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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 746190 times)

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1620 on: May 29, 2019, 06:38:21 PM »

Dear all. Hi. to this site and.. need some help.! Im nearly 48 and have been peri meno for several yrs. I have teied every bit of self help but the last few months reaches a place of overwhelment and enormous fatigue, no motivation.and a general.feeling of.could t see te lught at the end! Im.rather clued up and in tune with my body and swore if neber go.down the hrt route. Ive not been on any conteaception.for 20 odd my body was running 'naturally'.  For the past 18 months too..more physical symptoms...very tender coccyx bone, dark bruise like corners under eyes, tbinnkin hair - in a nutshell ive not sort of known myself. If this even makes sense? Lost my glow and mojo so to speak. My periods still.exist but had waned and become irregular. My ladt one was 5 weeks ago.
Anyway.....long tale short i.came acroas hrt.....and part of my intuition told me that this could well be the miasing piece of the puzzle - im.lacking in essential hornones!  I did weeks of research...ummed and ahhed..worried and woed. I visited my gp armed with info (dr louisa newsons website) and she is very suppportive ..and prescribed me.elleste duo which I refused and requested estrogel and ustrogesten. She said she would research as werent available on nhs....she then realised they.are and she prescribed me them. I am now on day 6 of 2 pumps.of gel....and 3 days into ustrogesten - i chose to take the Ustro vaginally and on alternate breaks....and at the advice of dr newson. not felt any changes ..but aware early days......but this morn had little period pain like cramps in tum..and bleeding ! Can anyone  me about this? Dr Louisa said alternate days and to check in after 4.weeks...see how om doing. Is it normal to bleed??  I inserted the tab last one will be tomorow and so forth. Any adcise and general reassurance would be lovely. Part of me is already regretting my decision and wondering if i have made the right one !!!

JM x

Hi Julie, I tried every other day with the Utro to but got breakthrough bleeding. So for me the Utro  amount was probably to little for the 3 pumps of Estrogel. I can't drop the amount of Estrogel because my hot flushes return. We're all different you may be ok on every other day. :)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 06:49:59 PM by Tracey E »


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1621 on: May 30, 2019, 06:43:31 AM »

Dear all. Hi. to this site and.. need some help.! Im nearly 48 and have been peri meno for several yrs. I have teied every bit of self help but the last few months reaches a place of overwhelment and enormous fatigue, no motivation.and a general.feeling of.could t see te lught at the end! Im.rather clued up and in tune with my body and swore if neber go.down the hrt route. Ive not been on any conteaception.for 20 odd my body was running 'naturally'.  For the past 18 months too..more physical symptoms...very tender coccyx bone, dark bruise like corners under eyes, tbinnkin hair - in a nutshell ive not sort of known myself. If this even makes sense? Lost my glow and mojo so to speak. My periods still.exist but had waned and become irregular. My ladt one was 5 weeks ago.
Anyway.....long tale short i.came acroas hrt.....and part of my intuition told me that this could well be the miasing piece of the puzzle - im.lacking in essential hornones!  I did weeks of research...ummed and ahhed..worried and woed. I visited my gp armed with info (dr louisa newsons website) and she is very suppportive ..and prescribed me.elleste duo which I refused and requested estrogel and ustrogesten. She said she would research as werent available on nhs....she then realised they.are and she prescribed me them. I am now on day 6 of 2 pumps.of gel....and 3 days into ustrogesten - i chose to take the Ustro vaginally and on alternate breaks....and at the advice of dr newson. not felt any changes ..but aware early days......but this morn had little period pain like cramps in tum..and bleeding ! Can anyone  me about this? Dr Louisa said alternate days and to check in after 4.weeks...see how om doing. Is it normal to bleed??  I inserted the tab last one will be tomorow and so forth. Any adcise and general reassurance would be lovely. Part of me is already regretting my decision and wondering if i have made the right one !!!

JM x

Hi juliemargaret - I am a bit puzzled by your prescription? I don't think Louise Newson would suggest every other day Utro in your position? From what you say you are very much peri-menopausal if your last period was 5 weeks ago and they are still occurring albeit irregularly. The usual regime would be to take the progesterone cyclically to try to coincide with your natural bleed.

It is almost guaranteed that you will bleed if still peri-menopausal and taking a low dose of progesterone continuously. If you are still ovulating then the added progesterone may be enough to protect your womb but also as your periods diminish you may find you get irregular bleeding either due to the build up from taking hRT or your own cycle. I would take the utrogestan cyclically - the recommended dose is 12 days x 200 mg for women in peri-menopause, and this should give oyu a predictable bleed.

Do consult your doc if you have other persistent worrying symptoms that may not be due to peri-menpoause.

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1622 on: May 30, 2019, 09:44:03 PM »

Dear all. Hi. to this site and.. need some help.! Im nearly 48 and have been peri meno for several yrs. I have teied every bit of self help but the last few months reaches a place of overwhelment and enormous fatigue, no motivation.and a general.feeling of.could t see te lught at the end! Im.rather clued up and in tune with my body and swore if neber go.down the hrt route. Ive not been on any conteaception.for 20 odd my body was running 'naturally'.  For the past 18 months too..more physical symptoms...very tender coccyx bone, dark bruise like corners under eyes, tbinnkin hair - in a nutshell ive not sort of known myself. If this even makes sense? Lost my glow and mojo so to speak. My periods still.exist but had waned and become irregular. My ladt one was 5 weeks ago.
Anyway.....long tale short i.came acroas hrt.....and part of my intuition told me that this could well be the miasing piece of the puzzle - im.lacking in essential hornones!  I did weeks of research...ummed and ahhed..worried and woed. I visited my gp armed with info (dr louisa newsons website) and she is very suppportive ..and prescribed me.elleste duo which I refused and requested estrogel and ustrogesten. She said she would research as werent available on nhs....she then realised they.are and she prescribed me them. I am now on day 6 of 2 pumps.of gel....and 3 days into ustrogesten - i chose to take the Ustro vaginally and on alternate breaks....and at the advice of dr newson. not felt any changes ..but aware early days......but this morn had little period pain like cramps in tum..and bleeding ! Can anyone  me about this? Dr Louisa said alternate days and to check in after 4.weeks...see how om doing. Is it normal to bleed??  I inserted the tab last one will be tomorow and so forth. Any adcise and general reassurance would be lovely. Part of me is already regretting my decision and wondering if i have made the right one !!!

JM x

Hi juliemargaret - I am a bit puzzled by your prescription? I don't think Louise Newson would suggest every other day Utro in your position? From what you say you are very much peri-menopausal if your last period was 5 weeks ago and they are still occurring albeit irregularly. The usual regime would be to take the progesterone cyclically to try to coincide with your natural bleed.

It is almost guaranteed that you will bleed if still peri-menopausal and taking a low dose of progesterone continuously. If you are still ovulating then the added progesterone may be enough to protect your womb but also as your periods diminish you may find you get irregular bleeding either due to the build up from taking hRT or your own cycle. I would take the utrogestan cyclically - the recommended dose is 12 days x 200 mg for women in peri-menopause, and this should give oyu a predictable bleed.

Do consult your doc if you have other persistent worrying symptoms that may not be due to peri-menpoause.

Hope this helps :)

Hurdity x

Interestingly I went to The Newson clinic in April and was advised to take the Utrogestan every other day (but without a break)too. I'm menopausal but with an intact womb. I wonder if this is their general recommendation.

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1623 on: May 30, 2019, 10:24:44 PM »

Dee, how are you coping with the Utrogestan every other day? And what type of estrogen are you using?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1624 on: May 31, 2019, 07:30:06 AM »

I might try every other day if any one can tell me how they are getting on.

I am rally not coping with Utrogestan every day, even vaginally.  I seem to get worse and worse tiredness and brain fog - yesterday I had to go to bed and slept for an hour at 5.30 pm!  I never sleep in the day

So options are to try cyclical or every other day.

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1625 on: May 31, 2019, 08:19:13 AM »

I might try every other day if any one can tell me how they are getting on.

I am really not coping with Utrogestan every day, even vaginally.  I seem to get worse and worse tiredness and brain fog - yesterday I had to go to bed and slept for an hour at 5.30 pm!  I never sleep in the day

So options are to try cyclical or every other day.

I'm exactly the same, can't seem to get my Estrogel amount correct either as too much seems to cause palpitations. Utrogestan causes tiredness and achey legs, water retention and bloatedness. I'm considering going back to my Evorel conti patches now because at least with these I only got occasional palps. All other symptoms seemed ok.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1626 on: May 31, 2019, 07:07:28 PM »

Tracey E

I thought palpitations were down to not enough estrogen? 


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1627 on: June 02, 2019, 11:47:01 AM »

Hi Maggie

I have just come across your post some time ago but I wonder if you are still on this forum or if anyone else can help

I had a total hysterectomy and removal of ovaries at 35 didn't have hrt for 4 years as never had symptoms or hair loss. 6 months ago I started Estrogel after trying elleste solo estrogen patch which didn't suit so stopped started Vagifem week later but then 6/7 weeks later she'd half my hair I then was put on Estrogel 2 pumps tried to increase to 3 but breast pain aniexty insommnia gets worse. I'm. It sure what caused my hair loss the estrogen itself as I don't take progesterone or stopping it , but I seem to be shedding still a lot of hair when I brush my hair very lightly I loose between 5-15 hairs when I brush before showering washing hair blow drying and then a light brush mainly the ends I can then loose between 55-100 hairs if I was to brush fully I reckon this would double and then throughout the day I would find hairs on the floor or hanging out my hair which if I pulled would come out. Would you say the Estrogel is causing hair loss as it feels thinner on the scalp since starting this and although the texture is improved this may be the vitamins or estrogen but still feels thinner. I am now only 40 and my menopause specialist has said I could try progesterone as it won't cause any harm even though I don't need it but am scared Incase this makes hair loss worse. Having my ovaries removed has caused many problems it's effect my bowel and bladder and I only started hrt because of dampness I was getting otherwise still had minimal symptoms I just got on with it. Now I'm at cross roads because Estrogel on it's on is not enough I feel terrible my mood erratic ranging depression aniexty fatigue insomnia headaches body aches I had none of this before starting it but I'm scared to stop it as only 40 and have osteopenia diagnosed but it does say hair loss is side effect of Estrogel ? My hair actually going through menopause was thicker corser grew really quick. I can't have testosterone I till my estrogen levels are higher whereby they were 195 in March and testosterone was 0.8 any advice welcome


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1628 on: June 02, 2019, 10:31:04 PM »

Hi all thanks.for your kind words and support.

Hurdity - Dr Louisa did tell me this regime. I also double checked  after i became worried as saw a lot of posts on here re pero and cyclical. ..when i messaged her and asked if she realised i was still peri but been told to take alternate..and not cyclical and if this was correct and as she instructed me to....  and she replied/confirmed yes! And to keep goig and not to worry..(and said the bleed can happen too etc) ..? Im.still a little confused though...but thought id give it the 4 weeks and see how i go then let her know as she said.

If.....if i wanted to go would i do it..or change it from.alternate days? Would i just stop or just take 200mg vag.for 12 days or? Just curious.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1629 on: June 03, 2019, 07:46:29 AM »

Hi ladies, I'd appreciate your thoughts:

For 2.5 years I've been happily on 2 (sometimes 2.5) pumps estrogel daily + 100mg Utrogestan for 7 days at the start of the month (via Dr Studd). In January we doubled my Utrogestan dose to 200mg for 10 days as I was having breakthrough periods. All was well for a while, no breakthrough, and I thought it was sorted. But this month - another breakthrough. I had symptoms of high estrogen this month: my boobs were sore and I was a bit emotional. I'm 52. Could it be I'm still peri and having estrogen surges which sometimes override the  regime? It's a bit confusing and I don't like to keep bothering my doctor  :-\ Thanks!


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1630 on: June 03, 2019, 03:40:34 PM »

Hi everyone

I am 56 years old and 3.5 years post menopause.

I started using Estradiol and Utrogestan 100mg (taken every night).

I did expect some bleeding but I am now into my 6th month of HRT and I am having my 5th bleed, this one lasting almost 2 weeks already. Is this normal?

I have been out of the country for 3 months but have an appointment with my GP next week. I have considered stopping HRT but without the chance to get online or see a doc I have just been plodding on with it.

 At the moment I'm not sure if the pros outweigh the cons.  ???

Any advice much appreciated.  :)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1631 on: June 04, 2019, 08:43:33 AM »

Hi ladies who is using Utrogestan cyclically and getting a bleed and is in late 60s possibly early 70s I did post on another thread hoping that Hurdity would respond, but she may have missed it. Wondering if its ok to be getting a bleed that late in life or if one is supposed to go conti, I cannot think of being able to take Progesterone daily, would rather have a small bleed long as its not detrimental.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1632 on: June 04, 2019, 11:44:14 AM »

If a cycle suits you Cassie and you don't mind the bleed, I don't think it matters how old you are.

Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1633 on: June 05, 2019, 07:24:43 AM »

Hello All

Chipping in with my experience - a good one.

I was put on Oestrogen + Utrogestan in 2012 by a Swiss gynaecologist: one pump and a bit per day of gel and twice a week of Utro vaginally. I am intolerant of progesterone; blow up like a balloon and get breast pain. But spreading out the Utro the way I'm doing is working wonderfully well - no more insomnia, no more vaginal atrophy, no brain fog. I feel I'm getting the benefits of the oestrogen without the progesterone downside.

I take the utro on Monday and Thursday nights after climbing into bed, having applied the gel on alternating thighs during my last trip to the loo before bedtime.

I get regular lining scans and they always range from 2.5mm to 3mm. And this Swiss way, which the doctor said is a normal regime throughout France, Switzerland and Italy, produces no bleed - it keeps the lining thin on its own. 

Hope this helps!

I have bumped Smarlo' thread. :)

I've started this regime a week ago and already I feel so much better. :)

Previously I was upto 3 pumps of Estrogel and Utrogestan daily. Unfortunately this was regime was causing leg pain, bloating, irregular bleeding and tender breasts. I upped my Estrogel because my hot flushes had returned and also because my VA was not improving. :(

I have to say I feel so much better now! :) My libido has returned and VA much improved, no hot sweats and bloating/leg pain almost gone and bleeding has stopped. I'm only on 1 and a bit pump of Estrogel per day too.

I will be going for a scan in a couple of months just to make sure all is well womb wise. I do think this proves however the need to get the balance of Estrogen and progesterone right. Keep upping the Estrogen dose may not be the answer to all our woes. Hope this helps! X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1634 on: June 05, 2019, 07:50:50 AM »

Hi Tracey! This is great news. I have been searching for posts like this. Im new to hrt..12 days on gel today and alternate days 100mg Utro.vaginally . Although im.48 and still peti meno my menopause specialist recommended this regime...alternate days. 6 days in last week i had a bleed for 3 days...headache..but the it stopped and no bleed since.  Ive been okay-ish....been waking with slight headache most daus....and feeling awfully i just want to go back to bed!!  Please can we chat? Did you experience owt similar when you first began hrt? How long did it take until tou felt do now?.i like the thought of 2 days utro but im.on 2 pumps of gel so maybe thats why she said alternaye days (i also checked with her if alternate days is ok given im still peri and she said yes! And to carry on and to not worry!) Im.just waiting for that...miracle i guess hahaha where i feel energised and alive and have some libido back and feel clear headed etc!! I just want to go back to bed haha. Yesterday my headache was awful....i took some iboprufen in the car on way to gym...then sat outside in car.and waited for take effect..but fell.asleep.for a.few mins.whilst waiting (but then went in and done my weights!!) Pls do share if you felt like me at first or?

Jules xx
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