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Author Topic: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES  (Read 746477 times)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #285 on: May 29, 2009, 07:19:24 PM »

Hi Cessj
Nice to have you with us, you are really having a rough time of it arent you? I think you will find there are quite a lot of us can sympathise, having experienced some or all of your symptoms at some time or other.
Im 52 and 2yrs into the 'natural' perimenopause. i tried HRT but it didnt suit me and didnt fully relieve my symptoms either.
Ive been trying starflower oil at the moment and whether it that or not but my daytime flushes are much less every 2 hrs in the main instead of every 20mins. night times are getting slightly easier too. Most seem to find that it takes a while for any of the herbal things to kick in and they are only effective for a while.
do have a good browse around theres loads of advise and a wealth of experience ::)
Do join in we are a friendly bunch  :)
love poppinsxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #286 on: June 10, 2009, 05:53:23 PM »

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this site, glad I found it, it's been really helpful looking at your stories about the meno. 

I've just come to the conclusion that I must be menopausal, I'm getting suddenly REALLY hot, I can't sleep because I'm too hot, and no periods since Jan. 

Do you have to see a doc to get it confirmed?  It's a bit earlier than I expected, I'm 47, and my mum didn't get hers till later.  I had my second child 5 years ago and thought that the later you had them the later it started or are all these things just myths? 

I bought some red clover today, does anyone know if it works for flushes? 

Sorry about all the questions - you just seem the right people to ask!!!!

Thanks, Jules x   :o


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #287 on: June 10, 2009, 06:34:05 PM »

Hi Jules - welcome to the forum  :welcomemm:

Never fear - now you have found us lot things will seem so much better - not easier always - but there is always someone to share things with, someone to give you a hug when needed, some advice or, sometimes, the cyber kick up the bum we all seem to need from time to time  ;D

It does sound as if you are beginning meno symptoms. Some ladies like to check with their GP as to what is happening though the hormone tests are notoriously unreliable. You may find that your hot feelings disappear again - this used to happen to me when I was building up for a period - then they would start up again when the period finished. I went 10 months (twice) between periods and had to start counting again. You have to have gone a year without a period if you are over 50 and two years if you are under 50 before you are considered post meno and can discontinue contraception.

I am sorry but I appear to be waffling tonight - been a long day maybe or maybe I am just having a meno-moment or three! Anyway, have a good look around the site - the green menu on the left has a lot of info - read our posts and join in as and when you feel you want to.

If you don't get many replies on here you might like to just say "hi" on the New Members Thread - you may get missed lurking in this bit!!

Taz x  :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #288 on: June 10, 2009, 07:10:16 PM »

Hi Jules
I found you!!
Welcome as well. :welcomemm:
Does sound very like the meno, but well worth a trip to Docs just to rule out anything else sometimes other illnesses can have similar symptoms so best to get it confirmed,
Ive just recently read a good book about the meno and Red Clover was one of the herbal remedies recommended but they are helped by increasing your soya intake as well to get a complete phyto-oestrogen.
Do join in and keep us updated on how you are coping.
Ive had hot flushes now for ages, when they started last year i was having 1 every 20 mins, then have a spell on Hrt which didnt work out for me, in the meantime id found out i was intolerant to dairy ( amongst other things) and changed to soya products. By the time i was fully weaned of hrt i found my flushes were only every 2 hours, but still unbearable.... now im in the process of seriously upping my soya intake in the hope of reducing them further and so far its looking hopeful.
love poppinsxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #289 on: June 10, 2009, 08:18:00 PM »

Thanks so much for replying, it's nice to feel not alone.  None of my friends have had this yet, so I haven't got anyone to talk to about it!  I'll put a message on the new members bit, thanks for the tip.  Jules x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #290 on: June 12, 2009, 07:21:04 PM »

Oooh Poppins, keep us (me) posted on how you get on with the soya intake, in particular, how much soya you take per day to get any results.  I was on Novogen Red Clover for a couple of years with no effect, together with porridge made with soya milk and soya yoghurts but can't say any of it stopped or effectively reduced the flushes.  I do wonder tho, whether, after all that, I STILL wasn't eating enough soya.  Be interesting to see how you get on


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #291 on: June 13, 2009, 08:39:09 AM »

Hi Dando
At the moment i have soya with my cereal, 3 yogurts a day plus soya icecream and ive got soya cheese but dont have that every day its pretty disgusting!
Should take a month to notice a difference. Still dont think this will be enough think i may have to get a high soya shake called Revial? from the states unless i can get a uk supplier. The book i read suggested that the red clover supplement is not a full phyto oestrogen so not much use on its own.
will keep you up dated


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #292 on: June 13, 2009, 08:52:46 AM »

This site is quite informative Poppins   not sure if it will be removed or not though so have a look and save it quick!

Taz x  :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #293 on: June 13, 2009, 11:38:35 AM »



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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #294 on: June 19, 2009, 08:08:00 PM »

Thanks for that info Annie. I know that a few ladies on here have tried Starflower oil (in fact we did have a member called Starflower - wonder what happened to her?) and Welcome to the Forum by the way!

How many types of HRT did you try? I only ask as there are many types out there and it can take a while to hit on the right one. Each of them have to be tried for at least three months to see if they suit. Early effects such as bloating and feeling spaced out can  put you off but by three months they have usually disappeared. Also, if you had digestive side effects and were on pills then patches are probably the way forward.

Have a good look around the site - lots of info in the green menu on the left of the screen - and you will find us to be a friendly lot. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #295 on: July 04, 2009, 09:33:24 PM »

Hello,I'm a newby on here.I was dx with Breast Cancer in 2003 and the Tamoxifen I took for 4 years caused awful gynae problems,so 18 months ago I had a Hysterectomy,and wham,over night I was thrust into the Menopause.

Because of mt Breast Cancer dx,I am uinable to have HRT,so I am really struggling with hot flushes and night sweats, both of which appear to be much worse in this lovely Summer weather.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Bye for now :-*


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #296 on: July 05, 2009, 07:13:42 AM »

Hi Sophiesmum.
nice to have you with us. I too am suffering night sweats and hot flushes, couldnt take HRT because of the side effects, and this hot weather doesnt make it easier does it, just less embarrassing as everyone else is dripping as well! 8)
It may be a good idea to introduce yourselve on the newbie thread as well you may get missed here, should  then be someone else along to welcome you there.
We are a great bunch of ladies very supportive, usually a mine of information, and a few laughs along the way as well, look forward to hearing from you more
love poppinsxx


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #297 on: July 06, 2009, 10:34:35 PM »

The flushes i am experiencing in the day arnt too bad, but the night sweats are killing me i seem to sleep for a couple of hours then wake absolutely drenched, to the degree the whole bed has to be stripped. I am currently taking Nuvelle Continuous. I had a hysterectomy in January, so have been thrust head long in to the menopause.  >:(  I have been on the hrt since June so am hoping to feel some benefit soon, or it won't be worth it as i am only allowed it for a year, due to breast cancer links.

Love SKP


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #298 on: July 23, 2009, 01:43:27 PM »

 :( hi, can anyone tell me if they started with migrains when the menopause started?all light headed,ears ringing and really sore, vision going funny and finally feeling so sick. so fed up with it and does anyone get burning near enough all over your body not just a quick flush. i have tried hrt it seemed to ease it but it seems to be coming back you do feel like your going mad and i feel so sorry for my fella he must be fed up listing to me moaning god love him.
also did all your joints start aching feet, knees, hips and back.
thanks for listing i hope someone can help :)


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Re: Tell us how you have coped with FLUSHES
« Reply #299 on: July 23, 2009, 02:11:55 PM »

Hi coops, welcome to the forum, :tulipsib2:

Since ive been peri meno i do have more severe headaches, sometimes lasting a couple of days.
I can sympathize with you about the vision going funny, that affects me a lot, and all the other symptoms you mentioned, ive had at one time or another, as im sure most of us have on here.

Have a look round the site, you will find that your not alone, we are a very friendly bunch on here, and you will get lots of support. Tilly. x  :)

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