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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 712108 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #285 on: September 06, 2011, 07:25:32 PM »

Come the end of the day I am hobbling round like an 80 year old, what will I be like if I feel like this now? It's only pain when I move though I don't think I'd cope with anything other than a desk job which thankfully I'm in right now. I tend to sit still most nights on the sofa which doesn't help the ever increasing under boob extra tummy!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #286 on: September 08, 2011, 11:54:46 AM »

I was so relieved to see that other women have had many of the same symptoms as me. I suspect many have also felt that they were "losing it" too. I have suffered badly with joint pain in my knees, which have arthritic changes, and with my shoulders and feet. However, six years ago I was able to walk miles and dance in high heels - the change occurred rapidly and now I often feel like a really elderly women because of the restrictions I can experience. What I am concerned about besides the pain is the fact that this limited mobility as well as the level of pain can really change - on the occasional day, I feel more lilke the ME I knew for many years. I have been in the menopause overally for eleven years and at times I feel really low with it all.

I use Starflower oil, fish oils and glucosamine each day. I am allergic to anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin and cant take HRT. I did try some herbal remedies, but ended up with migraine and high blood pressure from sage and red clover respectively.

I would be interested to know if anyone else has had a similar exprience. Also, my memory is terrible


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #287 on: September 08, 2011, 04:59:38 PM »

Hello Kate.

Have you tried a homeopathist who will tailor something to suit you rather than trial and error off the shelf which most of us do?  My friend went through menopause with occasional visits to her homeopathist and swore by it.

Or Herbalism?
Or Acupuncture?
Or Chiropractic?

or a combination?

I believe there was a study done that showed the majority of people with fibromyalgia were female, menopausal and consequentially low oestrogen count.  If you could get something with the homeopathist or herbalist that would compensate for that, perhaps it would make a difference.


Rhona x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #288 on: September 09, 2011, 09:51:49 AM »

This is from the UK Fibro site  "Aggravating factors - Changes in weather, cold or draughty environments, hormonal fluctuations (premenstrual and menopausal states), stress, depression, anxiety and over-exertion can all contribute to symptom flare-ups."

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #289 on: September 09, 2011, 10:36:39 AM »

Yep - all of those Taz  .......  Particularly the over-exertion when I tried to clean my house for visitors coming.  One day of vigorous cleaning and ended up in bed with 2 days off work with pains in every fibre of my body.  Waving my arms or wiping/cleaning motion is particularly bad for me.

Or any exercise to overcome it, made it worse!

Stress of travelling for work with delays and tight timings brought on an attack afterwards.

Probably most of the ladies on here can tell similar and worse stories.

I know the supplementation of hormones with HRT and the chiropractic did help in managing it and I feel the symptoms are around 30% of what they were (not scientifically measured though  :D).




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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #290 on: September 09, 2011, 03:09:05 PM »

Hi Susan

I typed a response but the site seemed to close down then I could not remember the thread - time to go home!

From wrist to elbow or elbow to shoulder can become very sore as if every fibre is throbbing and almost stinging inside and yes a feeling of cold.  It gets worse if I use my arms actively, or if I have sugar or alcohol in general.   I am not sure if that is the same as you describe.

I am much better now than I was a year ago and I find that naproxan or anadin express ibuprofen (specifically), helps me to recover quickly, whereas a year ago, nothing helped.

I did go to a fantastic party last Saturday, had alcohol and danced until the wee sma' hours - and then could not use my ankles, arms and legs without pain relief for about 3 days!  Was worth it though  ;D



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #291 on: September 12, 2011, 09:22:00 PM »

Sorry everyone else I'm new to this forum but I have to say that on reading all your subsequent posts I wonder if a rheumatology appointment wouldn't be a good idea for all of you who are suffering from joint pain if you haven't already been down that route?

I'm in the opposite position of having been diagnosed by my GP with RA and then found that it probably wasn't after my consultation with the rheumy and after my symptoms disappeared completely 2 weeks ago. I'm sure it's all been menopausal now but as with RA the symptoms vary so immensely from person to person that it's hard to find out where we slot in sometimes? A month ago I was in a lot of pain (but have never had visible swelling as most get with RA it seems) and had decided to assume it was RA and was completely of the opinion that I was post-menopausal and now it's the other way round?!!

Hey ho - I'd rather have menopausal joint pain any day than RA but people please be aware that you can be sero- negative for RA and still have it so get your ESR checked out and push to see a rheumatologist if you are having joint pains with or without swelling or positive blood results. A lot of my problems have been in my fingers so I'm still going to see the rheumatologist in November and ask about other things such as fibro and osteo arthritis which I think might be the problem actually. Cheers and good night sleep well fellow menopausal people! Mat
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 09:38:19 PM by MAT48 »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #292 on: September 12, 2011, 09:33:02 PM »

Hi folks,

I am 55 and have been having severe pains in my feet, legs, hands and elbows for the last few months.  Had numerous tests - rheumatoid factors negative, bloods showed vit D deficiency and decreased kidney function last year, which have improved a bit,but GP has all but washed her hands of me because I don't fit into any category that can be 'proved'.  Also had major fatigue and was off work 8 weeks last autumn.  Steady improvement re: the fatigue, but recently knees have flared up big time, to the point where I couldn't hardly weight bear on my right.  I am a physio so have found all this very distressing and embarrassing, hobbling around at work (I now work in cardiac rehab leading exercise classes!!) Very difficult indeed to keep positive.  At night the pain is burning in nature, especially in my feet ankles and shins, and I can't lie on my side because of the right knee pain, so I am awake quite a lot of the time.  Anyway - I have been reading a book on self healing called 'How your mind can heal your body' by David Hamilton and it has really helped me.  It involves visualisation techniques, and also delves into quantum physics but is highly readable.  The scientific element really resonates with me.  I feel that my body has rewired the pain pathways to read PAIN PAIN PAIN when there is really no need to.
I also went to see a physio last week who has really helped me to focus on the right management of my knee by telling me what to do!  I was floundering around trying everything I knew from my 20 year toolkit, very hard to treat yourself I can tell you.  So . . . . .  I have started to lose weight (less stress through the joints can only help) I was about 3/4 stone over what I like to be -I have lost 5 lbs already, bought a bike to help me get generally fit, and give my dog some exercise, as she was missing her walks, which I am riding every day (with my dog trotting alongside) by the canal, and am starting to believe that I am going to heal, get strong and keep well. I am working on my nutrition big time, so that everything I have (apart from the odd glass of wine and some real ale occasionally) is good for me.  We grow a lot of our own veg, so I feel lucky in that respect.  Hope some of these things help, I am prone to negativity, so this whole 'poz thinking' exercise is really helping too.  Long may it last, will let you know!!

« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 09:36:24 PM by MAT48 »


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #293 on: September 12, 2011, 09:37:08 PM »

Gosh Sandi I am scrolling through these posts re joint pain and your experience really echos with my own. Re the blood tests I'm sure you know this but you can be sero negative and still have RA so I wouldn't let that put you onto the wrong trail. I'm the other way round with a low positive rheumatoid factor but don't know the result of the anti-ccp test the rheumy ordered so assuming that means it must be negative as it's been several months now since it was taken.

I realise this is some months on since you posted this and wonder how you are getting on with the cycling? I have used this nightmare period of joint pain (which I was told was probably rheumatoid/ arthritic rather than due to menopausal but I disagree with the GP now) to shift weight also. I too was 4 stone over my target weight and knew if I went for the calorie counting I would get nowhere so decided to cut out gluten initially. Recently, having plateaued after losing 2 stone slowly but surely, I cut out dairy and caffeine also and am shifting some more weight now. I'm conscious of needing to keep my calcium levels up re joints and bones etc so am eating a homemade meusli of nuts and seeds with berries every morning for breakfast. Also learnt from the RA site (NRAS) that it is good to cut out caffeine and sugar in order to detox first thing so I have replaced my old cuppa with a cup of hot water with lemon and only drink herbal teas now. I walk for about 6 miles a day with the dog and when the joint pain was particularly bad in knees, ankles and feet I still walked and found it did not seem to get any worse for doing this.

I think the whole thing has been menopausal actually and suspect the RA has been a red herring for me because all the joint pain disappeared once i had my first period in a year and a half a few weeks ago and this can't just be a coincidence. On the other hand it coincided with the quitting of dairy and caffeine so I'll have to re-introduce these I guess if I want to find out more conclusively. Can't face it quite yet though! I hope the cycling and alternative healing techniques worked for you. The trouble with RA is that the drugs they put you on are so darned toxic that it all gets rather scary but at the same time the thought of joints being eroded by ones own auto-immune system turning in on itself is scary too. You must know a lot being a physio - our chief physio here is the main point of contact between me and the rheumy and I know her a bit socially too. She sat in on my rheumatology consulatation. I don't think I've got RA but am not going to quit the list yet because it would be sod's law that it all comes roaring back if I do that and you wait half a year here to see a rheumy! MATx



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #294 on: September 16, 2011, 05:51:46 PM »

OH MY GOSH just found this website and its so good to read im not the only one !!!!  Im 43 was told i was in early menopause about a year ago by one doctor then said i wasnt by another...arghhh i then moved to a new surgery and and was told i was perimenopausal come december this year i will be post menopausal (hopefully)...i feel so old i walk like an old person my whole body aches especially the sides of my feet, i struggle to do thing now, some days are good and some are bad ..i take exercise but cant seem to lose weight my body feels so bad afterwards but know i have to do it ...i feel so unhappy i stuggle to sleep with the sweats, i cant remember anything and i get very low of mood,  and have no motivation. I feel a bother at the doctors and feel very alone. I feel bad towards my partner as i have no energy and am like a changed person, marina coil has been offered and hrt to but dont really like taking drugs have just started taking cod liver oil and glaucsoinde and also flash fighters from holland and barrett. sorry to go on but its such a relief to get thing off my chest.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #295 on: September 16, 2011, 06:27:45 PM »

Hi Nooks, I'm a newbie too as of today.  I found this site whilst searching for answers as to why my feet, fingers & hip are hurting so much recently.

As well as all the other symptoms I have that are straight off the "you're in perimenopause" checklist.

I'm 41



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #296 on: September 16, 2011, 06:52:26 PM »

Hi nookes
HRT isn't really a "drug" as such - at your age, you'd only be replacing hormones which your body should be producing anyway and it would help protect your heart and bones as well as helping with the horrible symptoms. Might be worth considering.  ???
Newbies can get missed in the middle of existing threads, so why not introduce yourself on "New Members"? Then others can welcome you.  ;)
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #297 on: September 21, 2011, 07:49:46 AM »

Hi everyone, I cannot express how grateful I am for this wonderful forum! I have been messaging under other headings over the last few days - my first ever forum experience! I am sad to hear so many of you suffering from joint aches but relieved to hear that it appears to form part of the menopause. My GP diagnosed osteoarthritis and said there was nothing to be done apart from pain killers. Like many of you I walk around like a 90 year old (I am 55) when I first get up and my quality of life is not as I want it. The connection with Frankenstein is very apt!! I became very low after hearing this was it for life now and tried to cope as best I could. Then I read a book about HRT and asked my GP to prescribe. I took my first tablet yeaterday and feel quite hopeful.
I cannot remember who said it but I too have an awful memory which has got worse over the last 2 years. I linked it with ceasing a brain taxing job after 23 years!
Will the HRT help - I hope so, but I just wanted to thank you all for being there and taking the time to share everything. Fantastic community of great people. x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #298 on: September 21, 2011, 08:23:35 AM »

OH MY GOSH just found this website and its so good to read im not the only one !!!!  Im 43 was told i was in early menopause about a year ago by one doctor then said i wasnt by another...arghhh i then moved to a new surgery and and was told i was perimenopausal come december this year i will be post menopausal (hopefully)...i feel so old i walk like an old person my whole body aches especially the sides of my feet, i struggle to do thing now, some days are good and some are bad ..i take exercise but cant seem to lose weight my body feels so bad afterwards but know i have to do it ...i feel so unhappy i stuggle to sleep with the sweats, i cant remember anything and i get very low of mood,  and have no motivation. I feel a bother at the doctors and feel very alone. I feel bad towards my partner as i have no energy and am like a changed person, marina coil has been offered and hrt to but dont really like taking drugs have just started taking cod liver oil and glaucsoinde and also flash fighters from holland and barrett. sorry to go on but its such a relief to get thing off my chest.
Hi Nookes, I am new too and agree, what a great forum. I have also been feeling your symptoms but could never really work out why. I had a bad experience with a new boss after 23 years in my job and finally had to leave, I put everything down to this but realise now my symptoms could be the menopause. I agree it makes it better to share and realize you are not alone. The glucosamine and cod liver oil helped me a lot, takes a couple of months to notice. I have also just started HRT.  Keep your chin up and good luck. Purplenanny x x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #299 on: September 22, 2011, 07:34:10 PM »

This is one of the sections that has helped me the most.  Until I read these posts I thought that I was just deteriorating faster than most  ;D   I too get joint aches in hips, knees and worse of all feet.   I have to say that this was one of the most unexpected and shocking symptoms I've experienced so far. 
I'm really sorry for anyone with these aches and pains, but I have to say that I feel so much better in knowing that this is part and parcel of this time of life and that there are others in the same boat as me.     
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