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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 743174 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1125 on: October 31, 2017, 08:11:58 PM »

Well I have thrown in the towel already and never got to the utrogestan stage. I lasted just over a week on the oestrogel but could feel my mood slipping each day and with already having recurrent anxiety and depression I didn't want to rock the boat. So I've stuck my femseven back on and secured it with transpore tape

Hi Nasil41

Sorry to hear the oestrogel didn't seem to suit you. Maybe it's because you are at the peri-menopausal stage still and your own hormonal cycle is coming into play, or perhaps the dose was too high (I don't know what this feels like though...)? I hope you feel better back on the Femseven - do you feel this one suited you better? The only thing to be careful of with using tape, is to make sure the patch underneath the tape is still stuck well - sometimes it might be difficult to make sure of this if you see what I mean?

Anyway good luck and keep us posted :)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1126 on: November 11, 2017, 03:55:26 PM »

Just bumping this as I hope to be joining next week after doctors appointment x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1127 on: November 14, 2017, 12:28:55 PM »

Have been prescribed 2 pumps oestrogel and 200mg utrogestan days 15-26 by my doctor today.
I haven't been on anything since my last femseven became unstuck last week. I would of been due to start my phase 2 patch on Friday so should I start my utrogestan then or count 15 day from now?  X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1128 on: November 14, 2017, 12:37:48 PM »

Hi Hope Alone. I find it hard enough to remember my own name since the menopause, let alone which dates to take the utrogestan so I keep things easy-peasy and take it from the 1st to 12th every month irrespective of how many days in a month. All yours trying to do is ensure a good shedding of the endometrium and so a couple of days here or there makes no difference. So if I were in your shoes I'd wait til 1st December and then start. See what others say ...


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1129 on: November 14, 2017, 01:04:23 PM »

Hi Rachel
That sounds good to me it would give me more time to get established on the oestrogel. I didn't think to ask doctor about it.
How are you finding it ? Are you on oestrogel too ? X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1130 on: November 14, 2017, 01:24:21 PM »

I am prescribed two or three pumps a day of oestrogel plus 100mg daily utrogestan. However, I'm rough with the progesterone part of HRT and so have gone back to 200mg utrogestan days 1-12 but might request even less as my joint pains, tinnitus and low mood get so bad within days of starting it.
Everyone is so different though - my best friend loves progesterone and feels terrible with oestrogen!
All you can do is get started and see how it is for you. Good luck.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1131 on: November 15, 2017, 08:33:05 AM »

Have been prescribed 2 pumps oestrogel and 200mg utrogestan days 15-26 by my doctor today.
I haven't been on anything since my last femseven became unstuck last week. I would of been due to start my phase 2 patch on Friday so should I start my utrogestan then or count 15 day from now?  X

Personally I would start from then, on the progestogen phase as planned - well actually a couple of days later as utrogestan is only taken for 12 days.

In terms of when to take it generally - I would say that it depends on where you are in menopause and how sensitive you are to progesterone. If you are very early peri and having fairly regular periods, it makes sense to tie the progesterone in with your own cycle - so if that's 28 days then take it accordingly. However of course, cycles become sporadic during peri-menopause so the further you are towards menopause then the less you will be able to tie in with your own cycle - and in this case the 1st of the month regime is just as good.

Also if you are progesterone intolerant to some degree or if it has a sedative effect then better also to try to tie it in with your own cycle otherwise you could end up taking it immediately following your own progesterone production and end up feeling rough for longer.

If you are post-menopausal also then 1st of the month is also fine - it doesn't matter when you take it. As my cycle is longer than a month - so for me in practice I adjust when I take it to fit in with what I'm doing in my life - to avoid times when I'm going away, Christmas etc!

In terms of protecting the endometrium then as you say as long as it protects the endometrium then that's great and yes I agree rachel FD you need to work out how you tolerate it too HopeAlone - as rachel FD says some women love it  ::)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1132 on: November 15, 2017, 06:56:17 PM »

Thanks Hurdity
I think I'm still early peri as I had only missed 1 period when blood test confirmed it. I have been having other symptoms however over the past few years but didn't realise it could be connected. Mainly anxiety, depression, sweating and aching joints to name but a few and was put on ADs by doctor which helped a bit. I'm hoping as I had no problems with pms or pnd and used contraception with no issues that I get on with the utrogestan.
Have now had 2 doses of oestrogel and I feel so very tired, still anxious but feel like I could sleep on a washing line. Don't know if it's connected or not x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1133 on: November 15, 2017, 07:21:31 PM »

The estrogel should not make you feel tired - more the opposite!  It is the uplifting hormone! HRT is a long term thing and in early peri your own cycle will still be strong - but adding the oestrogen should help with the worst of the mood dips which might occur at the end of the cycle. Hopefully you will do OK on the utro - but from what you say I would try to tie it in with your cycle if you can so that your bleeding will hopefully come all at once at the end of the utro and when your own progesterone falls too.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1134 on: November 15, 2017, 07:45:05 PM »

Hi Hurdity
I've downloaded a period tracker on my phone and input the dates of my last proper period before starting hrt so I will use that as the guide. Going by that day 15 in my old cycle will be the 27th of this month.
Maybe as I've been so tense the last couple of years the gel is relaxing me and could be a good sign. I'm grasping at straws here lol x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1135 on: November 20, 2017, 07:24:16 PM »

I took my first dose of utrogestan last night and if it's supposed to act as a sedative it had the opposite effect on me.
I hardly slept tossed and turned all night !
Do you think I need more oestrogel? I initially started on 1 pump for first 2 days then increased to 2 on Thursday so I know it's very very early days I just don't know what my body needs


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1136 on: November 20, 2017, 07:43:39 PM »

Hi HopeAlone

As you say yourself, it is really early days. It takes a while for the hormones to build up to the right level and for you to feel balanced so I'd be inclined to stick with the doses you've been prescribed for a couple of months before tinkering. I have always gone back to my specialist menopause nurse whenever I've wanted to change the doses so that I know I'm being properly advised and monitored.

The progesterone does seem to build up and I suspect you'll start to feel that before long. Increasing the oestrogel might just make you feel more edgy and alert.
If you feel that the doses are not right for you, go back to your specialist and tell them.
Kept us posted.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1137 on: November 20, 2017, 07:56:36 PM »

Thanks Rachel, I think I just go into panic mode. So you think as the days go on the utro will build up and help me sleep ? Makes sense now I think about it. I was just expecting to be really tired after my first one. I need to be more patient and won't alter any dose until I next see doctor. Thank you x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1138 on: November 20, 2017, 10:05:12 PM »

Hello ladies,

i am on sandrena 0.5mg gel and utrogestan 100mg for 12 days 15 to 26  taken v route ,  my doctor knows nothing about  hrt and just prescribed what i asked for  although  she said utrogestan should be 200 mg and taken orally but having read the many posts re  utrogestan and all the side effects it seems to have i was of the thinking  if i take v route i can lower the dose and avoid these  also as only peri menopausal i thought i would start off on a low dose .

  I am on my second month  of this regime and i know early days but the bloating aspect of it is really getting me down , the first month it was mainly the later half when i was taking the utrogestan but  this month ( i am on day 12 )so not started the utrogestan yet  and i have had bloating or wind in some capacity every day.  Some days it is so severe i can hardly eat it feels like no room  or if i do eat usually at  main meal in the evening  i am in pain with trapped wind after  . some days i start off ok and get the bloating in the evening  i am living on windeze  tablets . I thought taking hrt transdermally it would not effect my digestion ?

Please could you advise
will this settle down and is it  just my digestion getting used to new hormones   
Does both estrogen and progesterone cause bloating and wind
Does all HRT cause bloating could another regime be better
Could it be the ratio is wrong as i am only guessing  dosage by reading this forum   ( also i must have some hormones of my own as was still having regular bleeding before hrt )

I would be so grateful if anyone else has had this early days  or any advice  you can give me i really dont want to give up,

I really want this HRT regime to work as i know it is the most natural combination but if i  look 6 months pregnant most days i dont know if it is worth it .



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1139 on: November 20, 2017, 11:01:01 PM »

As a midwife who worked for some years in a fertility clinic I can tell you that progesterone can cause a LOT of bloating and wind. Certainly does with me.
I can only speak for myself but my specialist menopause nurse has been totally fantastic. She is currently supporting me to go right “off piste” in order to get the balance right for me. Not following the normal NHS regime at all and promising me close follow up and scans to keep me safe whilst I experiment. So I'd really suggest you get yourself a proper menopause specialist you trust and work with them so you can adjust your dose to best suit you and the stage you're at. Good luck.
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