Started menopausal symptoms at the tender age of 40 and insomnia was the symptom I found most difficult to cope with. Most nights I lay awake for very long periods making me anxious and of course the anxiety just compounded the sleep problem. I did not enjoy the daytime because I felt so wretche, tired and tearful. My GP thought I was too young for menopause even though my periods were very irregular so I was treated for depression. The anti-depressant I was prescribed solved my sleep problems as it was very sedating but when I stopped taking it the sleep problem was still there. I tried lots of things calcium, valerian, Kalms, black cohosh, blood pressure pills, lavender oil, herbal nytol, nytol, cammomile tea, good sleep hygiene but things were worse than ever as I was now soaking with sweat most of the time. By now I was 43 and my GP said that if the insomnia was caused by low oestrogen then only HRT would help. First type did nothing but upset my stomach but the second (Ellest Duet) smallest dose was fabulous. The first day I took one I slept wonderfully, just like the good old days and my sweats disappeared within a week, in fact all symptoms were greatly improved. I have been taking this for over 4 years and to go to bed without fear of not sleeping is truly wonderful. My only worry is that one day I will have to stop taking it and things will be as they were, but for now I am enjoying life to the full. HRT often suffers from bad press but my symptoms made my life hell so for me it is worth the risk.