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Author Topic: Anxiety worse due to doc  (Read 15730 times)


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2016, 04:19:58 PM »

Hi Jan

A pill would be nice, lol. I've been going four years now and no HRT, may as well stick it out. I've realised with the HA I am actually reluctant to go out, shopping, days out, etc. - that's what I meant with the agoraphobia. I see you've got another thread going so I'll probably say hi there too.


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2016, 04:39:54 PM »

Hi Bettyboo 
God your brave, ive had no luck on hrt so far. But I need to try again to try and help support the body I have VA and local estrogen isn't enough and other symptoms too. Things are getting worse so etc

Oh bless you about not going out can you explain more about your HA?  Janx


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2016, 09:04:19 AM »

Hi Jan

You will see there are quite a few of us on here with health anxiety - there are a number of threads about it.

It probably seems weird to some people - certainly does to my OH - but basically if you have unexplained symptoms, joint pains, for example your mind catastrophizes what the cause could be (usually some sort of cancer for me) and you worry about it, then the worry makes the symptoms worse, and it goes round and round. Looking up symptoms on Dr Google is another thing, it's a type of OCD.

It drives me mad and I do try to fight it. I've read lots of books and I do meditation but I'm not winning at the moment  :'(   


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2016, 09:28:52 AM »

HI Bettyboo,
I know what you mean believe me!!  been going through for 7 years thank you bettyboo. I can see it now!!
books and meditation will help:: and learning to change your mindset about things will also help and talking to like minded people
Take baby steps Bettyboo!!  if you can see it you can change it!!  JAN XX



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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2016, 09:50:34 AM »

Hi - thanks Jan

I like that motto and I will borrow it 'If you can see it you can change it'  :)

I will try to have a positive day today. I've decided to go to the Docs tomorrow to try to get ADs but by tomorrow I will probably have changed my mind... must do something as OH getting annoyed with me now.



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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2016, 10:10:18 AM »

Im sending you BIG BIG HUG xxxx Bettyboo

Just take baby steps like I am!!  pls try and go to docs for AD if you can that's a positive step towards your healing!!
im off to gynae later for hrt and in the past it has caused a lot of problems with me with anxiety and side effects now ive changed my mindset im looking at hrt in a different way (God help me though).
im going to take it slowly now with that. im also on AD nothing wrong with that!! 
We will be up and down so dont beat yourself up!!
Take little steps let me know how you get on and I wish you luck!!!

Jan xx be kind to yourself xx


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2016, 10:19:35 AM »

Bettyboo do get the support of your doctor and by all means try ADs if they are the way forward.  I tried the for 5 months but they were not the answer for me.

At least let your OH see you are trying to address the issues, it helped mine work with me when I did that.

all the very best.


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2016, 11:30:05 AM »

Saw a very young GP today who was actually very nice and helpful in the sense that he didn't try to push antidepressants on me again and was happy to go and ask a female colleague about alternative therapies as we both felt that was better option at the minute than HRT. I know lots on here do take HRT but it isn't for everyone at every stage. Anxiety is my main issue and he wasn't convinced that HRT would necessarily help with that as well as self care and the other things i do like meditation given that I don't want to try anti-ds again after my adverse reaction at Xmas. He also agreed to take my Vit D levels as I said I ached and never see sun!


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2016, 12:12:31 PM »

Hi Jan

A pill would be nice, lol. I've been going four years now and no HRT, may as well stick it out. I've realised with the HA I am actually reluctant to go out, shopping, days out, etc. - that's what I meant with the agoraphobia. I see you've got another thread going so I'll probably say hi there too.

Bettyboo - I urge you not to get ADs!! if your symptoms are due to menopause then it's HRT you need not ADs which are not recommended as first line of treatment for menopause. The NICE Guidelines are quite definite on this. How old are you and what are your symptoms, and what are your periods doing? HRT also helps with general aches and pains of menopause that so plague women of menopausal age - which can be caused by oestrogen deficiency, testosterone deficiency, as well as thryoid deficiency!

Fine to try ADs if you are medically contra-indicated for HRT or if you have mental issues that are nothing to do with hormones - but otherwise - everyone should give HRT a chance! Sometimes takes a couple of tries to get the right type/dose but most of us who have persevered will say it's worth it for general well-being and quality of life.

Hurdity x


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2016, 02:10:25 PM »


I just recently changed my GP to a smaller practice. My old practice was so large that you could never get an appointment and once I went in with three problems and was told that if I wanted to discuss more than one thing, I had to book a double appointment but I asked about that at the new practice and they said it's OK to discuss as many thing as you like with one appointment. I got a female Dr who looks relatively young and she was so nice and approachable, I'm so pleased I have changed.

As for the anxiety...I have suffered from it since childhood and was dismayed to learn that it can increase in menopause...I feel that it definitely has. The last few years, it just seems like everyday is a struggle with my anxiety (I do not take medication for it nor have I had CBT). I have found that getting a good nights sleep helps (which isn't easy in menopause) as does eating regularly, never let yourself go hungry. I also find the website 'no more panic' is really helpful. Things that you think only you must be anxious over and then you're amazed to see that loads of other people feel the same is a godsend and reassuring.

I have also been advised before to keep a diary of your anxiety. Write what it is you're anxious over and how you feel then the next time you have the same anxiety you go back to the diary and look to see that nothing bad happened to you that time. I have tried this and it does work but mine is health anxiety more than anything so I write the health problem down and how I'm feeling and then sometimes, I have gone back to look and forgotten that I was anxious over that particular health symptom before and then to read that I've had it before and nothing drastic happened is reassuring.



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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2016, 02:43:55 PM »

HI Halfpint, good tips there brilliant!!   IM trying now to monitor thoughts and feelings to help my anxiety. Menopause is not easy!  Good thing about writing things down too Brill!  jan


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2016, 02:59:09 PM »

Hi Jan,
Just to add I found my previous GP (never used to see the same GP more than once!) used to brush aside my anxiety and like you, it made me feel worse and like it was all in my head and they weren't interested. They used to make me feel like I was wasting their time and they could hardly wait to get me out of the room!
I'm so glad I've changed GP. I think the smaller practices are much better as they don't have as many patients.
I posted on another post this afternoon about anxiety that I have also been advised to tell my anxiety to 'F off'! Say it out loud, it feels good. I try to never let it beat me...see it as the enemy and don't allow it to have it's wicked way with you! I have gone through times of letting it beat me and it annoys me that I let it win...over the last few years, I have tried my hardest to not let it beat me and so when I manage to get through situations etc, it gives me a boost and makes me feel proud that I have overcome it!
Good luck..


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2016, 03:27:45 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thanks for your advice. I know this, but I am in France and so NICE does not apply. I don't know what the guidelines are but I know many others my age have had trouble getting HRT prescribed. I have asked about it and been told 'non'.

I am 52 in June. Periods have been erratic (every 3 - 4 months) for two years or more. Last one proper one (very bad) end November. I have fibroids which were painful but not so much now. Other main symptoms joint/ everywhere pain and anxiety, also (apparently) bad-tempered and crying, oh and hairy chin, lol  :(. The stomach thing - gurgling and twinges that move about - I think may be just stress related, but I will get it checked out. I fear have developed a social anxiety as don't like going out. I used to hold down a stressful job and drive into Central London, now I can't even go to the supermarket.

I'll see how I get on if I go to Dr this week. Feeling better just posting here and knowing there are so many in the same boat.


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2016, 03:54:10 PM »

 :bighug:  Bettyboo - are you able to buy HRT over the counter rather than via a GP?  How do French women cope? they can't all be OK during The Change  ::)


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Re: Anxiety worse due to doc
« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2016, 04:26:19 PM »

Thanks for the hugs folks  :thankyou:

I don't think you can buy it over the counter, I tried to buy some antiseptic cream for OH the other day and got interrogated about why I needed it. They go to the Dr at the slightest - I must stop being so 'English' and do the same.

You can buy it over the counter in Spain, so perhaps a trip in the camper is needed! Trouble is next planned trip is north.

I will try wine tonight, methinks.

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