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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping  (Read 650416 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #60 on: March 31, 2007, 03:28:45 PM »

Hi Sue :)

I only use the smillies which are on top of the reply box or as I have recently found photobucket which is now my new thing I have learnt to do  ;D


Tricia :sunny:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #61 on: March 31, 2007, 08:31:06 PM »

Hi Tricia and Julie  et al :-*  Just to show that I can use the smilies!
I definitely feel better today since the lower dose - breasts not so sore tonight and feeling a lot less down. Still a bit anxious over sleep but hey! whats the worst that can happen? Its Sunday tomorrow so no pressure. Sleep well all
Love Sue


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #62 on: April 01, 2007, 09:08:48 AM »

Hi sue and hope the co codamel worked...not telling my mam if it did..shes a told you so person!My sleep was abysmal before HRT.I had too many nights where I was almost suicidal because I was so tired and couldnt sleep.I used to get so I felt I couldnt stand it any longer and then I would have a slightly better night.So yes it has improved a lot and I dont get the desperate feeling now.Cath sorry I havent had or heard of anyone having the amy stuff.Hopefully someone will post about it.You might have more luck posting it as a seperate topic.Have you googled it?Julie x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #63 on: April 01, 2007, 04:16:35 PM »

Hi Sue and I'm so sorry to hear you've had a really bad night.Its awful and I can really empathise as can a lot of the other women on here.3am is a horrible place to be when all you want to do is sleep.All I can say is try not to worry about it (oh yeah!)and try and relax.Because the desperation has gone for me(which may be HRT or the factI was on a knife edge before I started it) then when I am lying awake I do relax and think well at least my body's resting!Mind my body rests a lot more than it used to and I can sit and stare into space for hours!I used to be permanently on the go.Today I have been gardening which was nice except for the wind...blowing a gale.I really hope you get some results soon.Julie x :foryou:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2007, 07:41:40 PM »

Thank you Julie - and for the flowers! I do think its a bit of rebound from the sleeping pills - but what am I to do. Between a rock and a hard place. Maybe tonight will be better - I will try to relax and breathe deeply. I'm having reflexology tomorrow eve and that always helps with anxiety and relaxation! Bless you for your advice and kindness love Sue PS Iknow Annitsford well and also Jesmond - had a flat off Jesmond Rd when I was first teaching in 1973! Slept like  log then - always shattered!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #65 on: April 02, 2007, 07:35:30 AM »

Hello lovelies - Just a quick post to say I did have  abetter night - periods of sleep and dozy in between so it felt like a whole night - breathing helped a lot! Thanks for all support Julie you are a star! love Sue x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #66 on: April 02, 2007, 11:29:48 AM »

Wahey!  Great news!  Time to brag now - I've slept solid for the past three nights  8) 8) :)

sarah bird

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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #67 on: April 02, 2007, 12:10:47 PM »

Just in case there is light at the end of the tunnel .....! !  and to give some encouragement I wanted to say that i have been sleeping much better lately :)
hurrah .
i do still stir a little and am aware that i'm hot but then doze off again ...yipee ! !

So perhaps the end is in sight ? ? I do hope so.

I'm 48 and my first  night sweat happened when i was around 38  ! !

day time flushes are still hourly but seem to be not quite as bad as previously.

having said all that we all know how quickly everything can change, so i'm just keeping my fingers crossed that THIS TIME the end really is in sight .

love Sarah b   current status ...quite cool


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #68 on: April 02, 2007, 01:31:23 PM »

Sorry Menochicks but feel I have to say this.  Co-codamol contains paracetamol and codeine.  They are not sleeping tabs they are painkillers. 

No offence intended to anyone here or their mums but why are you taking painkillers to make you sleep – I really think that has to be a no, no.  Be careful you can get addicted.  . 

I occasionally take a paracetamol & codeine tablet from Boots for pain relief and find they are pretty good and yes they do make me feel sleepy for a couple of hours.  But as Foggy says that's the codeine, and it's not for regular use.

The trouble with painkillers containing codeine is that you start taking more because your body gets used to them. And the longer you take them, the more tolerant you get to the effects. These pills make you feel calm, drowsy and relaxed, but that is where the addiction can come in so you do have to be careful.  Also with co-codamol you have to watch for anything else you are taking that contains paracetamol (cold remedies etc).

Codeine is not suitable for everyone. These drugs can cause sickness, dizziness and constipation, so you don't want to be adding to an already lengthy list of meno problems.

Please be careful ladies, I'm only saying this because I care.  :-*



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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #69 on: April 02, 2007, 06:35:53 PM »

Hi and sue foggy and sarah thats great that you've all had a bit better sleep!Sue I hope you enjoy your reflexology.Got to say I am def sleeping better since I stopped the red wine :(Shame cos I like it!Chris thanks for your sensible advice...I haven't ever tried taking cocodamol for sleep but my mam swears by it and lots of her mates.I think they only take one but I never have because I always thought it wouldn't work cos its a pain killer.Sue tried it the once and it didn't work,but her mam takes or has taken it for sleep and foggy said her mam used to say the same but I dont think Foggy tried it either.Sue has been a bit desperate understandably and I use to be there before hrt.I would happily have hit myself on the head with a hammer to get some sleep.Anyway hope tonight is ok for you all.Julie x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #70 on: April 03, 2007, 07:36:27 AM »

Just wanted to reply to Foggy and Sarah b - thats great! I really rejoice with you. The light at the end of the tunnel must be sucha  welcome sight! Foggy do you know what has made the difference? Anything you can identify and pass on to us? Last 2 nights I have moved into a pattern of sleeping and sort of dozy waking - but its still very shallow sleep, waking every couple of hours and dreaming a lot. I go off agian if my hubby cuddles me and this morn managed to sleep past dawn with the help of an eye mask. But I'd love a full night! Sue


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #71 on: April 03, 2007, 12:20:39 PM »

For the last 2 weeks or so I have been having a terrible time sleeping, last night was the worse. Just lay there trying to "switch off", probably got about 2 - 3 hours in all. :( :(
I just wonder if it is because the clocks went forward a while back & I forgot to tell my body.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #72 on: April 03, 2007, 05:21:17 PM »

HI Cazikins - AAh poor you - I do sympathise ( look back a  my recent posts to see I have the same problem and have had for over 2 months since trying to stop HRT.)The clock change could be part of the problem I suppose - are you stressed about anything, or getting too hot with the weather all over the place just now? Try to relax and do some breathing and relaxation exercises. Take some time to prepare for bed quietly - all the usual stuff, you know it!
Hope tonight is better and all the other nights too - just take it one day at a time
Love Sue

Menopausal Minnie

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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #73 on: April 03, 2007, 05:34:46 PM »

Hi Cazikins - I'm so sorry to hear you're not getting much "shut eye" - :-\

I used to have that problem, but I "cured" it - (probably should'nt have said that now) - by taking two KALMS after my evening meal and then either 2 or 4 KALMS (SLEEP ones) an hour before I go to bed.

Pretty much ZONKS me out for most of the night.  I am trying out the magnet therapy as well and that has helped - or so I think?

Anyway - it might help  :-*

Huge Hug - Angie


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Re: Tell us how you cope with poor sleeping
« Reply #74 on: April 03, 2007, 08:00:35 PM »

Thanks Sue & Angie, am I stressed out about anything....yeah went through a bad time couple of weeks ago but gave myself a kick up the backside & slowly getting back to some sort of nomality. I think I have just taken this poor sleeping on board as being another symptom of the menopause, never use to have much of a problem dropping off at night but the last month or so I have seen a change.
I tried the deep breathing but all I could manage was something that sounded like a big sigh.
Thanks gals
Love Cazikins xxx :cat48: :catscratch: :cat48: :catscratch:
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