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Author Topic: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...  (Read 40840 times)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #180 on: March 08, 2019, 06:28:03 PM »

I used to get "restless legs" not so much cramp as "jumpiness".  I believe it is a vitamin deficiency - if bananas help then they are full of potassium - I think magnesium helps too. CKLD is right about salt too - everyone is always banging on about salt being bad but we do need it and spend all our time trying to avoid it cos we are told a low salt diet is good.  Too much is bad but too little is just as bad.  A really concentrated multi-vitamin might help.  I was on Amyltroptoline, citilopram, pain med called arthrotec and when I gave them all up it stopped?? ???   I had had it for year's but I had been on AD's for years - maybe a link can's be sure.  Those with "restless legs" often get given them.  I wonder which came first the chicken or the egg?

Angel refresh us about how you are dealing with your meno symptoms?


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #181 on: March 08, 2019, 06:48:28 PM »

I used to get "restless legs" not so much cramp as "jumpiness".  I believe it is a vitamin deficiency - if bananas help then they are full of potassium - I think magnesium helps too. CKLD is right about salt too - everyone is always banging on about salt being bad but we do need it and spend all our time trying to avoid it cos we are told a low salt diet is good.  Too much is bad but too little is just as bad.  A really concentrated multi-vitamin might help.  I was on Amyltroptoline, citilopram, pain med called arthrotec and when I gave them all up it stopped?? ???   I had had it for year's but I had been on AD's for years - maybe a link can's be sure.  Those with "restless legs" often get given them.  I wonder which came first the chicken or the egg?

Angel refresh us about how you are dealing with your meno symptoms?

Hi Ladybt I'm not dealing with anything at the moment. I'm on citalopram and propranolol since 23rd January after my partner finished with me after 8 yes as he couldn't handle my anxiety and not feeling well each day. Got to have a sigmoidscopy and endoscopy as blood in stools. Major lower abdominal pain. Tingling feet continously. Pins and needles arms hands feet legs, which is a recent thing. Nausea and vomiting bile most mornings. Stomach pains and bad stomach heartbeat.  Was on hrt but doctor pulled me off as BP was high. Had BP done a couple of times at doctors. On little machine always high. They then do it on manual machine and it's fine?? So don't get that bit how it can fluctuate massively within minutes. Feel lousy everyday and getting worse. I am definitely depressed but this is due to how I feel and unable to do anything as poorly. I am at my wits end now and had enough. Xx
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 06:54:51 PM by Angel1964 »


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #182 on: March 08, 2019, 06:49:58 PM »

:-\. I answered you above  :-\

So so sorry CLKD I didn't see your post.  I am getting daily left calf cramps sometimes right. But pins and needles hands arms legs toes driving me insane. I will up my salt as don't really add it to anything. Thank you xx

Try magnesium malate or threonate or taurate, and double the recommended dose. Don't use mag citrate as it'll give you the runs.
I get restless legs, twitchy eyes and lip and pins and needles when I skip my magnesium for a few days.

Hi Birdy I'm using magnesium oil spray.i have just started taking menopace plus again and vit d3. Is that not enough xx


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #183 on: March 09, 2019, 03:45:25 PM »

I get the cramps and such, same as Birdy, if I miss a few days if taking magnesium. Potassium is great as well. And definitely yes on the salt. When I get the "bubbles popping under my skin" feeling in my calves, I use some Himalayan salt to add some extra diet and they go away.

As for the tingling...B12 could help. It's a nerve issue. But many things could cause that. I get nerve compression that seems to cause mine. Yoga and massage has helped a lot. My arms aren't tingling everyday anymore. Still get it in my legs if I sit wrong for too long. I had a lot of muscle tension (probably the anxiety, not sure) that was pulling and twisting my body every which way. That messed with my spine and nerves. I still need to see the chiropractor to get my body balanced back out but I'm getting there at least.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #184 on: March 09, 2019, 03:51:30 PM »

Salt is salt.  Why buy salt from abroad when we have it in Cheshire or Anglesey, as well as Malvern Sea Salt ;-)

Tingling can be caused by trapped nerves  ::)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #185 on: March 09, 2019, 06:59:47 PM »

Thank you Bluebutterfly. Today my pain is in left thigh very badly so now I'm panicking. A friend has asked do I have fibromyalgia? But my symptoms can be numerous things i suppose. Just fed up everyday of not feeling good. Xx


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #186 on: March 09, 2019, 08:18:58 PM »

I have pain in the thighs sometimes.  Like cramp ........ intense.

A few years ago I had deep, intense pain in the thighs which would wake me in the night.  So bad that I would scream without making a sound.  It turned out that it was postural.  I spent a lot of time leaning over cabinets [long story short] and I had pulled the muscles connected to the thighs.  Which would contract at night and cause intense pain!!



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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #187 on: March 10, 2019, 11:44:32 PM »

I'll just throw in my 2 penn'ith… I think we feel so ill for so long...which just puts the body under extreme stress for so long I am pretty sure that it takes a long time for your body, your muscles, and your brain to work out if and when it's not under the same amount as stress as before and adjust.  It has been 3.5 years since I gave up all my pain meds and AD's and 8 months since I got my HRT right and I think my body has only just worked out what it is "supposed to do". 

These things take a long time work themselves out or re-adjust and then your brain has to catch up - if you have felt rough for years I would say your body is reacting almost in a "learned response" way - it needs to "unlearn" and I'm no expert but I bet it takes longer than a few months to "unlearn" years of stress response.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #188 on: March 11, 2019, 04:40:08 AM »

Thank you Bluebutterfly. Today my pain is in left thigh very badly so now I'm panicking. A friend has asked do I have fibromyalgia? But my symptoms can be numerous things i suppose. Just fed up everyday of not feeling good. Xx

Not too long ago I had the most awful pain in my right inner thigh... shot from my knee up to my groin...stabbing, so painful. Some pain behind my knee as well. Went to the doctor, no idea why. Sent for ultrasound because I have genetic clotting stuff-never had a clot but every leg pain is a red flag it seems. Anyways, no clot, still pain..lots! Go back to doc, see a different one. He tells me the pain doesn't sound like structural issues or muscle, etc. Sent for another ultrasound....still clear. Went for massage (it had been scheduled for awhile). She was amazing. My whole right leg was a giant knot, especially the thigh. I couldn't even feel them until she found them with massage. My body was just in knots...a zig-zag pattern from legs to shoulders...right thigh, left hip, right waist, etc.

Seriously stress messes your body up! I was starting to wonder about fibromyalgia too! But only two of the test points hurt. It's strange now to NOT be in any pain because it is so rare. I think like Ladybt28 takes awhile for the body to get right again after dealing with all the stress/anxiety/changes that seem to happen so much faster than I was ever told about and all at once!


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #189 on: March 11, 2019, 03:35:15 PM »

The NOT having pain or symptoms stuff is weird isn't it Bluebutterfly - it takes a while to get used to the fact it's gone!  I was actually diagnosed with Fibro but I have written before I was pretty sure that I didn't have it and that it was hormonal and stress pain and also when I was on my painkillers I think after a while your body gets used to them and just creates pain in a sort of vicious circle!

I have always had major problems with my "trigger points" plus aches and pains in my joints. The aches have subsided due to the improvement in the hormonal balance like I said before but I still get problems with the triggers though not as bad as before, but now I know what it is an what to do.  Nearly 4 years and I'm still unwinding... No wonder they say "stress kills".  The real frightening pains are the one you get under your ribs or in your throat I found - but these too were stress - gone now!
A really good masseuse is a godsend BB.  To be honest I think the NHS would save a fortune if they paid for 6 sessions of proper massage than years and years of painkillers!


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #190 on: March 11, 2019, 03:48:52 PM »

For me calf pain, under the ribs and my neck/shoulders are the least most noticeable pains. I used to get headaches/migraines almost constantly. Once I stopped birth control those went away and I rarely get them now. It was the strangest feeling not having a headache for several days in a row. It has taken awhile to just get used to that. Now when I get a headache or migraine it really stands out because it is so rare! It just reminds me of how seldom they are now. I love it! Just waiting for my body to follow suit and stop being in pain every day. Some days, it really is amazing...because I can actually tell/fell less pain. I don't know what I'll do when I have several days in a row of no pain. I'm grateful for a few hours without it. Today is not one of those days. Life has been stressing me out lately so I've been tensing all over. I can feel how off my body is, I'm sitting in a "C" shape and I can feel it. Yoga for sure and I should really look at scheduling another massage!

And yes I agree! I think if massage was covered, there would be a lot less pain killer usage as well. Its the alternative therapies that have given me more relief from the pain than anything the doctors have given. 


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #191 on: March 11, 2019, 03:58:44 PM »

So glad you are feeling a bit better in the scheme of things BB.  Can't do Yoga I'm afraid - I tried but my left arm and shoulder I hurt in a car accident just can't cope - you need to be able to raise it to balance and for it to take pressure to "downward do" and it just wont work!

The best massages I ever had were in Turkey.  We have been the same place 3 times and the last 2 times I have gone for a month at a time! (It's so cheap there, it's the only place I can afford to go - 2 of us £1500 for the month!) and I always to go the real proper Turkish bath and every time I have seen the same masseuse as part of the scrubbing, sauna etc etc.  It is so cheap to go for the massage I went twice a week for 4 weeks the difference was amazing.  Haven't been on hols for the last 2 years so now I'm a mess - it's just not the same here somehow!


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #192 on: March 11, 2019, 05:02:08 PM »

Sounds like you are due for a holiday in Turkey.  ;)

I have a few issues with my body so I just do the yoga that I can that doesn't cause me pain. Hoping one day it'll get better but I think doing whatever I can is better than nothing.

Skylo Jones

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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #193 on: August 28, 2019, 01:13:10 AM »

I tested low on vitamin D a couple winters ago. During the summer months, I have great levels. I'm not a fan of sunscreen unless we'll be out on the water all day. I just try to remember to start supplements about a month before winter hits and I'm usually okay. It still isn't the same as the actual sunshine for me. I don't think the supplement can totally replace what our body can make.

Been up since 1am. Went to bed before 10 as I was falling asleep anyways. No reason to be anxiety, no sweats....just up. Really looking into the light therapy. Reading a lot of people getting help with sleep as well with it.

I am also looking into light therapy, have you had any success? I got some info on light therapy from this site and it looks promising.
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