Hi Cazikins

Sorry to hear you are going through the mill at the moment. (Know how that feels)
Was really interested in reading about the femal, was wondering how would you gauge the reduction of the flushes/sweats since you commenced on it and how long it was before you noticed a difference?
I see you got one of those really sympathetic female doctors (LOL)

Don't worry her words will come back to haunt her one day, probably when she has just suffered her umpteenth night sweat!

Well of course there are drawbacks to HRT, but these need to be kept in context and of course each person presenting is unique and has a unique medical history as to if one should or indeed should not take HRT. To just write it off like this doesn't seem particularly helpful, maybe you can see another doctor in the practice? Is this possible?
All the symptoms you have talked about can be part and parcel of menopause. I agree with you about the antidepressants, if they do not feel right for you at this stage then if I were you then I would hold off from taking them. You do not mention which anti-D's you have been prescribed, but just like HRT and just like any other prescribed medication you can get unwanted side effects from them.
If it is of any consolation I cannot take HRT due to controlled hypertension and a couple of other conditions I have and I have managed to get through this past couple of years without it and apart from some stress in my life at the moment and these flaming flushes and insomnia, then I do feel a lot stronger than I did and certainly am much improved on where I was 18 months ago. So please don't despair it *does* get better. I am so sorry to hear about your mum and know how much this can effect you, but I want to reassure you here also that this does get easier too, oh of course you never stop remembering (but why would you?) and they crop up in your mind at odd times, but the pain of loss gets easier and then you gradually begin to realise that the memories are happy and this in itself helps us to get over the physical loss. I have a photo of my parents on my mantle piece and I talked to her, I talk to her when I am sad, when I am worried, when I am happy, I tell her off for not being here to help me with her grandchildren, I have a small vase and put flowers in it for her and my dad, you may think I am barking but all of this really does help. My partner He Who Must Be Obeyed (HWMBO for short LOL) is quite used to me doing this and thinks it is quite normal. LOL
You are going to be just fine Cazikins, honestly you are ,just remember you are NOT alone, NOT going mad and that you always have a place to come to to talk, laugh or let off steam..here... with us at anytime you feel like it and it sounds like you have a really lovely caring husband which is fantastic. You *will* get through this, honestly you will, we *all* will, meanwhile we all have each to help us through.

Hi Ju ju,

So glad you are now beginning to feel better on HRT, I think this is so important that the positives of HRT are also spoken about as well as the negatives. Knowledge is power and the more we know about something the better able we are to make an informed decision for our-self.
Onwards and Upwards ladies

Love Pops xxx