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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 746220 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1665 on: July 09, 2019, 10:51:02 PM »

Hi ladybt28 - hope u are well. If you have a look on the forum.-.alternate day utrogestan you will see that its more than you may believe - so many women peri.doing license i know but like many other regimes its being used - and sucessfully for some. (Ive been re.reading all.the posts just this eve) It wasnt explained to me well.except to take it this way - i did query it again at the beginning but was told its fine and to keep going as early days. So ive just been doing that and being hopeful.....even acknowledging the bleeds with not too much annoyance or worry! Ha.  I just feel.a.little flat....have done for a.good few.daus now hence me.posting for some.opinions and sharing. alternate days utrogestan and see.the interesting posts. I must admit its.all overwhelming and im.not seeing the woods for the trees at the min and wondering ok...what now..etc.x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1666 on: July 10, 2019, 08:17:15 AM »

Hi ladies new to the group. I'm 47 and Peri menopause. I started estradot patches 50mg 10 days ago and 1 sachet of testogel a week also. Feel worse so far with continuous headaches and breast tenderness. Rang the doc yesterday and she advised to cut the patch in half and use the testogel over 10 days. I'm due to start  utogestan 200mg on day 14 to 28. I'm on day 13 of my cycle and have started bleeding quite heavily this morning. Any advise?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1667 on: July 10, 2019, 11:10:19 AM »

Hi JMargaret- (and Acejohnston- i've written a bit at the bottom for you!)
sorry you're feeling a bit crap. I've woken up feeling pretty anxious- kind of gasping as i woke up! and my mood and energy could def be better. So I've decided to up my oestrogel to 3 pumps.
prob not v scientific but i doubt very much that i have too much in my system as no obvious signs of oestrogen overload (at least i think not!)
In answer to the thorny issue of utrogestan.. I haven't taken it yet. I know i have to at some point but don't want to muddy the waters just yet.
I've had utro before (orally) and god, it was awful! i'll try it vaginally this time; is that what you're doing?
with regard to your's so difficult to know, isn't it?- when i was perimenopausal i tried prof studd's (then) regime of 4 pumps a day and 14 days of utro- it was horrendous- i stuck it for 3 months but i was climbing the walls!
but i went straight in to 4 pumps- maybe you're doing the better thing by gradually increasing.
and maybe the utro is fully responsible- i've seen on here ladies try provera instead.
to be honest i've been offered a hysterectomy (womb only) and i'll take up the offer if i find my mojo on oestradiol but can't find a suitable progestogen.
sorry- prob not much help! i hope you find something that lifts you x
Hello- sorry that you are not feeling great either. One thing that does stand out is that you've started oestrogen at the same time as testogel. i know that women on here are on regimes where the testosterone therapy is put on hold until the oestrogel/oestrodot has begun to have some sort of therapeutic effect. Could it be too much, too soon? the fact that you have breast tenderness sounds more oestrogenic than anything- but i have read several times on here that testosterone can convert to oestrogen if oestrogen levels insufficient; i'm unsure how scientific this explanation is- but it could def help explain what you're going through. Is a sachet a week quite a lot?! looks like you're cutting down anyway and lessening the patch, too. i don't mean to undermine your doctor as i'm sure there are women who start testosterone at the same time. but it sounds like you've gone from 0-60 very quickly! can i ask is this a gp or meno doc? either way it's great that they are giving you testosterone without quibbling- though i realise it may not feel like that now! have you had blood tests or has the doc just gone on your symptoms? as i said, i found higher doses of oestradiol in perimeno unbearable and wish i'd proceeded more cautiously. good luck x
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 11:18:02 AM by vintagefiend »


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1668 on: July 10, 2019, 11:59:05 AM »

Hi vintagefiend...thanks for replying! Yes i use the utro vaginally..doesnt bring about any bother. I actually felt i was getting somewhere as if think back i did feel a bit better.....calmer for want of a better word...less overwhelmed and moody.....i even embraced the 1st bleed knowing body was perhaps just adjusting. I do like the thought of utro balanced like this as not sure want the dips with cyclical? But now wonderkng shall i try cyclical.from.the 15th whixh is soon and for 12 days and see....but then been sort of ok on the alterbate far and coukd just need to up estrogel?! But what do i know! Ha. So yes only been id say the last week ive felt like i did before started hrt....even my bladder has been annoyingly weak!  Ive had all the same symptoms i get when due on i think...bladder weak breast tenderness..fatigue....and im. Now bleedjng again properly and the 4th time now since started hrt 8 weeks ago this friday..but i dont know if this is an actual.period or just hrt adjusting..spotting and breakthrough bleeds etc! Also some of the blood when i wee seems as If lining shedding .if that makes sense. Ijust feel in limbo and wondering whether to try upping my estrogel to an extra half pump tomorrow... so its then 2 and a half..and do i know i need to?! Sorry for ranting. Bit confused and at a loss. Hope you find your grounding.....and do need to stsrt your utro soon. Huuuh.
Oh....also...last night was utro night....norm.i sleep fine but took me a sleep.and i felt used to now and again when coming on a period. X
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 12:06:35 PM by Jmargaret »


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1669 on: July 10, 2019, 01:51:52 PM »

Hi vintage fiend, thank you for your comments. My doctor is a menopause doctor. I agree with you I think it's too much all at once and now I'm terrified to take the utogestan tomorrow night. I'm thinking 200mg might be too much for me. I have had numerous blood tests over the last few years and my progesterone has always been low and testosterone on the floor. The last blood tests were in November and showed the same and my estrogen was in range. My FSH then was 12.5 and a year before 35.  I had to complete a symptom checker also for the menopause doctor and had nearly all the symptoms. I'm going to call her tomorrow if the bleeding doesn't stop. I hope this is just a hiccup and everything will settle down.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1670 on: July 10, 2019, 02:29:30 PM »

Hi acejohnston i did mean to acknowledge your post too...then had to drive to school. Im having non stop bleeding at the min....or so it feels ! Im on 2pumps estrogel and 100.g alternate eve vaginal utro. Was ok .....felt it was helping a bit and was just hopeful but the last wrek not felt.great....bloody drained...tired..old ways creepng up. Pls see my other posts. One thing im.aware of though is we do need to give stuff time...hard i know....but please do. ...and stay a d hopeful can ...(says me who is full of query hahaha)

We are all here to support.x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1671 on: July 10, 2019, 04:30:30 PM »

Thanks JMargaret. I'll have a look at your other posts. You are right about giving stuff time. I'm too impatient and expect to feel better in a few days! Spoke to my pharmacist today and she said that taking any hormones when my own hormones are low will cause my whole system to be out of sync and the bleeding, headaches and breast tenderness can happen and should settle down. She's also going through menopause too and could relate. She told me to give it time. I'm terrified to take the utogestan tomorrow night now. Couldn't deal with any more side effects!  I have an eight year old son who is on summer holidays and wants my full attention!! I hope your bleeding stops soon. Big hugs to you xxx


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1672 on: July 10, 2019, 07:04:23 PM »

Hi acejohnston....ahh bless you..i know how you feel. Its horrible isnt it. In not naive but i did hope this was the missing link for me....hrt. tried so hard for too long to do it alone.......i mean i was never bad bad but  got to a point a few months ago where i felt really rubbish and it scared me. It was a big decision for me to go onto the im a little disheartened. I dobt know whether to try upping the estro in the morning to 2.5 pumps..from.2...but noones coming firward with any advise!
. I thought i was doing ok and it would settle and id feel geeat but the last few days like i said..i feel ive gone! And i have period type pains now too. The bleeds and sore breast etc wouldbt bother me as such if i felt good know fresher mood and less agitated. I feel horrible.

Take the utro. Try and forget youve taken it (huh) and just see how goes. Pls keep in touch. Jmarg.x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1673 on: July 10, 2019, 10:00:32 PM »

hang in there ladies!
i can't add much of any value at the moment as i did apply 3 pumps this morning and it was too much- so head full of cotton wool.
i did it in a panic as started to slip into a depression.
but tomorrow's another day x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1674 on: July 11, 2019, 12:33:26 PM »

Hi everyone, havent been on this website much recently, but looking for a bit of advice and reassurance.  Ive been on the oestrogel 200mg utrogestan regime for about 12 months and was doing really well.
Im 59 now and been period free for about 10 years.
Because i was feeling so good i have been reducing thr gel to half a pump every other day and utrogestan only for 6 nights as hefty dose for low oestrogen dose.
I asked gp for 100mg pessaries which are another type and i feel awful on them so stopped after 2 nights. 
My anxiety js flooding back, palpitations every day in the afternoon (odd), id forgotte  how low i got without this regime.
Also got tinnitus from time to tjme whjch is a pain in the whatnot!!
Ive gone back up to 1 good pump of gel a day but when shall i start the utrogestan as havent had bleed for months.
(I have 6 monthly scans a,l ok), do i just count today as maybe day 14 of utrogestan dose.  Im confused as to where i am in the cycle now, but going back on the 200mg utrogestan pessaries.
Is this why im beginning to slide into that pit?...  ? Do hormone requirements fluctuate well into post menopausal years?  Just feeling so isolated with it all, and im the only woman on tbis regime in my gps surgery apparently so gp pretty much relies on this website😊thanks everyone , lilyloos x 


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1675 on: July 11, 2019, 01:09:24 PM »

Hi Lilyloos. As you are post menopause then why don't you take 100mg of Utrogestan daily? That's the post menopause dosage x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1676 on: July 11, 2019, 01:15:53 PM »

Hi Dotty, yeah post menopausal, no period for 10 years but started early peri meno at 42 so been on hrt pretty much since about 45.  Im ringing gp tomorrow to ask for the utrogestan again, but in the 100mg caps whjch ill use as pessaries.  Will see if thjs helps,  im supposed to be going on holiday in 2 weeks and i just dont want to go, confidence is gone x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1677 on: July 11, 2019, 05:27:46 PM »

Yep symptoms can come back - even 10 years post meno.  Depends how you suffer, but your body is going through withdrawal, was quite happy and now it's not, cos its missing something.  I am 57 and suffered really badly with meno..there is no way I would even consider reducing or giving up my doses...they are going to have to prise open my cold dead hands to get it off me!!! but that's just me.

I would just pick up on the cycle where you left off but if you are going 100mg every night vaginally (the oral utro can be used vaginally by the way - there is no need for a different kind - they work the same, then you just start and keep going.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1678 on: July 11, 2019, 07:03:04 PM »

Ladybt28 thanks so much for your no nonsense reply .... this is what my rational head says, but I lose ALL rationale when I slide into that pit of damn meno hell.  I thought I had it sorted and could maybe start coming off it!!!! Will dig deep and claw my way back  ;D. 2014 was a year I lost completely due to this malarchy, I truly thought life was over, it was hell.  I'm not anywhere near that now but it's a slippery slope.
Yeah not coming off this any time soon, if ever.  Thank you  :) LL x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1679 on: July 14, 2019, 06:13:13 AM »

Hi all, so I've started oestrogel/dose, I'm not good with 'drugs' as a rule, so I've taken 4 days to get up to full dose (will be having 2 pumps this evening!).
I'm 52, last period over 2 years ago...the Dr has also prescribed utrogestan....she's prescribed it for every day....I'm worried I'll be intolerant, from memories of cyclogest yrs ago.....would it be better starting on it for 14 days a month first?
Also, as a rule, how long till oestrogel kicks in?.....I would like to see if it's helping for a couple of weeks, before starting the utrogestan, so if I have any effects, especially bad, I know which it's more likely to be.....hope that all makes sense 🤯
Thanks 🙂
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