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Author Topic: Second attempt at vagifem -help  (Read 15797 times)


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2018, 03:32:40 PM »

I guess it's saying that we should all be on hrt? It's funny because my gp was saying that 45 is classed as early menopause and I started at 46. So if my periods had stopped at 45 would I have been advised to go on hrt for all the benefits it can bring? And how would they have known if I didn't go in with any symptoms and complaints? I'm sure it's the same for many women.
Based on what I have read so far (only 2 chapters) , it may do that.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #46 on: October 30, 2018, 07:52:31 AM »

Day 9 on the vagifem. Just when you think things are looking up then it gets worse again. The past two days have been ok. I've been taking it easy as I'm off work, so just being lazy, lying around, feet up, airing my bits etc. But during the night things have been worse again, the soreness is back.
I had a shower yesterday and washed my hair so don't know if that has set things off, but I did rinse my bits well just in case. Late afternoon and evening I felt things weren't quite as good so  I also used a bit of sylk on the outside just before bed and don't know if that's made it worse. Also had a bit of spicy chicken for dinner but surely that can't have irritated things so quickly.

It's so disheartening. I'm scared of doing anything or leaving the house at the moment in case I set things off which is probably not a good idea. I think OH is getting a bit exasperated with me as I'm such a useless lump currently, although to be fair he hasn't said anything.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #47 on: October 30, 2018, 08:16:12 AM »

I have ordered the Yes moisturiser Sparkle. Just waiting for it to arrive.

I am really just hoping this is the norm whilst starting up to have good days then not so good till things settle down and not a bad sign.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #48 on: October 30, 2018, 08:19:30 AM »

I'm afraid shampoo is definitely a trigger. You can't let that strong stuff anywhere near your intimate area. I once had my worst bout of burning after I had stupidly washed my hair in the shower - rinsing well afterwards wouldn't have helped.
Did you have plenty of water with your spicy chicken?
I'm afraid it is still early days for you and the Vagifem hasn't had enough time to really work it's magic. Some find it is a couple of months till things truly settle.
I doubt the SYLK made things worse.
Do get out for walks - don't sit down for too long and stay chilled. It sounds as though things are starting to improve but flare ups will happen.
DG x


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #49 on: October 30, 2018, 08:38:51 AM »

Thanks DG. Definitely no hair washing in the shower again then.  I haven't been sitting, mainly lying on the sofa to keep pressure off my bits. I did have water with the chicken but not loads.

It's hard to understand how atrophy can make the outside bits sore as well. How does using vagifem internally help the outside? All these varying symptoms have got me confused the way they move location.

Please bear with me folks. I'm probably annoying the life out of everyone with my relentless questions and reassurance seeking but I appreciate the support. Don't know how I'd cope otherwise.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 08:52:55 AM by Blot »


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2018, 09:18:02 AM »

Thanks DG. Definitely no hair washing in the shower again then.  I haven't been sitting, mainly lying on the sofa to keep pressure off my bits. I did have water with the chicken but not loads.

It's hard to understand how atrophy can make the outside bits sore as well. How does using vagifem internally help the outside? All these varying symptoms have got me confused the way they move location.

Please bear with me folks. I'm probably annoying the life out of everyone with my relentless questions and reassurance seeking but I appreciate the support. Don't know how I'd cope otherwise.
I haven't noticed any irritation from shampoo or shower gel. I am also not sure as to how well the Vagifem will work but I am going to continue for the time being to give it a chance. I can't help with the soreness I'm afraid.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2018, 09:25:04 AM »

Atrophy affects the whole area - vuvlva, vagina, urethra and bladder. I find the external soreness comes when my flora balance is off. I do think that Vagifem can effect the flora balance a bit ( it's thecfillers that are the problem not the oestrogen) , especially with the initial 2 week daily load.
I'm afraid I find that Multi Gyn restores the balance really quickly so as soon as I feel itchy or sore i use a small dollop and find this really helps.
However, in your case I do wonder if you may be being a bit too over zealous with washing your intimate area. Try using a bit more SYLk or YES ? A bit for coconut oil might help to moisturise and sooth?
DG x


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2018, 09:47:38 AM »

It wasn't until I started using Ovestin about 6 months ago that I was completely ok on the outside as well. Vagifem sorts the inside but like you said doesn't always reach the outer bits this is why we use Ovestin for the sore labia. The YES moiturisor will also help the outside. I suffer more with soreness outside because sitting all day at work, weekends and holidays I'm fine. Any soaps will cause problems, including detergents on your pants. I wash my cotton underwear in a 60° wash and then tumble dry, no detergent at all or I'm sore as hell and can feel the ****ly irritation start almost immediately if I don't do this. Until the YES arrives you could try Bepanthan at night, it soothes my soreness and if it's good enough for a baby's skin. As for diet, eating spicy food has never been a problem and I eat a varied diet and always have red wine with my meal.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2018, 09:59:11 AM »

I darent use multi gyn inside at the moment. Really don't want to upset things further as it does sting a lot. I'm really not over zealous with the washing though.  I'm avoiding the area if at all possible and just use plain water to clean after ive been to the toilet.

Hopefully after the 2 week loading once I go down to twice a week things might settle a bit more. The doctor at the GUM clinic told me to only do 10 days vagifem every day this time because I'd previously used it for 7days, then stopped for 5 days, so I shouldn't need to do the full 14 days. Not sure about that so I was just going to do the 14 days as normal.

I will have a look at the bepanthan Deidre and maybe ask my gp about Ovestin later on as well. I actually tried to buy some ovestin from Superdrug online and they wouldn't sell it to me because I had previously bought vagifem from them (long story had a bit of a mad spell) and they wouldn't let me use both at once even though I insisted that I would only use a tiny bit on the outside.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 10:15:47 AM by Blot »


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2018, 12:01:54 PM »

You would need a prescription for both Vagifem and the oestrogen cream. I found the team burned like hell but you may find it good.
I'm afraid you may just have to be patient. DG x


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2018, 12:39:02 PM »

I take Vagifem everyday anyway so it's like a constant reload, I wouldn't worry about doing the full 14 days again if you need it and you might need more than the 2 a week maintenance dose, I don't think many manage on that. I've been using vagifem for 4 years now and at first I hadn't a clue, you only find what works by trying stuff, and what suits one is painfully wrong for someone else. People on here rave about coconut oil, it was like smearing on acid for me! We're all different. Being on this forum gives you all the good information so hopefully it won't take you as long as it did me  to sort out what works and what to chuck in the bin. You will also start to learn the things that trigger a flare up and avoid like the plage. Stress and anxiety do it for me and that's a hard one to avoid as it's usually caused by something or someone else, but knowing the cause makes it less scary and you know it's only  a temporary blip.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2018, 01:48:06 PM »

Thanks DG. I do have to be patient but I'm not good with that  :(. I'm down in a hole and can't seem to get out of it.

Yes Deirdre my anxiety over this is making things a whole lot worse than they actually are. Loads of information on here and I do take comfort in it but you are right, everyone is different and you've got to try different things till you find something that works. I think I imagined that once I started on the vagifem it would be the answer to all my problems straight away.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2018, 02:46:46 PM »

It is the main answer but we need other aids as well and in the beginning time for it to build up. It's like any other illness really, you would take a pill but also maybe have to change your diet, lifestyle, rest more or exercise more, it's not usually just one thing that's makes it better. Also this is a right pain I know  but once it all works you will be fine, it's not an illness as such, its  oestrogen deficiency and as long as you keep replacing this it will be ok.


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #58 on: October 31, 2018, 08:28:01 AM »

Well here we go. Day 10 today and I'm determined to get through the 14 day loading. Another bad night with soreness but slightly better this morning after using the vagifem around 5 am but I can't relax as I think it won't last.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what's going on and where the pain and soreness is. Inside, outside, urethra, bladder? Soreness, itchiness? I just don't know. It jumps around and I feel like I'm a one off, that these variations are unique to me. 

I'm disheartened because I don't think my symptoms were as bad or noticeable before I started using the vagifem but I'm praying it's just the initial start up irritation and that once I'm on the 2/3 times weekly then things will settle down.

Who would have thought such a thing could cause so much distress but my mental state is a big factor in this.  Sorry I'm going on about the same things over and over again  :'(


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Re: Second attempt at vagifem -help
« Reply #59 on: October 31, 2018, 08:48:39 AM »

After your initial trial with Vagifem and you stopped using it, did all these symptoms stop?
I've forgotten where you are in the your menopause journey - do you still get periods?

Has your bladder urgency subsided at all or do you still feel you need to pee all the time? Have you tried logging how much you drink and then how long you can go between peeing? It is sensible to have a pee every 3-4 hours anyway so the urine doesn't become too strong or create too much pressure but equally the bladder can contract if you pee too often and being anxious makes us clench and contract that whole area.  I do feel your anxiety is really contributing big time to your problem. Are you taking an antihistamine at night to help you sleep? Antihistermines are also often prescribed to help calm the bladder with interstitial cystitis - so you might really benefit from this.
If you can do some relaxation techniques, get out for brisk walks, meet up with friends and distract yourself from this whole thing, then I think you'd find things would settle.
I know that if start thinking about the burning that often triggers a flare up, then it will often start to burn and itch - I know if I'm anxious and start to clench that area the burning and aoreness starts.

Go back to using the Vagifem before bed, take a Nytol or Sleepese as well and I bet this would help. DG x

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