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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 752858 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1050 on: June 20, 2017, 08:07:06 PM »

I'm just on my third day off of Utrogestan and the fluid retention is starting to go down. My jawline is back and the bags under my eyes not as bad.  My glands are still swollen, but jot as bad.   The bloating is still there too, but not anywhere near as bad without all the fluid.  So it seems like a lot of it is coming from the Utrogestan.  I've had to take  it tonight, but tried it vaginally. Last time I did that it was just the same.  Has anyone experienced this, or have any advice and do you think my body will get used to it? 

I seem to have found my dose with the gel.  I may need to tweak a little, but it's around 2 1/3. Does anyone find that if their estrogen goes too low they get symptoms almost within a day or so?  I get dry down there,  dry flaky skin, dry hair, diarrhoea and little blister like spots.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1051 on: June 22, 2017, 07:52:36 PM »


Catlike I take 1.5 elleste solo and 100mg utrogestan coninuously. I went through a long period of time with burning, painful feet making it almost impossible to walk and then it suddenly went away. It has now reared its head again and I can only say that I think it's an imbalance in hormones that kicks it off. I have seen lots of doctors and had scans but never shows up anything x

Hi meno lesley

How horrible for you that the burning feet thing has returned! Yes i do think it's to do with the estro fluctuations or e being low. My feet get worse on the prog part definitely.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1052 on: July 03, 2017, 03:10:07 PM »

Hello I am new to the forum but not HRT. Briefly, I got a Mirena coil in my mid forties because I had very heavy menstrual flow as peri menopausal and have fibroids. Added in Oestrogel 4 pumps a few years later when the hot flushes kicked inand have been on that regime with no problems of note for about 15 years. Decided when my last Mirena should have been changed about 2 years ago that I didn't want to continue with the coil palava and prefer things as natural as possible and not orally. basically came upon the option of Uterogestan vaginally when googling and this forum came up. So had coil removed and decided to lower Oestrogel to 3 pumps . The change obviously upset my system and promptly developed large breast lump which turned out to be a cyst thank goodness.Anyway, got script for Uterogestan and some vaginal applicators from ebay to help deliver the little jelly bean as high as possible. First 3 nights all OK and actually felt better on the progesterone, more energy and happy. Next morning spotted little jelly bean on the floor , must have escaped from the applicator before insertion. So thought best wait till tonight for next dose that night. Before then started to bleed, not a litttle, it built up to a torrent, so I decided I would let it bleed out as I must have built up quite a uterine lining in the 2 years without progesterone. So am intending to start again tonight, and as the first few days on Utro felt good I thought I would go for the 25 on 3 days off regime with a view to going continuous if the bleeding dwindles to a negligible amount each month.
Obviously everyone is different, but to manage my expectations surely it's unlikely I am going to get a torrential bleed each month ?Would you expect it to diminish ? How frequent is the incidence of breakthrough bleeding? I also have had symptoms from stopping the Utro, waking at 3am unable to get back to sleep, this morning felt tired and leaden, not a happy bunny. I know my body does best when everything is in steady state, fluctuations cause problems so am keen to get on track as soon as I can. Any info would be appreciatd. Am 61 by the way :)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1053 on: July 03, 2017, 03:26:26 PM »

Hi Peony- one of my favourite flowers.  :welcomemm:

I'm a bit confused- have you been taking oestrogel on its own for the past two years?



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1054 on: July 03, 2017, 07:29:48 PM »

Hi Peony

 :welcomemm: from me too.

I am also puzzled by your regime and how your doc prescribed oestrogen without a progestogen for so long as this is negligent. Your lining could be very thick by now - although a breakthrough bleed would have been expected  earlier even without taking progesterone if you have been on this much oestrogen only for so long and you are post-menopausal - due to thickening of the lining. The three days you took progesterone for will most probably be insufficient to enable all your thickened lining to shed. Personally I would actually take a double dose of 200 mg daily for some time and/or request a uterine scan asap. You should be referred for this free on NHS if a mistake has been made re your prescription which sounds like it has?

Progesterone withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant but for those who take it cyclically - are only temporary and disappear once the progesterone has left the system and the body has adjusted. Some women do actually enjoy the low dose progesterone as it has a sedative effect so can help with sleep, but many find it is more of a depressing effect.

At you age especially it is important to get checked out re your uterus - but no reason not to continue with HRT as many of us on here are doing. Please consult a doctor for peace of mind!

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1055 on: July 04, 2017, 12:27:35 PM »

Hi Peony- one of my favourite flowers.  :welcomemm:

I'm a bit confused- have you been taking oestrogel on its own for the past two years?


Basically yes. Although the progesterone in the Mirena won't have run out on the dot  of 4 years. It's licensed for contraception for 5 years so there would have been a diminishing amount and no breakthrough bleeding.
Anyway. The bleeding has now dwindled to almost nothing after being very heavy. I re started the progesterone last night for what I intend to be 25 days and feel better than I did yesterday.
Agree. Peonies and roses my top two flowers


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1056 on: July 04, 2017, 12:40:54 PM »

Hi Peony

 :welcomemm: from me too.

I am also puzzled by your regime and how your doc prescribed oestrogen without a progestogen for so long as this is negligent. Your lining could be very thick by now - although a breakthrough bleed would have been expected  earlier even without taking progesterone if you have been on this much oestrogen only for so long and you are post-menopausal - due to thickening of the lining. The three days you took progesterone for will most probably be insufficient to enable all your thickened lining to shed. Personally I would actually take a double dose of 200 mg daily for some time and/or request a uterine scan asap. You should be referred for this free on NHS if a mistake has been made re your prescription which sounds like it has?

Progesterone withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant but for those who take it cyclically - are only temporary and disappear once the progesterone has left the system and the body has adjusted. Some women do actually enjoy the low dose progesterone as it has a sedative effect so can help with sleep, but many find it is more of a depressing effect.

At you age especially it is important to get checked out re your uterus - but no reason not to continue with HRT as many of us on here are doing. Please consult a doctor for peace of mind!

Hurdity x
Hi Hurdity
Thank you for that. In my locality Mirenas are dealt with at a different location to my GP surgery, and my Oestrogel is on repeat with only having to turn up for a BP check with a nurse every 3 months . Essentially I do my research and make my own mind up. I was the first person in my surgery to have Oestrogel though they have used it subsequently since I explained the benefits. I wouldn't have used Oestrogel unnopposed indefinitely obviously, but neither did I want to mess my body about chopping and changing and I wanted to find a non oral route post Mirena . I had decided I would spend a few months on the new regime, I lost a lot of blood over the past few days, and then ask for a uterine scan so I can check on the new reality but thank you for your concern. I will see how I go over the 25 days but I actually found the progesterone a definite mood lifter for the 5 days I took it and I am not depressed to start with. Fingers crossed , I will let you know how it goes.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1057 on: July 05, 2017, 02:06:35 AM »

My consultant said the progesterone in the Mirena goes for , it's only,licenced for 4 for HRT as the stopped the study.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1058 on: July 05, 2017, 07:12:47 AM »

Peony - could you just clarify that you've been using unopposed oestrogel for 2 years at 3 pumps? And no breakthrough bleeding or any other symptoms?

I'm just really curious.

Unopposed in the sense that my Mirena was still in place but had been there for over 6 years by the time it was removed. And no, not a spot of breakthrough bleeding or other symptoms. I was on four pumps of Oestrogel until about 6 weeks ago, 2 pumps on thighs in morning, 2 pumps on arms in evening I just dropped one of the evening ones.
Contrast this with I have re started the Utrogestan, last night was night 2, and my bleeding which had dwindled to nothing is ramping up again. Mirena starting to look more attractive, though I am not getting any other negative sx with Utro that I have noticed so am going to persist and see what happens.
Peony - could you just clarify that you've been using unopposed oestrogel for 2 years at 3 pumps? And no breakthrough bleeding or any other symptoms?

I'm just really curious.



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1059 on: July 05, 2017, 07:18:50 AM »

Hi Peony - Ah I see - I was confused - I thought you had had the coil taken out and then had two years of estrogel. So you've just had it removed recently? I agree - as there is progestogen left in it this would have given you quite a lot of protection until recently perhaps - but at some point your lining would have started thickening, hence the bleeding now.

As others have said the fibroids could also be causing this very heavy bleeding as well as (presumably) having a thickened lining so having another Mirena fitted would definitely help here.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1060 on: July 07, 2017, 08:39:15 PM »

Hi All,

Anyone experienced thrush,BV and cystitus symptoms from going onto Estrogel ?

Anyone taking progresterone that have had a hysterectomy ?? Have been told i don't need it .... but don't you need to oppose the Estrogen ?

Still having bad mood swings with depression, anxiety .... raging moments, losing all sense of sensibility

Currently on 2 pumps of Estrogel and 5 mg Testosterone gel

I don't know if this agreeing with me , should i increase / decrease or just stop.... not sure how much more can take of this

Y x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1061 on: July 08, 2017, 07:47:57 AM »

Hi Y- I'd suggest maybe starting a new post on this as it might get missed - you should get more responses that way.
You don't need to take progesterone if you don't have a womb- it's taken to keep the womb lining thin.

Not sure about your testesterone dose- normally only as small peas sized blob is taken. You could try increasing your oestrogel to even 4 or 5 pumps a day and maybe split it morning and night.
Maybe you're not absorbing it very well and a patch or pill would work better for you?

On the subject of the infections done below, have they all been confirmed as such? Vaginal atrophy can mimic these - in which case you may benefit from topical oestrogen cream.

Sorry you're feeling so crap- go back to your docs. Have a read and browse round the site and hope you feel better soon  :bighug:


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1062 on: August 10, 2017, 04:27:20 PM »

I'm using Estradot 50 patch along with Utrogestan alternating between 100 & 200 x 10 days vaginally for approx 18 months and recently had my review with my GP where we discussed about me having a scan to check the lining of the womb, now I know this has to be done fairly soon after the withdrawal bleed ends but today the appointment came through for next Friday 18th and I haven't even began the bleed yet, I took the last Utrogestan last night so the bleed may not begin until Sunday, now if it lasts 4 days I should be finished by Thursday but this is pushing it, I may still have some brown discharge on the Friday the day of the scan. What I would like to know is would it be ok to go to the scan on the Friday or should I try change it? I won't be free to go back until the following Tuesday though which would be 5 days after the bleed, that is of course assuming the bleed doesn't begin until Sunday, it would be perfect it it begins tomorrow giving me a full week. And of course if they can fit me in on that Tuesday, I don't know how busy they are, any later will be too late I would think?

Also it says I need a full bladder for this scan which I believe is done vaginally? Is this correct?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1063 on: August 10, 2017, 04:30:52 PM »

If it's like mine then you have a full bladder for the first part which is an ultrasound of the abdomen then you are allowed to get up and empty your bladder before having the internal probe scan.

I had mine both times while having a period so I would say that it would be better to keep the appointment even if you are still experiencing the tail end of a period when you go rather than have the lining beginning to build up again? Let us know how it goes

Taz x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1064 on: August 10, 2017, 04:52:18 PM »

Thank you Taz, I'm hoping my bleed starts asap and I will be totally finished by next Friday. Yes I''ll be sure to let you know how it goes. Cross fingers everything is ok in there  ;)
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