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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 743679 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1110 on: October 11, 2017, 07:36:44 AM »

Thanks so much Hurdity. To clarify - I'm
seen by a menopause nurse specialist at our local menopause clinic and she has been brilliant with me. She really supports me to experiment but, as you say, she is bound to a degree by NHS and NICe guidelines. I do use the Utrogestan vaginally but it doesn't help that much as it still gets in systemically. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which makes all the connective tissue in my body fat too soft and so I get joint, voice and hearing problems at the best of times but the softening effects of progesterone really crank it up (preganancy was horrid!) increasing oestrogen doesn't, it seems, reduce the effects of the progesterone. The specialist nurse says that, if I use utrogestan less than continuously, I must take 200mg but that is just too much for me and accumulates.

I guess I'm puzzled as to why utrogestan seems to upset many women more than other forms of progesterone and whether I can ask my NHS specialist to prescribe 100mg for a shorter time. Did you get into your regime which suits you via the NHS or did you have to put your hand in your pocket? Is it worth asking my NHS specialist about a 7 day 100mg regime?

My current bugbear is that I'm now not only taking HRT but also ranitidine for heartburn, regular painkillers for my joints, menthol sweets for my hoarse voice and senna for constipation. The painkillers and progesterone are making my tinnitus so bad that I'm being fitted with hearing aid- sound enrichment devices later this week!

I know myself well enough to know that my joints love oestrogen and it also stabilises my small ear bones too which eases my tinnitus.

Thanks so much again. Much appreciated.

As I mentioned in my first reply to you - Utrogestan has greater effects than other progestogens because it is present in the body at higher doses and has to be because it is unstable. Other synthetic progestogens are taken in minute quantities by comparison - but sadly the most useful one in terms of progesterone intolerance is no longer available separately ( dydrogesterone) and I hope the increasing use of separate oestrogen and progesterone as part of HRT will change this, as it is still available in other countries.

In answer to your next question YES I HAVE MY REGIME ON NHS!!! I feel it is very important to emphasise this because it is not just a question of rigid NHS licensed doses vs private individualisation. Yes I did read that your nurse was a menopause specialist but I still think you might benefit from seeing a doctor who is in a better position to prescribe off-licence.  You could also maybe ask for a compromise on 10 days - which is the next level down from 12  as 7 days has been shown to be associated with greater risk of endometrial hyperplasia. It seems unnecessary to pay for a private consultation for the sake of a few days!  As I said in my other post - you could also try gradually lengthening the cycle with your nurse's (or doctor's consent - she might be more amenable to this than the 7 day regime?

You might also like to see Dr Currie's comment on the Studd regime on this thread as this topic comes up frequently and as Dancinggirl says (and I am always saying too) it is so important that women do not experiment without medical supervision:

Just to confirm, while Professor Studd is very experienced and extremely knowledgeable, his regimens are not always in line with current recommendations, particularly around use of progesterone.
As always with providing menopause advice, this should be individualised and flexibility should be applied, as long as there is a clear understanding of national and international recommendations. Some women are intolerant of progestogen and progesterone and so it is appropriate to adjust the regimens, as long as it has been fully explained and discussed.
Best wishes

The other thing is that you said you were fine with other forms of progestogen in the past so this does indicate that you may not be progesterone intolerant - but just don't get on with the sedative and other effects of very high doses - just like many of us in pregnancy!

I know it is the ideal regime in terms of how natural it is but have you thought of something like Femoston - a tablet HRT ( by the way Duavive - also tablet HRT - has oestrogen made from horse urine so important to be aware of that)? However if you get heartburn then maybe tablet oestrogen is not the way to go.

Not sure if Mirena has been mentioned? This might also be a good solution if you tolerated other HRT types when younger? You could then have as much oestrogen as you like and need!

It's great to have this discussion on the open forum because reading about other women's experiences and problems is so helpful to others going through the same dilemmas.

All the best and do ask more questions if you need to - and let us know what you decide.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1111 on: October 12, 2017, 12:11:41 AM »

Thank for the clarification Hurdity. I did take Femostan but the effects wore off. I've always felt sick on HRT and my joints have been rubbish but I felt the ups outweighed the downs. Utrogestan has just gone over and above what seems reasonable with shocking tinnitus, dry eyes and this ongoing voice issue. I'll chat to my menopause nurse about a lighter regime (I know 200mg for 12 days is WAY too much for me).
I opted out of the coil as once it's in it's in and is a bit more of a fag to get out of it doesn't agree with you.
My GP is useless with menopause which is why I asked to be referred to the menopause clinic so I'd have to research where to find a good NHS doctor to get me onto s good regime.
I'm happy to keep searching to find a regime that suits me as I intend to live for a long while yet!!
Thanks again for your super help.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1112 on: October 19, 2017, 05:54:38 PM »

I have been reading this post with interest as I've just been prescribed this combi. Still have quite a few pages to get through yet tho.
Tonight I shall have my first 2 pumps of oestrogel... wish me luck ladies


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1113 on: October 26, 2017, 10:51:17 AM »

Hi all

I took utrogestan vaginally last night for the first time. Kind of messy - felt it glooped out a bit - but could probably sort that. But had weird dreams and was very hot. I get mild sweats but I felt hot all over.

Is this a common reaction? Will it pass? I was thinking of taking it orally tonight to see how it goes...

I'm on a week's trial to see how it is...I still have the mirena in. If the utrogestan helps, I'll whip the coil out.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1114 on: October 26, 2017, 04:04:56 PM »

Hi everyone,
Reposting this message as I created a separate thread when I didn't need to - DOH!  Peri gave me some great advice, would welcome others' views too xx

Hi everyone,
It's been about a year since I posted on here.  Long journey of trying to get HRT dose right.  46 years old, peri/early meno. Started off on Prof Studd's regime - 3x pumps Estro gel daily, Utro 100mg for 7 days and a daily blob of Testin.  After some adverse symptoms and methodical dosage tweaking got to a reasonably good place by reducing Estro to 2 pumps per day but no bleed each month.  Found out that Utro dosage was way lower than recommended dosage and so asked GP to refer me to Nick Panay's clinic having read about him on this forum.  While waiting for apptmnt I increased Utro to 100mg 12 days per month (having discussed with GP) about six months ago and have had three bleeds, but not every month.  Manageable PMS type symptoms returned with this.  Meanwhile alongside all of this not sleeping well and not feeling great - but put this down to the stress of launching a new career and business this year.  But a few weeks ago I noticed that the sleepness nights were accompanied by night sweats and mild hot flushes during the day.  Then the penny dropped - oh no the symptoms are returning  :'(  Now I advanced into the previous state of hellish sleeplessness and emotional wreakage that I had before HRT.  Intially thought maybe I need to increase Estro gel , but having read some older threads on here am wondering if the problem is the increased Utro?  Can it build up over time or would you only get the hot flushes and sleeplessness on the days you are taking the Utro?  Meanwhile have been seen at Panay's NHS clinic and they want me to increase Utro to the full monty 200mg for 12 days but worried about doing this now.  Wish I had realised what was happening with my symptoms before I went to the clinic! Arghh - any advise gratefully received


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1115 on: October 26, 2017, 07:41:37 PM »

Hi becca - I replied on your other thread. Fine to start a new thread and as you see you got a few replies - sometimes it's better to do that (new thread) especially if catchy title will grab attention of those with similar problems :)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1116 on: October 26, 2017, 10:02:36 PM »

OK thanks Hurdity - don't use many forums so not always sure on the etiquette x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1117 on: October 26, 2017, 10:19:50 PM »

Hi Becca
I'm another progesterone intolerant woman! I tried 200mg utrogestan for 12days plus 2mg Sandrena for over a year and came off HRT completely in the end because the side effects were just too much and I found they built up to the point I wasn't getting a break during my oestrogen only weeks. In fact my eyes became so dry (amongst many other symptoms) that my ophthalmologist was talking about an operation to “plug the tear ducts”! My eyes returned to normal within two months of being off HRT. Shocking menopause symptoms took me back to the specialist menopause clinic and another trial of utrogestan and estrogel. This time two pumps of estrogel and 100mg utrogestan (I always use it vaginally) every day all month. Within three days I couldn't tolerate my contact lenses and within a week I'd had a total voice loss (another side effect I'd had before). So I'm currently having a fortnight off the utrogestan and continuing with estrogel (1 pump morning and 1 pump evening). I had a very heavy bleed, am feeling much better and now have to decide whether to spend the ££s to see Prof S and try his regime or plead with my NHS menopause specialist nurse to prescribe me a low dose of progesterone and pay for regular uterine scans. It's very tricky if you're bad with progesterone cos it really can seem to build up fast and wear off slowly. Be sure to let us know if you find a regime that works for you.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1118 on: October 27, 2017, 08:44:20 AM »

I'm curious - do very few women take 100mg utrogestan daily without a break? 


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1119 on: October 27, 2017, 07:33:56 PM »

Hi Becca
I'm another progesterone intolerant woman! I tried 200mg utrogestan for 12days plus 2mg Sandrena for over a year and came off HRT completely in the end because the side effects were just too much and I found they built up to the point I wasn't getting a break during my oestrogen only weeks. In fact my eyes became so dry (amongst many other symptoms) that my ophthalmologist was talking about an operation to “plug the tear ducts”! My eyes returned to normal within two months of being off HRT. Shocking menopause symptoms took me back to the specialist menopause clinic and another trial of utrogestan and estrogel. This time two pumps of estrogel and 100mg utrogestan (I always use it vaginally) every day all month. Within three days I couldn't tolerate my contact lenses and within a week I'd had a total voice loss (another side effect I'd had before). So I'm currently having a fortnight off the utrogestan and continuing with estrogel (1 pump morning and 1 pump evening). I had a very heavy bleed, am feeling much better and now have to decide whether to spend the ££s to see Prof S and try his regime or plead with my NHS menopause specialist nurse to prescribe me a low dose of progesterone and pay for regular uterine scans. It's very tricky if you're bad with progesterone cos it really can seem to build up fast and wear off slowly. Be sure to let us know if you find a regime that works for you.

So sorry to hear about your rough time with the HRT - sounds awful and lot worse than I am dealing with . I will let you know how I get on with the regime I'm not 100% certain I'm prog intolerant yet - but I do know that I haven't got the HRT balance right.  I went to Prof Studd and his regime did really help initially but as I mentioned before I didn't get a bleed, the dose wasn't quite right and I didn't find him or his team very helpful when I came back to them with questions - PM me and I can let you know how they responded when I asked about the recommended dosage levels for utrogestan and told them that I was really worried I wasn't getting a bleed.
Also I found that each visit cost me closer to £1000 with private prescription charges.  It's true that you don't have to have the bloods, ultrasound or bone scan, but somehow it doesn't seem voluntary once you're there  - but perhaps I'm not assertive enough.  Having said all of that of course you must be feeling desperate right now - I know I was when I went to see him and it did make a positive difference to me overall.
Can you get a referral to Nick Panay's clinic at Chelsea and Westminster hosp?  I've read some of his research and presentations and he seems open to lower doses of prog.  I have just been there and have so far seen the clinical nurse specialist but she did seem aware of the prog intolerance issue plus they will prescribe testin for you.  My GP has since agreed to prescribe the estrogel and utro too so it does seem to be possible to get progress, if slow on the NHS.  Good luck, I'd like to know how you get on too x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1120 on: October 29, 2017, 08:31:00 PM »

Total newbie to forums so forgive me if I post this incorrectly but I've read up to page 52 and decided to bite the bullet and put this out there.  I'm 48 and in Peri Menopause.  Periods used to be every 28 days, these days I skip a month and yet some months I can have 2 very short periods.  My GP has prescribed me Utrogestan 100mg on days 1-25 of my cycle and Oestradose Estradiol 2 pumps per day.  Does anyone else follow this dosage ? And do I use the gel continuously with no break ?   Also because I never know when my next period will occur will it matter when I start taking them ?.  Any info will be greatly appreciated x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1121 on: October 30, 2017, 12:39:35 PM »

Well I have thrown in the towel already and never got to the utrogestan stage. I lasted just over a week on the oestrogel but could feel my mood slipping each day and with already having recurrent anxiety and depression I didn't want to rock the boat. So I've stuck my femseven back on and secured it with transpore tape


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1122 on: October 31, 2017, 05:25:18 PM »

Total newbie to forums so forgive me if I post this incorrectly but I've read up to page 52 and decided to bite the bullet and put this out there.  I'm 48 and in Peri Menopause.  Periods used to be every 28 days, these days I skip a month and yet some months I can have 2 very short periods.  My GP has prescribed me Utrogestan 100mg on days 1-25 of my cycle and Oestradose Estradiol 2 pumps per day.  Does anyone else follow this dosage ? And do I use the gel continuously with no break ?   Also because I never know when my next period will occur will it matter when I start taking them ?.  Any info will be greatly appreciated x

Hi Dee1970


Yes it's perfectly correct to post there but - sorry your post got missed! Sometimes when new members post on existing threads we don't always look at everything. You might want to post again in the new members section so that more members will welcome you - but hopefully you will see this post of mine?

That's amazing that you read all through this thread!!

To answer your questions - yes you use the gel every day without a break. Your doctor has prescribed the dose of utrogestan which is really meant for women who are post-menopausal - as it is more or less a continuous combined regime - although the 3 day break will enable a bleed to take place. However if you are still pretty early in peri-menopause you may well get bleeding at the "wrong" time as your own cycle kicks in?  Is there any particular reason ( eg heavy bleeding?) that your doctor prescribed utrogestan on this basis? The usual dose for peri-menopause is 200 mg x 12 days. The only thing you can do is to try it and see? If you are happy on the utro and bleeding becomes regular then it may well be ideal!

As for when to start - this can be tricky if you don't know when your next period is going to be. Can you wait until the next one is due perhaps? The problem can be getting out of sync but on the 25/28 day Utro regime you may well be out of sync anyway.....

Sorry if this doesn't sound helpful but maybe just take the plunge and see how you get on!

Hurdity x



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1123 on: October 31, 2017, 07:23:16 PM »

Hi Hurdity, thanks for the reply.  I asked my GP for Bio Hrt as I was told that I was in Peri Menopause over a year ago and basically felt so low that I needed to try something to give me some kind of normality back.
My periods have been heavy in the past and the GP suspected fibroids, had a hysteroscopy which came back totally clear and was told my lining is normal.
I have no idea when my next period will be as it could be tomorrow, next week, next month or any second now, my last one was over 2 months ago.  The periods don't bother me at all compared to all the other craziness that goes on, brain fog, irritable and feeling miserable to name a few.  I've jumped in already taking them and will see how I get on for the next 3 months but maybe I will ring and ask her about the length of cycle.  Dee x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1124 on: October 31, 2017, 08:08:08 PM »

Ok - let us know how you get on and hope it works for you?

Hurdity x
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