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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 714840 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #315 on: December 14, 2011, 09:48:16 AM »

Hi Wendy,
I know exactly how you are feeling - I also beat myself up saying lots of people suffer pain, but it does not help. You must think about your quality of life.
The pain you are in is totally debilitating and whilst it is good to cry - these are unecessary tears. No-one should have to suffer this way. Get yourself to the GP as soon as possible. There is help available. I am on femoston 1/10 which has helped my pain incredibly.
Keep your chin up, there is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to follow it.
Let us know how you get on
Love Purplenanny x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #316 on: December 17, 2011, 05:47:55 PM »

My hips have been hurting today - a faint dull kind of ache. Last night I had to keep turning over in bed because I couldn't get comfy. I'm coming up to midcycle so I think that's why. It usually gets worse during the second half of month, so the best/worst is yet to come!

I am now peri, according to blood tests. But as I said in another thread, I've had sore hips most of my adult life, usually for the first day or two of my bleed. Really sore, as in can't-stand-for-long sore. GPs have been less than helpful, but I guess they've been at a loss for what to suggest (apart from evening primrose, which has never helped).

As I get older, the pain gets worse and is more unpredictable... just like everything else! Sigh.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #317 on: January 15, 2012, 02:22:27 PM »

Thank heavens I came across this thread otherwise I would still be suffering!!!! I am 53 and postmenopause.

While I was in my 20's HRT was hailed as life changing and there was loads of positive press about how it kept women going, what a breakthrough it was, and how it kept women young.  At the time I thought that's for me and I'm going on HRT without doubt.

Then about 10-15 years ago HRT hit the press again, this time with loads of bad press and I read articles saying HRT was no magical cure and blew up all the negatives about taking it.  Having weighed up all the bad press, I then decided to go down the natural route and the way nature intended.  After all, with the wealth of data collected over the years these articles must be right.

I knew menopausal symptoms were hot flushes, disturbed sleep, loss of sex drive, vaginal dryness, burning soles of feet and for me some hair loss.  But I honestly never knew about the aches and pains and fatigue!!!!!

I have coped very well for the last 10+ years.  I have been lucky as I never have more than one or two hot flushes in any one day, and being as I don't sweat very much, it's not been a problem.  Disturbed sleep I've lived with for years, worse at times than others, and for me centered around having to go to the bathroom with an urgency to empy my bladder, originally perhaps once a night to more recently having to get up perhap two to three times and regardless of how much I drink during the previous day. 

I also have suffered with the soles of my feet burning for years and the onset of hairloss once I entered perimenopause.

During my perimenopause I also experienced being woken up with what I can only describe as a panic attack, heart racing and a feeling of doom that would pass within a minute or two of waking up.  I would sit bold upright in bed feeling like the world had ended.  Thankfully again, I could pin this down to fluctuating hormones, as the attack would always be in the week before my period was due. So I put it down to PMT, and all in all thankfully, I don't think it happened more than 5 or 6 times, as it was the most horrible feeling.

It's been two years now since my last period and my real decline has been in about the last three to six months.  The first thing that crept up slowly was feeling exhausted most of the time.  I have a full time job and it's been about all I can do to drag myself to work every day.  At home I have had to let things slip as I never feel as if I have enough time to recover.  Everything just seemed to be taking 10 times longer to do that before.

Well that's a bit about my background and I now get on to the aches and pains.  OMG!!!!! 

I have been an active person for the last 10-12 years and go to the gym between 3-4 times a week doing circuit training a lot of the time. Then just before Christmas I had to stop a circuit half way through as I just couldn't continue.  My knees were aching, my back was killing me and I was exhausted and just felt as if my body was ancient and falling apart. I felt devastated.

I am a shopaholic and like nothing better than trailing round the shops, but even this has been too much for me in the last few months.  Painful walking, lower back mainly, on right side and wrapping around and down the right hip.  This would go into spasm at times as well.  Aches and pains and burning in soles of my feet make all my shoes uncomfortable if walking about for more than 20 minutes (I was running upto 2-5 miles 2-3 times a week about 3 years ago!!!)  Coupled with aches and pains in my elbows and right shoulder made me feel 90.  I felt my life was over to be honest over Christmas.  I could have cried when I found I could not get up off the floor after wrapping Christmas presents and had to get my husband to help me stand up.

Then I came across this thread by accident and realised that the pain I was in could be due to the menopause.  It was a relief to find that I was not alone.  I made a long overdue appointment with my doctor explaining all my symptoms and following a number of blood tests to make sure that there was no inflamatory illnesses present and other checks, I went on HRT.

That was just 5 days ago and............ OMG!!!!

I could feel changes start to happen within about an hour or two of taking the first tablet.  I realised I stood straight up to the lock without pain.  Within 20 hours the awful pain I had in my lower back, across the pelvis and hip along with my shoulder had all but disappeared.  Five days on and I realise I have spent the last year shuffling about instead of walking properly as the pain in my lower back must have prevented me swinging my right pelvis/hip forward.  My head is clearer and I feel alive, awake and for the first time in months and months, as if I have some energy.

It's been a life changing experience for me and I wanted to share my experience and offer some hope to others out there. 

« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 08:19:27 PM by 53goingon90 »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #318 on: January 15, 2012, 02:46:06 PM »

53goingon90 your post was wonderful and inspiring, when HRT is right for a woman it is so right.

I hope others will read this and think so too.

Thank you for posting.

siloverlady x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #319 on: January 15, 2012, 03:41:05 PM »

Hi 53goingon90 (great name!   ;) )
So pleased to hear that you're feeling better. It's frightening to think how many women must be suffering un-neccessarily due to the bad press that HRT has had; it's good that at least one has been helped by this wonderful website - I'm sure that there are many more.  :)
Why not introduce yourself on "New Members"? Newbies often get missed in the middle of existing threads and I'm sure that others will want to welcome you.
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #320 on: January 15, 2012, 07:21:44 PM »

53goingon90 - I had the same experience! amazing isn't it.

May I ask which HRT you are taking?

Welcome and thanks for posting
Purplenanny x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #321 on: January 15, 2012, 07:52:19 PM »

Hello purplenanny,

I am on Nuvelle Continuous and so far no side effects other than benefits.  No back pain, yippee!!  One other thing I noticed was that my lips have plumped up as well.  I call it my Angelina Jolie look.  Much better than those cosmetic surgery injections and no chance of a trout pout!  :)

I have put on a bit of weight over the last six or so months, due to the fatigue as much as the joint and muscle pain.  I just felt like I needed carbs all the time as I was lacking in energy.  Hopefully this will pass now and I will get back on track.

Has anyone out there got a flat tummy again after the menopause?  Mine has felt better in the last couple of days in part due to being able to stand up straight and I feel as if everything has started to travel north again rather than south.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 08:06:47 PM by 53goingon90 »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #322 on: January 16, 2012, 11:17:06 AM »

I'm a newbie to the site and posted on the newbie section last week.

I am 58 and have been suffering severe night time joint pains and hot sweats since 1997(ish) my last period was in 2004. I have a pre-existing knee condition in both knees that I've had since a child that is noticeably worse when all the other aches cut in. The pain in feet, knees,hips and hands is very challenging at night especially with the hot sweats. I've been on codeine since early 2000 and have had to stop diclofenac as I developed a stomach ulcer (oh joy!). I am waiting for knee replacement but believe that the menopause has made things a lot worse.

Like others I have great difficulty in moving in a morning until I have been in a hot shower. I lay awake at night hot and in pain carefully working through relaxation exercises!!!

I started Premique last week and don't want to tempt fate (it's amazing how superstitious I  can get) but the hot sweats appear to be easing and the aches a bit more ignoreable(if there is such a word). I have my fingers crossed - when they're not aching - that the HRT will help.......time will tell


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #323 on: February 08, 2012, 09:59:52 AM »

53goingon90 and Northernlass

Just a catch up - how are you both getting on? Hope things are still good for you both

Purplenanny x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #324 on: February 08, 2012, 10:44:04 PM »

Is it me????
     not sure if this is meno or what but after coming off the combined BCP 3 months ago and switched to progesterone only mini pill I have noticed that I am waking up in middle of night with awful pain in whichever hip I am lying on. If I turn over it eventually goes off then I wake up later with other side aching. This also happens if i cross my legs while sitting for longer than 20 mins or so....
I had my bone density done 2 months ago which the radiographer said was good. I  was just starting to notice the prob about that time and thought it was due to a fall i had on mud but its deffo getting more troublesome. Any ideas ?? I have been using black cohosh which has been keeping night sweats and mood swings tolerable but should I really think about HRT before i slide too far?
Thanks in advance xxx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #325 on: February 08, 2012, 11:49:16 PM »

I had similar problems, jax. I thought that it was a return of an old sciatica problem from years back but was confused by the pain that I felt in bed.  :-\ It was around the time of bad night sweats and sudden wakening from adrenaline rushes, so the combination put paid to any decent sleep.  :'( Getting a mattress topper helped but tbh, I think that it was HRT that helped me the most.
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #326 on: February 25, 2012, 10:55:01 AM »

My hips have been bad again recently  >:(. I'm another one who has to turn over in bed every hour or so, because the pain/ache gets too much and I need to adjust position. Lying on my back eases it the most, but I don't sleep well that way  ::).

My right knee is now playing up too - hurts as I go upstairs. I'm sure it's hormone related. I'm in the second half of my cycle, when everything gets worse, and my mood is 'down' at the moment. Plus, I've been getting those horrid 'adrenaline surges' while trying to get to sleep. Ugh.

The joint pain is the worst of it though. I hate it!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #327 on: February 27, 2012, 01:44:52 AM »

53goingon90 and Northernlass

Just a catch up - how are you both getting on? Hope things are still good for you both

Purplenanny x x

Hi Purplenanny,

Just a quick update.  It's almost two months now since starting HRT and I have just read my original post again. I was so glad I made a record at that time as I had all but forgotten just how bad it was with the joint aches and pains towards the end of last year.  I suppose like any pain, when it goes away it soon becomes nothing but a distant memory and we forget.

I have had no negative side effects, and my aches and pains have all but disappeared.  This is the first time in a couple of years that I have had no pain in my lower back and my hip is better too.  The aches and pains in my elbows and knees have also disappeared.  I am sleeping much better and deeper now, and have gone back to only waking up for the bathroom perhaps once at most during the night.  My skin is glowing and I even think my hair has a bit more bounce as well. It's still to early to say if I will regain any loss, although my GP did think HRT would make a difference.

For me HRT has been a huge success story and I feel I have been given my life back to some extent.  After all with the pension age going up all the time, I am sure it will be 70 for men and women within the next few years, 50+ is no age to fall apart as we are all expected to keep going for so much longer and hold down jobs. I am just so glad I found this thread and made the decision to try it.   



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #328 on: February 27, 2012, 08:09:14 AM »

That's great, 53goingon90.  :congrats: You'll have to change your name now!  ;D
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #329 on: February 27, 2012, 12:39:50 PM »

Thats great news, thanks for the update.

HRT did the same for me but sadly I have had to stop taking it due to very heavy bleeding. I cant seem to win either way. Pains are not too bad, I have only been off them for 2 weeks, but I miss the great feeling I had on HRT.

Its so nice when you feel good, but as Bette says - you need to change your name now! ;D

Purplenanny x x
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