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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


Author Topic: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?  (Read 5929 times)


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Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« on: February 14, 2016, 06:56:06 PM »

I've taken Utrogestan (100mg) vaginally for 25 days out of 28 for the last three months without any problems. Surprisingly, I've had no spotting, despite still having regular periods.

However, recently I've noticed that when I have a wee, I get a pain. It's not a burning pain (have had cystitis before and it's not like that); it's more like a muscular/straining pain, if that makes sense? I only feel it while having a wee, no other times. Has anyone else noticed anything like this? Is it possibly related to the Utrogestan? Dont want to ask my GP as she thinks I am taking it orally!



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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2016, 11:24:40 PM »

I tried it vaginally and it had a very strange effect on my bowels - I felt really uncomfortable and couldn't have proper bowel movements.  I think many find they get bladder issues as well. DG x


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2016, 09:54:49 AM »

Thanks DG. I'd hoped that was the case (if that makes sense!). Common sense says that it has to be connected. Do you get any side effects taking it orally?


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 12:14:07 PM »

Hi Briony
I felt quite good when taking 100mg but 200mg did make me sleepy and gave me very vivid dreams.  When using it orally I got problems with spotting and erratic bleeding which I think was because I wasn't absorbing it properly  - we are all different and I think my digestive system is not very efficient and this may be why Utro wasn't as effective for me when used orally - most women seem to be fine.  However I didn't get erratic bleeding when using synthetic progesterones but they gave me nasty PMT.  I am currently taking a complete break from systemic HRT to see how I feel - my flushes aren't too bad but the headaches have been dreadful!!! I may try again but use a lower dose of oestrogel and 12 days of Utro every month and see if that works. I'm about to turn 60 and I'm wondering if my poor old uterus simply won't play ball anymore - if I could just take oestrogen life would be far easier.  DG xxx


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2016, 01:02:12 PM »

Hi Briony
I've only had one round of Utrogestan- 100mg vaginally for 12 days. I didn't get any pain at all however my bowels seemed sluggish after about day 5 although this has since corrected. This sounds so daft but my pelvic floor muscles seemed to become less efficient! It did give a good bleed though (so good, it was horrible like the niagra falls!)
I have just last night got some spotting which I never had pre meno or peri meno or post meno! Like DG I didn't get it with synthetic progesterone either.


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2016, 03:10:33 PM »

Thanks again, both of you. It's the weirdest feeling - not painful, but just 'there'. I can now feel it as I sit here typing too. I think perhaps taking it for 25 days at a time has been a bit much for my body? It's a shame as, like you DG, I get digestive issues if I take things orally.

Really hope your head ache eases, DG. It's miserable, especially if it lingers. Somebody on here once recommended 4Head to me. I was a bit cynical, but I have to say, it did help!

B x


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2016, 10:37:01 PM »

I'm sorry I can't give any advice as I haven't started Utrogestan yet although I am about to tonight  ::) I am going to take 200mg for 12 days vaginally and see how I go. I'm really worried and nervous as I've read so many negative things  :o I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding on the combined synthetic patches so I don't hold out much hope on this  :( . I already have a prolapse so heaven knows what it might do to my pelvic floors  :o but we are all different so I'll just have to wait and see!
Briony, maybe 25 days taking vaginally is just too much for downstairs?? I am post meno and meant to be taking it for 25 days too but I'm opting to give myself a bleed by doing the 12 days instead, as I said suffered breakthrough bleeding on the combined conti patches so I am hoping by having a regular bleed I can avoid this.


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2016, 09:42:03 AM »

Good luck Goosieloosie. I too was apprehensive but stay positive and give it a go!


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2016, 11:37:01 AM »

Brinoy - missed this thread. I don't get any pain but I do need to wee more often when using the utro vaginally (never tried it orally) both during the day and at night. Mind you the orthogynest (estriol) pessaries do exactly the same re weeing so putting stuff up there whatever it is maybe has the same effect :)

Goosieloosie - hope it works for you!

Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2016, 11:36:06 AM »

By Tuesday night I'd had enough and went to the doctors. They tested my urine and said it had blood in it, so prescribed antibiotics. By Wednesday, I felt worse - back ache, bladder pain, nausea and really tired (slept the whole day). GP swapped the antibiotics. Felt better Thursday, but again yesterday I was nauseous and felt so weak. Did nothing all day. Doc says as I dont have a temperature, it should just gradually get better.

I really dont know if the Utro for 25 days is to blame, but it's left me a bit wary.   :-\


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2016, 01:15:19 PM »

Briony - have they sent a sample of urine off fro testing.  Blood in the urine doesn't necessarily mean there is infection - I have this a lot and it's usually as a result of VA or interstitial cystitis which needs local oestrogen treatment. Do drink water with a spoonful of bicarb in it three time a day - flavour it with some elder flowerer if need be  or in some herbal tea.  Get yourself some Multi Gyn actigel or similar vaginal moisturiser.  Put your feet up for at least half an hour a could of times a day as well. I don't' think one can use Utro vaginally everyday - it seemed to upset the flora balance in my vagina and gave me a strange feeling in my bowels. Dg x


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2016, 04:23:24 PM »

Hi Briony

Sorry to hear about this - Utro itself couldn't cause an infection, if that's what you have, but sticking stuff up there (tampons, pessaries etc) especially every day - does increase the chances - so obviously need to remember to be scrupulously clean and wash hands etc before inserting things. I know I can talk because I'm a bit careless in this respect but fortunately haven't had an infection!

Hurdity x


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Re: Utrogestan taken vaginally - possible side effect?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2016, 09:32:09 PM »

Thanks to you all for your advice. Really appreciated. I did read your responses, but until now  felt too rough to reply.

If I don't felel right on Monday I will definitely ask for a sample to be sent off, as you suggest. Had assumed I couldn't have VA if I am not menopausal, but perhaps I was wrong? Interestingly, despite beng on 100 mcg patches, my estrogen was only 128 pmol when tested last week. Had assumed it would have been much higher?

It's all so confusing!