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 on: Today at 01:07:48 PM 
Started by cutedame - Last post by Ayesha
The only part of your post I can reply to is the suggestion of using Vagifem. I would say definitely go ahead and start treatment as Vaginal Atrophy, or as it's now known, Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, is a progressive degenerative condition that only gets worse over time and treatment is for life.

Put vaginal atrophy in the search box, there are lots of threads here on the subject and are extremely educational.

 on: Today at 01:07:39 PM 
Started by Eggcustard - Last post by Nas
Many thanks buffy, I will give them a go! Nothing to lose ( other than lots of £££!) 🤞🤞

 on: Today at 01:07:14 PM 
Started by Nt78 - Last post by Nt78
Really sorry to keep bothering you, but did the feeling of heat last for several hours at a time, as mine are?

And thank you sooooooooo much for your replies and your support, I really appreciate.
I keep feeling it’s something else worse, as my presumed hot flushes are not typical.

 on: Today at 01:04:31 PM 
Started by Mummytron - Last post by Nt78
Hi Mummytron
How long did your hot flashes without sweating last?
I’m 46. Periods lighter and bit irregular.
Have warmth and ‘feeling hot’ lasting 2-3 hours at a time, till next episode- atleast 2-3 episodes per day/ night. Occasional walking at night feeling hot/ skin hot to touch, but no sweating.
Not sure if it’s a hot flash?
All my bloods and ct scan is normal. My temperature is always recorded to be normal during these episodes too.
I’m really not sure what’s happening, as my results and temperature are all normal, but the symptoms have persisted.
Can hot flashes be soooo prolonged, and that too without sweating?!
Am really confused and worried

 on: Today at 12:56:00 PM 
Started by Nt78 - Last post by Penguin
Yes, they went with hrt almost immediately. The only time they came back was in really hot weather in Turkey when my estrogel stopped working and my E must have dipped too low.
Saying that, a lot of progesterones given on hrt make you hotter but not in exactly the same way.
The pre hrt feeling was like someone was holding a blow torch to my skin, very unpleasant. Sounds like you need estrogen!

 on: Today at 12:55:42 PM 
Started by Nt78 - Last post by Nt78
@ Jaypo,
Did you have similar symptoms to mine then? As in prolonged episodes of feeling warm/hot?

 on: Today at 12:54:26 PM 
Started by Taz2 - Last post by discogirl
The Police - So lonely

 on: Today at 12:53:39 PM 
Started by Nt78 - Last post by Nt78
@ penguin
Thanks for the reply
I’m not on HRT yet.
The low estrogen you mentioned- was that pre-HRT you had these similar symptoms as mine?

 on: Today at 12:50:20 PM 
Started by JoannFran - Last post by JoannFran
Thank you both for replying  :)

CLKD - I think you might be on to something with the sudden intake of food.  I've also got a Hiatus Hernia so could be that also contributing x

AngelaH - I would like to think you're right about that as I have never had any issues before peri with eating anything (aside from the reflux) but never causing ectopic beats x

 on: Today at 12:47:37 PM 
Started by CrispyChick - Last post by CrispyChick
I know I've discussed this with folks before. But I'm really in need of some reassurance.

I have no low estrogen symptoms, but am hugely symptomatic all month with ear pressure, dizziness, motion sickness, vagueness and worst of all - I feel poisioned when my E is high. I've tested many a time! In my follicular I feel vile and ill. Ovulation bring immense brain fog, then the vile and hill comes back mid luteal before pms and extend dizziness as hormones drop off.

Are there people out there can relate????

I've now been seen by a meno gynae and I'm heading towards chemical meno. But she did make me feel like I'm unique in this position.

Surely other people dramatically feel the peri fluctuations????

Please talk to me. Xx

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