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Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 205593 times)

Two hoots

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2100 on: June 07, 2020, 12:36:44 PM »

The coverage of when things got nasty and the objects being thrown at police horses seems to have gone un-noticed by the BBC news, i was hoping to hear how the police woman was after being thrown off her horse after it bolted and ran into a lamp post  >:(


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2101 on: June 07, 2020, 01:45:28 PM »

However: this is the opportunity of finding out how C-19 is spread.  Over the next 3-4 weeks hopefully the NHS will follow up anyone who presents with symptoms so that a graph of crowded places = risk can be devised.  Until we get antibody testing we simply don't know.  This does rely however on how honest patients will be.

I worried about the Police horse: many are Clyesdales so not to be messed with!  I read about it on BBC news feed earlier: 9.30 a.m. : when I opened up the lap top.  Must have been something bad for a Police horse to scare, they are HUGE!  I have seen them being reverted into crowds which really sorts out the boys from the men!

We knew that the lockdown was to prevent the NHS being overwhelmed.  Because the NHS has been working to a shoe string for years++.  Not enough staff, not enough beds, not enough equipment ........ and the UK Government didn't hoard PPS as most European countries did.  Now that the NHS is open for business it should be getting back to regular appt. systems etc..

All Hospitals should build a separate A&E Dept - 1 area for real emergencies delivered by Ambulance; the other for drunks etc.; as sure as eggs are eggs, people will revert to 'normal'. 
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 01:56:13 PM by CLKD »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2102 on: June 07, 2020, 02:06:26 PM »

I have been doing the Zoe Covid Symptom study and just signed up the other day for their study in getting an online symptom checker.

I had an email today asking me to go for a covid test today, as I mentioned a bad throat for two days in a row.  my husband gets one too as he is also in the study.

feel a bit scared.

Hey Donna no need to be scared. I'm on this and I've done one too!

I had a headache (migraine) the other day and also had a sore throat so they flagged it up for me to have a test. I declared it because I thought it's pointless saying you feel physically normal when you don't so I thought I would see what happened if i said what I was actually feeling that day.

The first thing the app said was it doesn't mean they think you have Covid. That is the important thing. They are trying to research the effectiveness of determining whether they can predict if people have covid from electronic reporting of symptoms. Therefore they expect there to be negative results. I expect it might help with cases where people have very mild symptoms but still have the virus. If there isn't a good match then they won't use elcetronic surveillance as a way of saying?

You don't have to go for a test you can get one delivered at home ( I live in the country so it means I wouldn't have to drive 20 miles or wherever it was). You just need to follow the instructions and sign up for the home test soon after the time they say otherwise they go quickly. I did mine on Fri eve and they collected it yesterday - someone in mask and gloves came to the door! I also doubt mine was a very good sample because as expected I gagged when trying to do the throat swab and you're supposed to rub your tonsils with it for 10 secs!  :o

It's all reported on your phone so very easy (apart from swab down throat!).

Hurdity x


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2103 on: June 07, 2020, 03:09:53 PM »

All done

I was expecting to gag but didn't, found the nose one worse actually.

now wait and see, I am expecting it to be OK


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2104 on: June 07, 2020, 03:19:35 PM »

I have been doing the Zoe Covid Symptom study and just signed up the other day for their study in getting an online symptom checker.

I had an email today asking me to go for a covid test today, as I mentioned a bad throat for two days in a row.  my husband gets one too as he is also in the study.

feel a bit scared.

Hey Donna no need to be scared. I'm on this and I've done one too!

I had a headache (migraine) the other day and also had a sore throat so they flagged it up for me to have a test. I declared it because I thought it's pointless saying you feel physically normal when you don't so I thought I would see what happened if i said what I was actually feeling that day.

The first thing the app said was it doesn't mean they think you have Covid. That is the important thing. They are trying to research the effectiveness of determining whether they can predict if people have covid from electronic reporting of symptoms. Therefore they expect there to be negative results. I expect it might help with cases where people have very mild symptoms but still have the virus. If there isn't a good match then they won't use elcetronic surveillance as a way of saying?

You don't have to go for a test you can get one delivered at home ( I live in the country so it means I wouldn't have to drive 20 miles or wherever it was). You just need to follow the instructions and sign up for the home test soon after the time they say otherwise they go quickly. I did mine on Fri eve and they collected it yesterday - someone in mask and gloves came to the door! I also doubt mine was a very good sample because as expected I gagged when trying to do the throat swab and you're supposed to rub your tonsils with it for 10 secs!  :o

It's all reported on your phone so very easy (apart from swab down throat!).

Hurdity x
   Hi Hurdity 
That's helpful. I have held back from declaring an occasional mild symptom (which I didn't  really suspect to be Covid but could possibly have been (such as muscle aches which I had yesterday or a mild throat irritation which is normal for me).
You say sign up for the home test 'soon after the time they say'. Do you mean that they give possible times and you need to select an early slot?
I suspect I would gag too. My first one was done by medical staff at a hospital  (before minor surgery) and was uncomfortable but not as bad as I had expected. I think it would be harder to do it myself.
My lodger has had one done and collected by a courier so I saw how this is done. Fortunately his was clear. He didn't have symptoms but had been invited to take part by the NHS.
I was supposed to take part in a first group walk (local) today but pulled out this morning as a precaution after feeling off colour yesterday. However i later realised that I had been worrying too much and could have gone with them.

I did read online a comment by someone who said that his wife had received a letter to say that her Covid test was clear. However her sample hadn't even been collected by the courier so she doesn't know what happened there. Someone must be missing a result and chasing it up.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2105 on: June 08, 2020, 08:36:19 AM »

Hi Katejo - no you don't select a slot.

Here is the e-mail I got asking me to book a test. I've just copied and pasted but some of the format will be lost:

"Thank you so much for using the COVID Symptom Study app and helping to fight the outbreak. ZOE is very excited to be able to offer you a chance to get tested for COVID-19.

You've recently reported feeling unwell with a particular combination of symptoms. We would like to offer you a test to discover if you have the virus right now. This does not necessarily mean you have COVID-19 as we are also inviting some people we believe do not have the virus.

This request comes from our work with the Department of Health and Social Care to give you access to a COVID-19 test. This testing process is run by the Department of Health, and no data will come to us until you choose to share it. For clarity, you may have been invited to participate in a clinical study run by King's College London, but this email and any test results you may enter are a separate project and will not be part of that study.
The Department of Health is therefore inviting you to have a PCR swab test to confirm whether you are currently positive or negative for the virus. This will let you know your status and help us develop an even better understanding of which symptoms are most related to COVID-19 infection. Please note, you do not need to be an essential worker to have received this e-mail.
Book your test

We have not shared your details with the Department of Health. If you would like to be tested, please book this as soon as possible as the test only works if you are actively infectious. Please keep logging your symptoms every day and make sure to enter the results of your test into the app once you get them. You can use this guide to aid the test booking process.
Thank you so much for your amazing contribution to science.
Tim Spector
on behalf of ZOE

Please read the following key information before booking a test:
?   You will be asked to confirm you are an essential worker as part of the booking process. We have agreed with DHSC that you can access testing for the purposes of this research, so please select ?OK, I qualify? when you reach the relevant screen. Please note: this permission only applies to you as the study participant. You must not encourage members of your family or friends to access a test unless they have also been invited as a study participant or a symptomatic essential worker, and therefore already qualify.
?   You will then be offered the choice between a home testing kit or booking a testing slot at one of our regional testing sites (RTS's).
?   Home tests are delivered to your address. You then self-administer the swab (taking a sample from both your nose and throat) before returning the kit for analysis via a courier. Full instructions will be delivered along with the kit. Please note: capacity for these tests is released at the beginning of each day and demand is high. Therefore you may find that there are none available when you attempt to book. In this case, please select a slot at a suitable RTS, if possible.
?   If you have trouble getting a home testing kit, please check the website soon after 0800 or 1700 as kits can book out within hours after each time slot when they are released.
?   Regional Testing Sites are distributed across the UK, with more than 50 sites now available. You can book a slot at the site nearest to you (if capacity is available) or at another site with available capacity and within a regional driving distance. Please note: this opportunity is currently only available to app users within England and Northern Ireland. We are working to expand this to Scotland and Wales.
?   Once you have confirmed your testing route you will be asked to confirm your profession. Please select ?Volunteers? from the drop-down menu.
?   You will then see a summary screen with your name mobile number and profession listed. Please note: check that your phone number is correct as this is how you will receive further information, including your test results.
?   Once you have submitted your application you will receive a text message with a link to either a) claim your home testing kit or b) book a slot at a regional testing site.
?   Once you have completed your tests, results will be sent back to you by the Department of Health and Social Care. This will confirm whether you were positive or negative for COVID-19, or, in a minority of cases, whether it was not possible to confirm your result. Please note: you are then responsible for reporting these results in the COVID Symptom Study app. They will not be automatically shared by the test site

When I first tried to book a home test it was in the eve and there were nobne available but when i tried again the next morning I got one. Sounds like there are just a certain number relased each day and when they're gone they're gone!

I would be interested also in the accuracy of home testing compared with attending a test centre and the percentage of tests that give the same result and I presume this will have been studied (ref my inability to do a long enough throat swab - a lthough it goes up the nose too which was easy!).

Hurdity x



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2106 on: June 08, 2020, 08:55:59 AM »

Shadyglade - anyone who posts links that they haven't read could be posting any rubbish that appears on the internet.  One has to remember to know who funds these reports.  >yawn< I've been around too long and typed many research reports to even begin to believe what is produced on the internet.

Cynical?  Moi  ;D

They could be but in my case not, as you well know. Yes there is a lot of rubbish on the internet but provided you know what you are looking at you can be discerning and actually provide information that helps others so they don't have to believe some of the garbage out there. Also believe it or not it is actually possible to post a helpful link without reading it, and checking whether it is reasonable or not, by glancing over the content, and the website itself. It's a pity you are so cynical because actually if you read some of the links you profess never to read then you will see there is a lot of really useful information out there.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2107 on: June 08, 2020, 12:18:57 PM »

Hello ladies.

Hurdity - Thank you for all the information. It would be very helpful if you are can update us when you get your results and hopefully they will be negative.

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2108 on: June 08, 2020, 12:26:05 PM »

It must depend on the testing centre because I was able to choose my slot.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2109 on: June 08, 2020, 12:34:46 PM »

Could be that there are fewer people requesting tests.  Let's hope so.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2110 on: June 08, 2020, 06:30:49 PM »

my test was negative! 


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2111 on: June 08, 2020, 07:00:36 PM »



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2112 on: June 08, 2020, 07:29:56 PM »

feel very relieved , especially as I have felt really tired today and had a headache, at least it's not Covid.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2113 on: June 08, 2020, 07:48:24 PM »



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #2114 on: June 08, 2020, 09:00:44 PM »

Great 👍 x
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