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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?  (Read 53422 times)


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2013, 09:40:55 PM »

I loved my heels. Not all the time but for dressed up occasions and the higher the better.
Not no more.
My BIL was behind me and I gave him such a fright. There was blood everywhere.

I actually don't like my sister's garden. The next family do I was at I had a glass of wine sitting on a table. I took a glug and a wasp stung inside my mouth.
I stay inside now....much safer.



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2013, 11:48:35 PM »

Im new to the forum, so apologies if I am writing this in the wrong thread!
Im nearly 59 and havent had a period for the past 7 years, I thought by now imight have gone through most of the symptoms, and believe me I have had them all!! But just this past couple of months ive been feeling like ive been getting period like feelings, but the worst thing is my mood feelings. Ive been feeling very anxious and panicky, feeling like im going to go mad, feeling disoriented and like my heads full of pressure and I cant think straight. Its very frightening. Btw I dont normally feel like this, or havent for years, but its just suddenly started like a massive pmt.
Also cramp like pains just like period pains.
Thanks for any help :)


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2013, 02:20:52 PM »

Sounds like the whole meno thing, Pam107. Sympathies. Do a search in the little box on any of those nasty feelings you mention, and you'll find lots of us have had same. Sometimes people have some really helpful tips for specific things - and sometimes it just makes you feel slightly better that you're not the only one...

Re weirdest symptoms - I get shame. I think its really weird. Sometimes things that happened long ago, and sometimes just things I've said to people over the day. I can get quite overwhelmed and send nutty apologetic texts which I'm sure makes people think I'm weirder than ever.

Driving, motorway fear, not being able to drink (just when I could REALLY do with a drink) - get those too. Only good thing is it makes me walk and cycle everywhere. Not that I can report having lost weight... 


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2013, 02:53:41 PM »

My weirdest symptom has been my face quite literally aches. A bit like getting a headache in my face!! I know its really odd, kids and hubby have had a good old laugh at my expense!!  The only thing that helps relieve it is to just lie down and try to relax the muscles in my jaw, not something i can do in the middle of the day when i'm busy or out and about.

Also having blurred vision at the moment which is making me feel really anxious, yet another symptom to add to the list  ???

Take care everyone, we're in it together.

Delilah x


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2013, 02:57:16 PM »

I wake up with clenched jaw and right ear ringing and a sort of trebly feeling that lasts a few minutes and then fades away, I can only think its morning cortisone rising.


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2013, 03:52:19 PM »

Ringing in the ears
Flash backs of GUILT  :'(

Do you clench your teeth, that may well cause facial pain


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2013, 04:03:33 PM »

Oh CLKD you do make me laugh "Flash backs of Guilt" how on earth can that be? unless its waking from bad dreams.

No facial pain, just a slight  feeling of tension that fades quickly unconscious jaw clenching as you say, probably from all the stress I have had in the last few weeks.

Blood pressure and cortisol rise early morning just before you wake.
Also when I take ibuprofen for my back, the ringing in my ear increases, I took some earlier and ringing has increased.

Its probably got nothing to do with menopause, just the body getting older.




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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2013, 08:27:04 PM »

Just to go back to the topic of high heels - in March last year, I was walking down the road to the bus stop, wearing medium heels.  At five foot two, I usually wear heels of some description, but never very high.   (Don't want to look like a small person trying to be tall!)  Next thing I knew, I went over on my ankle.  It really hurt and although I managed to get to the bus stop, I had to crouch down on the ground because I thought I was going to faint.  Two weeks later, I had a lovely time hobbling around on our French holiday (I even learned the French for "sprained ankle", which I actually had the chance to say to someone!)  It was  "just" a sprain, but nearly a year and a half later, my left ankle is still weaker and slightly uncomfortable.  (Maybe I should go back to exercising it...)   Looking back, though, I can only put it down to "meno-wobble", because I was simply walking at the time.   Have I learned my lesson?  Well, I still usually wear low-to-medium heels (still being five foot two!) but I am more careful when I'm walking in them - and sometimes I even wear flats!


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2013, 09:08:09 PM »

Please don't laugh  :'(    >:(

Flash backs can ruin a Life.  Guilt comes back in a sudden flash as I am dropping off to sleep.  Many things I have said that were hurtful or stupid; those last few days before my pets were pts ........ the awful things I have said to DH  :-\ - things that I have in the back of my mind all the while but which continue to haunt me ............


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2013, 11:36:07 PM »

I don't think your flashbacks are a menopause symptom CLKD - just a symptom of getting older and looking back over your life. We all have things that are really uncomfortable to look at further down the line.



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2013, 07:41:08 AM »

Yes - you mustn't beat yourself up CLKD. It hurts no-one but yourself. Life is one big learning curve and everyone makes mistakes. In my opinion there's a lot to be said for Emotional Compartmentalisation as a coping mechanism - if I didn't employ this technique I dread to think what kind of state my mental health would be in by now  xx


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2013, 08:27:09 AM »

I know exactly what you mean CKLD. Rationally I know the things I've said and done are no worse than anyone else says and does - and probably no one else gives them much thought - but I can break out in a sweat over them (when I'm not sweating with a hot flush that is!) Especially at night when I'm tired. It is truly weird - if I hear of someone arrested on TV, it flashes into my mind maybe I committed a similar crime! Mad, and didn't happen before meno - in fact I prided myself on being a bit of a je ne regrette rien kinda girl - not in an abrasive way, but in a look forward type way. I'm learning to treat it a bit like the physical symptoms and the other emotional symptoms i.e this is just a feeling, a by-product and it will go away. Signed up for a bit of counselling too. And I will google  Emotional Compartmentalisation, Taz.



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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #42 on: August 29, 2013, 08:32:58 AM »

Sorry CLKD I thought you were telling me that my sometimes waking up with ringing in the ear etc. was due to flash back of guilt, its how I read  it. ::)

I don't get flash backs of guilt but I do get angry about stuff I have put up with and still do to a certain extent, but I don't verbalise it, I put in behind the wall in my mind, I suppose it creeps out sometimes, usually when I wake up suddenly in the night, its a pointless exercise as I just feel tired all the next day, Morwenna is right, the only person it hurts is yourself.

The ringing in my ear is due to my BPPV and first thing in the morning I have to be careful when waking up as turning over in the night can bring it on.


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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2013, 09:30:07 AM »

I have boxes in my mind. The lids remain firmly closed. What's the use in going back over things that have happened in the past. It can hurt so much.

Look forward not back. It's pointless.


Lucky Stone

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Re: What are your weirdest menopause symptoms?
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2013, 10:58:50 AM »

Quite, honeybun. Mind you, there is one city in the UK that I will NEVER visit again (and it's one that most folk love) and that is due to old guilt. Just hated my last visit there and decided I was not going to put myself through that again.  :-\ Weird old brain eh? I had my first psychologist appointment yesterday which went alright, it's an NHS referral so all free, so to speak. She's going to try me with CBT again but guided this time (it was all a bit self help on the last occasion). I'm a bit sceptical to be honest but will give it a go and go in with an open mind. She's very nice anyway so I think we will get on.
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