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Author Topic: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.  (Read 14469 times)


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2019, 03:43:59 PM »

Hi Coldlittleheart, it might be worth  attending the menopause clinic, as you know I'm waiting for another appointment. I guess some of us are more sensitive than others to HRT and I'm hoping they may have a trick or two left up their sleeve. Stay in touch as we appear to be in the same boat... X

I will stay in touch, I'll see how I get on without the HRT and see if I still need the menopause clinic. I know it can take awhile for an appointment. I'll keep you posted and please keep me posted too. Feel free to pm me :)

Tracey E

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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2019, 01:13:32 PM »

Hi Coldlittleheart, it might be worth  attending the menopause clinic, as you know I'm waiting for another appointment. I guess some of us are more sensitive than others to HRT and I'm hoping they may have a trick or two left up their sleeve. Stay in touch as we appear to be in the same boat... X

I will stay in touch, I'll see how I get on without the HRT and see if I still need the menopause clinic. I know it can take awhile for an appointment. I'll keep you posted and please keep me posted too. Feel free to pm me :)

Will do, take care.. X


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2019, 10:49:05 PM »

Stellajane, it did get better last year after I stopped my short stint on HRT (first one was kliovance with norethisterone, then I changed to femoston but that didn't control any of my symptoms and the shedding carried on). It got better, then it got bad again when I started estrogel and utro, but got even worse without utro. I know what you mean about the stresses, but it just seemed too coincidental that both times I tried HRT, the shedding went crazy, but then they also say that HRT does stress our bodies too as it causes hormonal changes. We'll see how it goes in a few weeks time.


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2019, 09:08:00 AM »

Coldlittleheart - if you're blood tests are adequate I still think you should push for sex hormone tests as it's likely your oestrogen is low. I've previously shed hair on both norethisterone and oestrogel but in the gel case, it was probably non absorption. Have you tried a patch? Non absorption or even low absorption of E would have an effect on hair and I imagine cycles might too as you're adding and withdrawing progesterone and so causing fluctuations. Have you used a conti method without hair loss? Conti is much more stable and I've found in the past that I shed more when stopping prog on a cycle.

I'm the same age as you and have defo lost some hair from the top and front of my head, it's not noticeable but I notice it and I shed a lot but I'm on a low dose so I imagine that's part of being late 50's and well post meno. Do you take biotin and and B vit supplement? I've been doing that for a while and I think it helps a bit.



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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2019, 08:56:00 PM »

Coldlittleheart - if you're blood tests are adequate I still think you should push for sex hormone tests as it's likely your oestrogen is low. I've previously shed hair on both norethisterone and oestrogel but in the gel case, it was probably non absorption. Have you tried a patch? Non absorption or even low absorption of E would have an effect on hair and I imagine cycles might too as you're adding and withdrawing progesterone and so causing fluctuations. Have you used a conti method without hair loss? Conti is much more stable and I've found in the past that I shed more when stopping prog on a cycle.

Thing is I was not losing much at all off HRT only started really shedding after I started HRT. I only did two very short stints of HRT. As I said the first was last year, with kliovance which is norethisterone, then switched to femoston which is  meant to be more hair friendly as it's got Dydrogesterone. The femoston didn't do anything for my symptoms but my hair kept on shedding. So I stopped. Both were conti. I can't do patches because I have an allergy to the adhesives. Then since last july I have started off with progynova 2mg plus utro daily, then my GP changed the progynova to oestrogel but I stayed on utro daily. That really didn't work too well for me, the progesterone made me really tired. That's why I went on a  cycle, I was wiped out and felt like crap with utro. My hair started shedding about a month and a half this time around but more once I stopped utro. Why would my hair shed like mad if I am not absorbing but it didn't shed when I wasn't on HRT? I don't understand. Plus I must be absorbing because my anxiety went down, my hot flushes went away, no more night sweats. so I was getting some estrogen in my system.

I'm the same age as you and have defo lost some hair from the top and front of my head, it's not noticeable but I notice it and I shed a lot but I'm on a low dose so I imagine that's part of being late 50's and well post meno. Do you take biotin and and B vit supplement? I've been doing that for a while and I think it helps a bit.

I do eat nutritional yeast every day which is full of all B vitamins. Thing is in my case it started in my 50s, but I had very very low ferritin, and that with perimenopause, my hair thinned. But I had managed to get my ferritin levels up and the shedding stopped, I saw a lot of new growth. The shedding this time has been really worrying, nothing like I experienced before. I wouldn't be surprised if it stops soon.

Tracey E

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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2019, 09:27:36 AM »

Just thought I'd give an update 6 weeks after stopping HRT. My morning achey feet, legs and fingers have gone since I came off HRT. :) Acid reflux and palpitations appear to have now disappeared. Eyebrows are now growing back and hair has definitely stopped shedding. Aura migranes now gone. Hot Flushes still around one a night which is bearable.

I was very similar to coldlittleheart in the fact that my iron levels were fine, as was thyroid function. I was absorbing my Estrogen too. Doctors could find no other causes for my issues other than HRT specifically Estrodrial.

I'm hoping my post will give some hope to folk that are considering coming off HRT. I spent the good part of 18 months changing from one progesterone to another when in fact the culprit was Estrodrial. I realise that is a hard fact to swallow as Estrogen seems to be the answer to all of our woes. For me it was not it was just the beginning...


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2019, 10:20:16 AM »

Thank you for the update Tracey. Brilliant news that you are still seeing improvements. Xx


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2019, 12:44:15 PM »

Hi Tracey, I came off HRT cold turkey 8 weeks ago and feel much better apart from VA that kicked in really quickly but I'm taking Vagifem for it and that seems to be helping. Early days for me and I would consider it again if needed. I was on it for 15 months and it did help with the insomnia and hot flushes. I'm guessing that the hormonal fluctuations have abated and the HRT did the job when needed but no need now. The VA has been a horrible shock though as I had no idea that menopause could cause that.  I will watch your story with interest.


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2019, 03:51:45 PM »

Great to hear thatnyou're still feeling better. I'll be following your updates! :D

Tracey E

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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2019, 06:06:30 PM »

Hi Tracey, I came off HRT cold turkey 8 weeks ago and feel much better apart from VA that kicked in really quickly but I'm taking Vagifem for it and that seems to be helping. Early days for me and I would consider it again if needed. I was on it for 15 months and it did help with the insomnia and hot flushes. I'm guessing that the hormonal fluctuations have abated and the HRT did the job when needed but no need now. The VA has been a horrible shock though as I had no idea that menopause could cause that.  I will watch your story with interest.

Hi Honey, I'm on Vagifem daily at the moment for VA it seems to be doing the trick (touch wood). How are your hot flushes now ? I'm hardly getting any flushes 6 wks off HRT. :)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 06:56:39 PM by Tracey E »


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2019, 06:55:05 PM »

I have maybe one or two very very mild flushes a day Tracey.  Really just feeling a bit hot, nothing like the flushes I had earlier in the menopause really.  Also my legs feel better, no more crampy feeling and no more silent aura migraines.  The VA has been a shocker though but it is ok on the vagifem.  I'm a bit reluctant to feel out of the woods yet though.  Are we ever out of the woods!

Tracey E

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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2019, 07:01:13 PM »

I have maybe one or two very very mild flushes a day Tracey.  Really just feeling a bit hot, nothing like the flushes I had earlier in the menopause really.  Also my legs feel better, no more crampy feeling and no more silent aura migraines.  The VA has been a shocker though but it is ok on the vagifem.  I'm a bit reluctant to feel out of the woods yet though.  Are we ever out of the woods!

I was having aura migranes too. :( I hope we can get out of the woods at some point Joney or at least see a glimpse of daylight..


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2019, 08:12:00 PM »

From the varying posts on this thread, it really does seem that some ladies are better without hrt. I know from my own experience with feeling unwell on higher doses that I'm personally better with low dose, possibly even ultra low dose. This is a really useful thread for those ladies who are confused about feeling worse on hrt but might be a afraid to reduce/stop. I certainly felt afraid to do so but am glad I persevered. It's important, particularly when gp's are giving uninformed or unsuitable advice that we have these discussions allowing women to consider all their options.


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2020, 12:40:55 PM »

New to posting anything on the forum. I went on Everol Conti last July for low moods, energy levels and brain fog. Felt really good on it for a while. Then started suffering from really tender breasts, dry brittle hair which was shedding more as well as a really itchy scalp. Asked to switch to another patch but due to shortage was put on low dose of Femoston Conti pills in Oct and then switched to higher dose. Since being on the Femoston I have suffered really badly with anxiety and insomnia to the point I am on sleeping tablets at the moment. Never had this problem before. Body feels all over the place. I have decided to come off HRT all together. Please tell me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! Dr has suggested ADs which I am loath to take but in the middle of a house move so wondering whether to give them a try if they help with sleep.


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Re: Cold Turkey (HRT) 5.5 weeks.
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2020, 05:57:42 PM »

I have just stopped HRT as of today. I started it in October 2017. I've tried various formulas from patches to tablets and gel. I was so upset when my hairdresser showed me my scalp last week where my hair loss is visible in gaps. I don't know whether it is the testosterone therapy I have been on for 6 months which can cause male pattern hair loss or the Provera which lists hair loss as a common side effect affecting 1 in 10 women. I have been under the care of an NHS menopause consultant who has been very good. I did ask her about hair loss with Provera and she said this is not the case. I am not so sure as something is causing my hair loss. My brushes get full every week.
I decided I can't be in any worse situation by stopping. I did check my menopause books by Kathy Abernethy and the guidance in that about stopping. It does say symptoms can reoccur but I think I would rather put up with hot sweats and brain fog than have bald patches. I did try Nordic hair volume gummies but all they did was make my fine hair even softer and less manageable. If anyone has any advice in hair loss I would be very grateful. I am seeing my own Dr on Tuesday. I am waiting for NHS consultant to respond to my message. It is really distressing to be in this situation. Please can anyone advise. Thank you.
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