, ankle, leg and knee pain. I did increase my hrt but it does'nt seem to have helped at all. I have had a vitamin d blood test which showed a low reading. Been on vitamin d for over a week now but still in a lot of pain. I am really fed up with it and don't know which way to turn. I am 54 and like you feel about 90.

A change in hrt may help you or perhaps getting your vit d tested.


Anne B

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #356 on: September 16, 2012, 09:05:14 PM »

I had Vit D deficiency and have just finished a 3 month course of high dose supplements. This helped the joint ache I had tremendously but did take a good 4 weeks before I noticed some improvement.
It's reckoned a significant percentage of our population are low in Vit D and if severely deficient can cause lots of problems with joint pain, fatigue and low mood.

meno lesley

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #357 on: September 16, 2012, 10:54:01 PM »

Thank you Anne, perhaps I am expecting too much too soon. Did you have pain in your feet?


Anne B

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #358 on: September 16, 2012, 11:16:30 PM »

Meno Lesley, yes I had pain in my feet. Could hardly walk. In fact all my joints ached so badly that I thought I had a serious condition.
It was all very depressing because I thought it was all down to menopause and the thought of living in that much pain for the rest of my life nearly sent me over the edge.
Vit D helped a lot along with oestrogen replacement.
I still have been left with chronic post operative pain (ligament and muscle). Am addressing that with physio, acupuncture and pain killers.
I know the feeling of being old as well. I am 50 and can't believe how ancient I feel at the moment.
I hope you find some relief in the near future.
Next thing you know we'll both be out jogging!

meno lesley

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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #359 on: September 17, 2012, 07:22:00 AM »

Don't think at the moment I would be able to run across the road let alone jog! Just had a sleepless night as whatever way I laid my bones hurt. Was your vit d level very low? I am glad you have got some relief.

Thank you for your reply.

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