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Author Topic: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...  (Read 41268 times)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #75 on: November 23, 2018, 02:51:59 PM »

oh man, boobs hurt!!  I swear they are bigger....not that I have much to begin with but man, they are tender and hurt. And the tops aren't so empty anymore....It would be great if they didn't hurt so much.
Had horrific cramps yesterday but 200mg Ibuprofen took care of them. Hate mid cycle cramps. And it was 1 bad day, mild day before and seems mild now. Much better than 5-6 awful cramps. I can't expect everything to go away in a few weeks right?



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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #76 on: November 23, 2018, 05:37:20 PM »

Of course right.  It's The Change.  Does what it says on the tin  ::) which is why it's so tiring at times.

How R your bruises?  I often knock myself and think "I won't remember doing that when the bruise comes out"  ::)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #77 on: November 24, 2018, 02:15:46 AM »

Of course right.  It's The Change.  Does what it says on the tin  ::) which is why it's so tiring at times.

How R your bruises?  I often knock myself and think "I won't remember doing that when the bruise comes out"  ::)

I still don't see any bruises! I'm seriously shocked! Things are still tender to the touch so maybe they just haven't come out yet?!  ???


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2018, 02:31:59 PM »

Still no bruising...but definitely more back nerve pain now. Maybe as the inflammation goes down? I'm feeling more aches as time passes as expected. Stupid stairs...wish I lived in a rambler....

Still feeling pretty okay. Haven't been feeling as great as before but I think I need to blame a lot of that on my diet. I have been eating so many sweets and so much chocolate. Oh those pies....they were so good and really got me started this last long weekend. Of course that has meant more headaches and feeling more sluggish. The weather has also been cold and snowy so I sit around all day bundled up. I need to be more active as well.

Today starting to eat better least it is a choice now instead of being forced because of digestion issues. Have a project I need to get done this week as well. I am finally feeling well enough and like it won't 'break me' that I am going to start exercising again. I am going to start slow but I think it would help my body balance out more.

Still using the progesterone cream. I was upping my dose but I'm not sure it is what I need honestly. I may step back down to what I was at before or just stay where I am at for the rest of this cycle, see what happens. I am curious how my next period will be. The progesterone really did help almost instantly to get rid of the anxiety and keep it away. Only time I felt it coming back was during my last bleed....but quickly went away after I started back up. My mid cycle cramping was greatly reduced. It did get bad on one day but much better than several bad days. Downside is that my breasts hurt! This has surprised me. I thought it was the estrogen that would cause that. They are 'fuller' again though. Still small but my bras feel tight and hurt to wear. I have been getting a bit b*tchy lately as well. It is honestly hard to say if it is the hormones, the lack of sleep (very possible), awful weather (I don't do well in winter) or Grinch of a hubby during this holiday season - tried to get his help with holiday shopping for the kids, like to get it done early...and he was such a scrooge about spending any money or doing anything....once again everything fell on me to do and make decisions about. Just some extra stress that I'd rather not have.

Hair still seems to be falling out but growing even faster now! Was that even possible!? I'm blaming the biotin on that one. Been great for my nails though too. Not really noticing much change with my skin...well maybe...I don't feel like I'm looking at a woman 10 years older than I in the mirror these days. Not sure if that is the progesterone, biotin, combo?? It definitely isn't sleep though! That's been awful again.

I miss just living my life without thinking about what I need to do to keep myself balanced out. I'm too young to think about 'back in the day' times. But I feel like maybe if I can get this all figured out now, MAYBE, just maybe, I will have an easier time later. I needed to start taking better care of myself anyways I guess.  ;)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2018, 03:13:15 PM »

Tnx for the update.

It's The Change.  It can't be rushed  :-\.  I am struggling with eating as we don't have many treats in our fridge  >:(  ::)


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #80 on: November 28, 2018, 03:56:58 PM »

Tnx for the update.

It's The Change.  It can't be rushed  :-\.  I am struggling with eating as we don't have many treats in our fridge  >:(  ::)

Same here...I'm starving lately! Just always. I'm eating twice as much or more than I used to! I think I could put my teenage son to shame right now with my eating ability. But sadly, I'm also craving sweets like nothing else. I'm trying to eat healthy but it isn't satisfying me. I'm feeling like my teenage self again with this...except don't have the body or metabolism to go with it. If only!  ;D

Sore boobs diminishing...thank goodness! B*tchy me seems to be going away as well. Maybe too much progesterone for first part of the cycle? Going to try a half dose this next cycle during the first 14 days...Or until ovulation (I think it might have actually happened this cycle??? Maybe? Peri is so confusing..never had to wonder about that - Got pregnant thinking about it too much so not ovulating is strange). Can't do without it too long because the anxiety starts coming back after about 3 days off the progesterone. Curious how the next bleed will be...would love for it to be lighter. If it is very heavy, will probably start the mini-pill. Hope I don't have to. I'd hate to mess too much with what is working! And seriously, very few headaches. This is amazing! I'm used to a menstrual migraine and several others throughout the month as well as an almost constant low-level headache. Being without them is just  :o!  Now when I get a twinge of a headache, it actually takes me a minute to process that I am getting a headache! And I can only really recall the ones I got after a long Thanksgiving weekend of binge eating pie and sweets. Definitely a blood sugar issue there. After getting rid of the anxiety and feeling like I was dying of something, I feel better than I have in a very long time. I have body aches and feels old (falling down the stairs did not help  ;D) hair is falling out more than I think it should be but I can honestly say I'm feeling good...more focused...even possibly healthier. 


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #81 on: November 28, 2018, 05:16:12 PM »

You didn't break the wine bottle when you fell did you?😂 sorry,only joking,gives you such a fright doesn't it,take it easy xx

If least falling down the steps I have gone up and down several times a day for over a decade would have made sense!!  ;D ;D

I'm glad you are getting a break from your anxiety as well jaypo. It's amazing how much it effects us. I think I put on a couple pounds as well but they've held steady there for the last week. Just so nice to enjoy food...just enjoying it too much now!!  ;D


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #82 on: November 29, 2018, 09:45:47 PM »

Feeling the back pain from falling really good now. Nerve stuff going on. Nothing too painful but find it very annoying. I get random jolts like I'm being shocked in one particular area, always same spot. Some pain down my leg. Some of this could be from aggravating my back the last couple days. Cleaned all day Tuesday and worked on a project yesterday. Both required lots of bending and twisting - things that aggravate my lower back anyways. Will need to use my tens unit soon.
Didn't use progesterone cream yet today... don't know why. Just never got there I guess. I know once I do, I'll feel more motivated and less blah but would still rather sit here curled up on the sofa with a blanket. Miss the sunshine...been a few days without it. Already take a large dose of vitamin D.
Must do something productive...


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2018, 12:20:32 PM »

I honestly don't know if the vitamin D helps. Sunshine really works better for me. I can feel that. But winter clouds, snow and short cold days makes that very hard to get. I've been taking the vitamin D over a month now.

Yes, I do need to be more gentle on myself. I don't heal up like I used to for sure.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2018, 02:01:55 PM »

I don't want to accept I'm not young anymore!  ;D But the aching body from sleeping "wrong" is telling me otherwise. I can't believe how many places I am aching and have pains pinging today! Just one day of not using the progesterone and probably eating too much gluten-I can't seem to stay completely gluten free...bread is what gets me. I've found alternatives for other things but the bread is the hardest to give up and stay away from.

I really do need the sunshine. I know people who use the tanning beds during the winter just for the vitamin D boost. I think vitamin D supplementation helps but I don't think it is the same as good old sunshine. I know, not the best thing...cancer risk and all that.

Been thinking....
I started having lower back problems a few years hubby haul a sofa up the stairs...bad idea. And recently found out I have some degeneration going on in my spine. They say it is normal for my age but even my mother is shocked by this. I don't know the extent of the degeneration, they said it was minor. I am only 36 though...and I am starting to wonder if that all if somehow connected to everything I am dealing with now? I do wonder how much my body has been showing signs of problems for many years but it was never noticed (most likely because of the birth control pill I was on). I mean, I was told at almost 30 that my ovaries were shutting down then...but never given a reason why or acted like it was not much of anything to worry about. Now, years later when I am positive I am dealing with perimenopause (seriously, How many symptoms do I have to check off the list?! And no other reason to explain them), I am told that's not what it is! And why? Why so young? I think genetics play a part but do wonder if something else is going on in my body that we haven't found. (Can there really be anything else they can test for!?) Just thinking "out loud", so to speak.
I honestly think that I will be dealing with things alone until I am over 40. I feel like then, I will be listened to more. I find that sad as I am in the age range for perimenopause. It's not THAT unusual. Maybe I will feel like trying another GYN eventually. At this point, I am so sick of visiting doctors and I am just so happy that I am feeling so much better. I will just keep doing what works for me until it doesn't anymore. And I'll be honest, I don't think doctors have much of a clue sometimes. I'm glad they are really trying to learn about menopause now but I think there is so much they just don't know.


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2018, 02:45:22 PM »

I was about to suggest light therapy too Jaypo. There are some much smaller ones on the market these days and although still expensive they have come down in price. If sunlight makes you feel better then it might be something worth trying. You sit with the lamp slightly to one side of you each morning(about 30 degrees) for 30 minutes. You don't look directly at it so it could be on your desk while you are working or the breakfast table or even just while you watch tv or read. Lumie do quite a few and I think they have a website which might explain how it works. It helps get your sleep pattern back on track too x


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #86 on: November 30, 2018, 02:58:16 PM »

Not a huge fan of the sun beds anymore either. I haven't used one in over a decade at least. I have looked into the lights. I need to do that again. I think several of us in this home could use it. Or a move...a move away from the cold, wet winters would be nice as well. I miss the heat.

Yes, If the doctors can't help us, what do we do? If money wasn't an issue, I would have gone to a ND awhile ago and still feel like I would have gotten better answers had I done that.

I understand we can't blame menopause for everything but have they seen the symptom lists for it?! Not just the hot flushes and irregular periods but the WHOLE list. There's a lot of things that can be blamed on menopause and when they have ruled EVERYTHING else out with about EVERY test they can throw at you, what else can it be? *sigh* It is so mentally exhausting sometimes. I wasn't making up all my symptoms and wow, amazing they followed this pattern that went along with my own hormone odd...but no, couldn't be peri at all....  >:(*read that with extreme sarcasm*


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #87 on: November 30, 2018, 03:08:23 PM »

Great minds Jaypo 😆👍🏻


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #88 on: November 30, 2018, 03:22:35 PM »

I had all the perimenopausal symptoms that we see listed and many more issues besides all of which were put down to depression. I really thought I had gone mad. Once I got the right treatment (years of hell later) all the recognised symptoms have either disappeared or at least improved and so many things that I had no idea were related have disappeared too


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Re: Sick of feeling like I'm losing my mind...
« Reply #89 on: November 30, 2018, 03:24:04 PM »

I've still got a long way to go but things on the whole are a lot better. It certainly sounds like perimenopause to me x
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