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Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 199372 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1290 on: April 06, 2020, 08:09:49 AM »

She's GONE  ;D stood down  :-X



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1291 on: April 06, 2020, 08:22:57 AM »

I must say I do get a bit fed up all these celebrities telling us what we MUST do,hands up who has a swimming pool in their garden'tennis court?anyone?no? What about these families who are cooped up in a small flat 'then hearing that that Dr mp who is telling everyone to STAY INDOORS then goes to her second home not just once but TWICE a week,then calls it human error,no,that's NOT human error,that is total disregard of the rules that are in place for EVERYONE
Sorry ladies,just a bit fed up of it all  :'(

The Royals are just as bad.  Charles and Camilla cleared off to Scotland, William, Kate, 3 kids and their staff all came here to Norfolk.  The Queen And DOE are living together for the first time in years away from their main residence.  If they really mean ?we are all in this together? then they should have stayed at home too. 


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1292 on: April 06, 2020, 08:38:54 AM »

They are at home  ;D

What we don't see under usual circumstances is the amount of travelling that the Royal Family do weekly when they are carrying out their Duties.  If 1 reads the Palace News in the Telegraph every morning, we can get an idea as to what they are paid to do!

Teresa - not odd at all.  Why not?  My Dad often wrote to me whilst he was in hospital for months at a time, I regret not keeping the letters now  :'(


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1293 on: April 06, 2020, 11:41:00 AM »

I agree. Same with photos.  Get those names, dates and details on the back of photos!!

Has anyone heard from Prof whatshisname who was off sick ? him on the Advert advising us to stay at home?


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1294 on: April 06, 2020, 01:09:11 PM »

Oh Jillydoll I Hope starts to breathe better unaided, what a rollercoaster

On our financial situation we had a phone interview regarding our UC application today.  We are entitled to it , not sure about housing benefit but man sounded very optimistic .  I have deferred council tax for 2 months and UC are sending us ?200 emergency loan that we pay pack after this interest-free, he said we can ask for more if needed as we won't receive any credit until beginning May. 

We've never claimed benefits before so this is a new experience .  Still waiting to find out how we try to furlough one of us too

Stay safe everyone x


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1295 on: April 06, 2020, 01:37:55 PM »

Hi Jillydoll

So please to hear your husband is turning the corner, and hopefully even better today. Stay strong!

Hurdity x


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1296 on: April 06, 2020, 02:20:12 PM »

I have people speaking to me about my Dad, he made an impression. Apparently  8)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1297 on: April 06, 2020, 03:39:14 PM »

I had this email today and I thought you might be interested in it as it highlights health concerns caused directly by how the crisis is handled. It also might explain what happens to patients like JDs husband.

COVID. ?With? ?Of? or ?Because of?
7 Replies
6th April 2020

Here is a section from the Health Service Journal (HSJ) in the UK, discussing the current fears of NHSE (NHS England). The article is behind a paywall.

NHS England is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health and Social Care. NHS England oversees the budget, planning, delivery and day-to-day operation of the commissioning side of the NHS in England as set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2012>/p>

Exclusive: NHSE to act over fears covid-19 focus could 'do more harm than virus?

?NHS England analysts have been tasked with the challenging task of identifying patients who may not have the virus but may be at risk of significant harm or death because they are missing vital appointments or not attending emergency departments, with both the service and public so focused on covid-19.

A senior NHS source familiar with the programme told HSJ: ?There could be some very serious unintended consequences [to all the resource going into fighting coronavirus]. While there will be a lot of covid-19 fatalities, we could end up losing more ?years of life? because of fatalities relating to non-covid-19 health complications.

?What we don't want to do is take our eye off the ball in terms of all the core business and all the other healthcare issues the NHS normally attends to.

?People will be developing symptoms of serious but treatable diseases, babies will be born which need immunising, and people will be developing breast lumps and need mammograms.??

Nuffield Trust deputy director of research Sarah Scobie said it was ?a considerable worry that people are keeping away from routine and urgent health services, and also from emergency departments?.

She added: ?The PHE (public health England) data suggests there could be significant problems already developing for heart disease related conditions patients, for example. Attendances relating to myocardial infarction at emergency departments have dropped right down, whereas ambulance calls in relation to chest pain have gone right [up].?

I suppose my first response would not be one of great surprise. In fact, it confirms what I have been saying for some time. When the great Swine Flu epidemic (that killed hardly anyone) created the last pandemic crisis in the UK, exactly the same thing happened. If, whatever you were suffering from, wasn't Swine Flu, it didn't seem to matter.

In my small part of the world a small but significant number of people were diagnosed with Swine Flu. This was done over the phone, by poorly trained operatives. These people were then prescribed the (almost entirely useless Tamiflu), they then died. It turned out that they had other conditions that could, and would, have been properly treated had we not been overcome by a massive over-reaction to Swine Flu. They died because of swine flu.

Last week, in Intermediate Care, we sent two patients into the local hospital who were seriously ill. They were both sent back almost immediately. They both died. Yes, they were ill, and may have died anyway. But I believe they should both have been admitted, and treated, and they could both still be alive. They died because of COVID.

Ambulance crews are under very heavy pressure not to admit anyone unless absolutely necessary. Some of those, not admitted, will die.

These people, all these people, are dying ?because of? COVID. Because of the fact that almost the entire focus of the NHS is now on COVID ? to the virtual exclusion of anything else.

Our local hospital now has more empty beds than at any time in history. Elective surgery has stopped, to free up resources. There is enormous managerial pressure to clear more and more people out of hospital, out of Intermediate Care beds, back home with little support available. Some of them will die because of this.

My last blog focussed on the economic costs of the reaction to COVID. My argument was that economics, and health, do not exist in isolate bubbles. Harm to the economy will result in harm to health and vice-versa.

Equally, if you spend all your healthcare resources trying to treat one thing, everything else will suffer, because resources are not infinite. At present we have virtually shut down the NHS to deal with COVID.

I saw several patients yesterday while I was working in ?out of hours?, who were not critically ill, but they were ill. Two of them, I felt, really needed to be followed up. A girl with weight loss over the last three months, a man with clear signs in his chest that could have been malignant.

They will not be followed up any time soon. If at all.

At present there is a lot of discussion about how we are categorising deaths from COVID. Anyone who dies, having been diagnosed with COVID, is considered to have died of COVID. Even if they died of something else. The died with COVID, not of COVID.

There is, I believe, an even greater immediate problem here. Which is those who are dying because of COVID. This is not just me saying this, this is NHS England:

?While there will be a lot of covid-19 fatalities, we could end up losing more ?years of life? because of fatalities relating to non-covid-19 health complications.?

For many years, there has been an old medical joke. It will not make you laugh out loud, but it goes like this.

?The operation was a success, unfortunately the patient died.?


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1298 on: April 06, 2020, 04:14:53 PM »

A bit of bad news I'm afraid.

OH had a set back last night. His oxygen levels dropped, he had fevers again, and wasn't very  good at all., doctors have put intravenous AB back in, and highered  his oxygen.
He may be moved to the respiratory ward, as ANOTHER covid19 test came back negative.!!!!
We don't think he ever had covid to start with. It was pneumonia all the time! But I admit, symptoms are very similar. ....🤷‍♀️
So him coming home mid week has been postponed.  :'( :'(

All that what shady posted, IS exactly right. I'm saddened to say, but it's true.
Paramedics even told us, they?re limiting the amount of people they take in. They have to try to  prioritise.  🤦‍♀️


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1299 on: April 06, 2020, 04:28:22 PM »

Time they sorted this jillydoll!  Too much is focussing on this new Virus.  How many people will die with it rather than because of it?  That's been my query for weeks.  Men die with prostate cancer, not because of it. Every day.  Terminology has become lax and lazy with regards C-19.

You must be knackered Jillydoll  :'(  bugga it, have a :hug:

Which is where isolation hospitals would help.  Now these Nightingale Hospitals - when will patients be taken there?  Care Homes are not sending the elderly to hospital: I wonder what happens if one falls?  They don't have to be admitted, Mum fell in Jan and was treated/observed in A&E. 



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1300 on: April 06, 2020, 04:54:17 PM »

Sorry to hear that jd. Sending love.have they taken samples to try to establish which ab to give him?

« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 05:08:25 PM by Tc »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1301 on: April 06, 2020, 05:45:39 PM »

JD so sorry to read this. I really hope they can work out what type of pneumonia he has, and how to treat it.

Now that they have some isolation hospitals lets hope it will help others get the treatment they need for other illnesses.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 05:55:44 PM by getting_old »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1302 on: April 06, 2020, 05:51:49 PM »

President Donald Trump said he had used the Defence Production Act to "hit 3M hard", without providing additional details. The law dates back to 1950 and allows a president to force companies to make products for national defence.
[/I]. Trump has already turned back equipement on their way to Germany  >:(

The man is a Grade A knob!  >:(

It seems they are now saying it was a misunderstanding and actually to stop price gouging!?! I was horrified when I first read about that however I saw a couple of posts where people were saying that given the number of people that have tested positive in the US compared to the rest of the world their need for masks at this time was greater. Not sure how I feel about that, but I do think we have to start thinking of this as a worldwide problem that we should be tackling together because we need every country to be free of it, not just our own.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1303 on: April 06, 2020, 05:58:02 PM »

Thanks,Jay.  X


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #1304 on: April 06, 2020, 06:25:07 PM »

Sending healing thoughts for your husband, Jilly xxx

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