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Author Topic: Alternate Day Fasting  (Read 79423 times)


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #90 on: February 23, 2013, 10:36:58 PM »

Thats interesting Sandi,  about the brain being sharper, maybe because the body isn't exhausting itself digesting food and loaded with carbs!!  I have lost a pound this week, on my smaller plates and healthier regime. Not sure I could manage a fasting day, but may try it when I'm feeling a bit stronger. :) x


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #91 on: February 24, 2013, 03:14:42 PM »

Even with the 700 cals still have hunger pains only dont feel weak / unwell.  Its a matter of what works for each person and you have to listen to your body.  It drew my attention to how much I nibbled on during the day so on normal days I find myself asking if I really need another snack.


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #92 on: March 03, 2013, 04:56:45 PM »

Hi ladies,

After going out and buying another pair of bathroom scales, I weigh exactly the same on both. So I took them back to the supermarket!

Today, I have had one scrambled egg and 2 rashers of streaky bacon and half a tomato, also ginger tea, a cup of miso soup. I've walked to the shops twice - about 1 hours exercise and am starving and got a headache. This evening I am having a small vegerarian curry and rice.  The days calorie intake must be around 600. I haven't noticed a sharpness in mind, yet,  ::) just a need to go and have a lie down!!!  :-X :-X :-X :P
Stomach growling, but going to stick to this. I'd like to lose a stone and get rid of the one roll of muffin which is slowing becomming two :o
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 05:30:23 PM by pixie »


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #93 on: March 03, 2013, 08:43:02 PM »

Hi Pixie, how long have you been following the diet?

I have had 3 fasting days so far (not together  ;D).  I was hungry on the last one.
I had smoked haddock which is less fattening than salmon.
Slice poached in a little milk for lunch with mullerlight yoghurt
Another slice at night with pile of vegetables and bowl of rasperries.
1 coffee and lots of water.
Just under 600 cals.

10 days - no change in weight yet but I believe it takes a while for my body to adjust to the eating regime so it realises it is not 'starvation' and then the weight come off?

Anyway, I happened to see the current adverts for starving children in Africa and realise how lucky I am to be able to have something and to eat the next day.  It did help me to think that way.

My fasting day is tomorrow and then Thursday again.

Hope your stomach becomes used to it Pixie x




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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #94 on: March 03, 2013, 08:52:58 PM »

Hi Firewalker,

I started it today, but had a dreadful headache. Its going off now. I've had 1 egg and 2 bits of streaky bacon for breakfast, miso soup for lunch.  I was ok until about 4pm, but been drinking fluids all day, herbal and coffee with skimmed milk.  At 7pm, I had 1 tbsp brown rice and 2 tbsps of chickpea, tomato and spinach curry. Probably too much, but headache going slowly!  In future I think I will spread breakfast through the day and add some slow burning carb of some sort;)  x  Good luck, the weight should soon be falling off.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 08:57:00 PM by pixie »


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #95 on: March 03, 2013, 09:24:39 PM »

Thanks Pixie.  You too.

Did you buy the book to guide you?  The one by the doctor who was on Horizon?
It has 500 and 600 cal meals in it.
Only £3.89 from Amazon.
I think there are some other recipe / idea books.
Piles of veg fill up for small number of cals.
I think we just need to get into the routine.
I think I have eaten to little in the past so I am kind of used to not eating.  I love the fact I only have to think about it for 2 days a week and my brain does not need to think about losing weight, or what to eat 7 days a week  ;)



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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #96 on: March 04, 2013, 08:48:34 PM »

I felt well this morning, no headache, no hunger.  Surprisingly I found eating my lunch a bit of struggle today as too much, so will have another go at it this week, but instead of going the whole day, I might take a tin of vegetable soup (which counts as two a day) and eat that throughout the day, so that blood sugar doesn't plummet so much in the afternoon.  ;)


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #97 on: March 04, 2013, 09:24:16 PM »

Good job Pixie!
How I feel on my fasting days varies.  I think it is affected by what I eat the day before.

Today ..............
I had one (3in1) coffee in the morning (90cals);
Cup of miso soup at lunch-time (20cals);
Can diet coke in the afternoon (did not see if there were any cals in that).
large veg stirfry mix (99) with prawns (55) and coconut stir fry (140 cals) (tot 294 cals)
2 x small satsuma type oranges (42 cals)
1 yoguhurt (80 cals)
Lots of water throughout the day.

Total cals for the day: around 526 



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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #98 on: March 04, 2013, 09:35:33 PM »

Thats really good Firewalker and thanks for the tips. Its quite a challenge. I'm going to try again tomorrow. Miso soup isn't too bad is it but I will probably do something that involves a snack in the afternoon because 4pm is when I usually have a slump and thats when the headache started. Thought about porridge with water, but hope we are getting enough calcium on this diet. Your fish and yoghurt lunch sounded good. Was thinking of still taking the fish oil pills and glucosomide. ;) I'll weigh myself friday and hope I've gone back down to 10 stone from 10 stone 21bs on Sunday. Its interesting that you can eat quite a lot if you have stir fries. I may try this myself, or take a large salad to eat during the day!
All the best.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 09:41:21 PM by pixie »


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #99 on: March 04, 2013, 11:28:20 PM »

Hi Pixie

Low fat protein and lots of veg seems to do the trick.
I think in general dark veg are lower in calorie than coloured veg but that may only be a little.   
Keep starchy carbs away or count them very carefully.   
Study fruit to see the lowest sugar (raspberries and blueberries are good).
Protein keeps your sugar levels in balance for longer.   

Label read and count the calories for the portion size you are eating.

I don't worry too much about calcium for those 2 days - I have worried and tried eating plans for years, plus hypnotherapy without shedding weight.   So, this suits me personally.  I am strict on 2 days, count calories religiously before I buy it and then don't worry about it on the other days. 

It is very liberating for someone (me)consumed by diet theories and information - in a desperate attempt to lose even 1lb.  Difficult for people to understand if they can lose weight or do not put it on.

Anyway, it suits me ....... for now at least.  I have four stones and a bit to lose, so it will be a long journey - but at 1lb a week (when it starts to go that is), that is almost 4 stones in the year!!!   

And very important, it should improve my health.

Keep at it Pixie.



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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #100 on: March 05, 2013, 07:38:49 AM »

Morning Firewalker,

Thats sounds great! 
This morning I am having a small portion of porridge with skimmed milk about 200 cals.  I'm making a flask of healthy lentil vegetable soup to eat throughout the day, about 180 calls.  This evening about 7pm, I will have chickpea, spinach and tomatoes, with garlic and ginger, and possible a tiny portion of rice.  I probably have more like 700 cals, but have an active job, so may need slightly more. ;D ;D  Good luck for today!  Already I have had my bowels opened, which is great - TMI!


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #101 on: March 05, 2013, 02:21:01 PM »

Sounds like a good step in the right direction getting to 500cals.   I think one of the other ladies uses around 700 cals.   And as you say, if you have an active job, perhaps that suits you.   

I have found I am much more aware of choice in the shop.  It has actually helped a little re-training my brain.  Relaxed today and tomorrow and Fast on Thursday as my second day.

I saw a new number on my scales this morning  :D.  It may disappear for a little while before it settles here but seeing the new number is important in my journey.

Are you vegetarian Pixie?  Other than making Humous, I don't happen to use chickpeas.   But I do like spinach - yummy.  I looked up Chickpeas.  100g = 164 cals.  28% carb but Low sugar and low fat and around 9% protein.   I think they are a bit like lentils - both carb and protein.  They seem good to have on this kind of diet.  Glad you mentioned them.

My friend and her partner are doing this eating plan and really like it.
My other friend is doing it but struggling a bit at the moment working out meals/cals on the fasting day.
Some of the ladies on here are doing well on it.

Good luck!




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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #102 on: March 05, 2013, 05:50:57 PM »

Hi Firewalker,

Thats encouraging that you have seen a new number on your scales. Well done!  I'm struggling today as we have had people off sick at work, and have had to work harder than usual. I'm not vegetarian, but seem to eat a lot it.  I had to have an apple at 3.30pm, because I could feel a headache approaching, but managed to nip it in the bud!  Stomach now protesting but panning it out until 7pm with a mug of ginger and lemon tea. :) Not doing anymore until next week now! Hopefully will be a 'kick start' so that I eat less generally. x
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 05:56:50 PM by pixie »


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #103 on: March 05, 2013, 06:47:27 PM »

Well done Firewalker and Pixie     :hapij:


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Re: Alternate Day Fasting
« Reply #104 on: March 05, 2013, 07:09:28 PM »

Thanks limpy. Are. You on it?  On my Blackberry so too much hassle to look back all the posts here  ???

Pixie. Don't get hing up about it. I must be used to eating much less despite my weight.  You are doing more than you were and it should fall into place for you :-).

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