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Author Topic: side effects from anti depressants too much to take  (Read 8172 times)


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side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« on: October 04, 2015, 03:28:42 AM »

Hi everyone,
After a month of feeling almost completely well from anxiety etc ( I am on oestradot patch only) I became ill with a virus caught from the grandchildren with nausea and fevers. Since coming down with the virus all of my anxiety has resurfaced and is much worse.
 We spent what should have been a lovely few days relaxing by the sea and I was so anxious I spoiled it for my husband. The elderly lady who ran the B and B  where we stayed told me she had the same thing when she was my age and the hospital gave her an "injection of hormones in the bottom" and she was cured for life! Ha ha.   Comments anyone? Has age perhaps fuddled her memory or was there a wonderful cure back then?
The GP put me on escitalopram 2 days ago and I cannot tolerate it at all...agitated to the extreme,clenching my limbs (like restless leg syndrome but much worse) diarrhoea and vomiting and I feel so bad. Everyone  says the AD's take a while to work and you may feel worse before you feel better but I can't go on feeling this bad! I was better off without the AD's.
I have always been very sensitive to medication (2 paracetamol put me to sleep) and the doses of AD's I have tried have been very small indeed. (Have tried seroquel and cymbalta with awful side effects too).
Has anyone else found that becoming ill with a virus exacerbates the anxiety of menopause? Could it really have sent me back to square one?
I really think I will have to just tough it out and get through this without medication. i will stay on the HRT but am now too afraid to try another AD. I have never been depressed in my life but GP says the anti depressant drugs work for anxiety too...does this seem weird?
All comment welcome. Best wishes to all you beautiful ladies who are so supportive of everyone! :)


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2015, 07:51:56 AM »

Hi lyn - no real answers I'm afraid but wanted to send you a hug and to say that it is common to feel low after a virus especially the ones which affect the stomach. When we are low or even just plain tired then anxieties do raise their heads again so please don't feel that you are back to where you started. How long ago did you have the virus?

As for the side effects from the anti d. Although nausea is common for the first couple of weeks if you are actually vomiting and have diarrhoea then I would say this is definitely not one for you. Are you still using your herbal anxiety remedy and did the doc know about this when he prescribed the anti d? Although herbal remedies can seem quite mild they don't mix with other medicines.

Anti depressants do work for anxiety so your doc is right and there are many different ones available but it is so wearing trying them out before you find the one that suits you.

Taz x  :bighug:


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2015, 08:35:09 AM »

Hi viruses can make you unwell for weeks totally taking everything out of you ,so it might not actually be the Ads causing the vomiting. However maybe stop for a couple of weeks see how you are feeling then maybe the decision will become clearer. I take ADS for chronic anxiety,palps,etc. As hrt never could control that aspect for me. Hope you feel better soon.


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2015, 08:39:53 AM »

Hi Taz2 and Dazned
Thank you for your kind words! How are you  both feeling?
Had the virus 12 days ago. Husband had it too and I must admit, he still hasn't got his appetite back (unusual for him). The vomiting and dreadful gastric upset: It's a known side effect of the a.d.
I came off the herbal meds several days before starting the ad's. The muscle clenching is the worst's 7:30pm and it's only just easing off now, 12 hrs later. The other thing I find with the few anti depressants I have tried is I cannot sleep while on them.
Strangely enough, even through the anxiety, my sleep was not disturbed much. My hot flushes are much better so that's not a problem any more.
A few days ago I said I could not go on without some kind of I don't think I will try another one.
I honestly don't know what to do next except try telling myself "it's only adrenalin and it will go away eventually".


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2015, 08:58:33 AM »

It's horrible feeling like that isn't it ! I said that I'd never try ADS again after trying several ones and having awful reactions previously but I was so bad and desperate I would have taken anything to feel better ! Luckily found one that suits me this time though. It's funny though how we all try various types of hrt until we find the right one for us but don't seem to be prepared to do the same with other medications,well I know I was like that. ;)
All can suggest is see how you go in the coming weeks,it's good that your flushes are diminished on hrt,however if the anxiety seriously impacts your life you will have to consider something else,different types hrt,mindful meditation,CBT,relaxation DVD,or a different AD.


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2015, 08:59:38 AM »

I can't tolerate AD'S either. Tried once and never again. Shaking vomiting the lot.

Have you tried a book called Self Help For Your Nerves by Clair Weekes. It helps you understand what is happening and how to cope with it. It's old fashioned but very clear and helpful. You can get it on Amazon for not a lot.

I hope you start to feel better soon. I understand how hard this part of meno is.....but it does pass. My mother suffered badly and she came through the other side. She once told me it's not something that suddenly just goes but over time it slips away. Hope for us all.



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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2015, 09:27:27 AM »

Thanks, honeybun, will order that book now.
Dazned, I think the reason we are reluctant to try so many anti depressants is the terrible way they make you feel; like you are dying/crazy (well even crazier than before you commenced them, I mean).


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2015, 09:42:27 AM »

I know what you mean ,we're all different and you need to do what's going to work/help you . I've tried various hrt that have also made me feel horrendous ,it's all trial and error unfortunately for us all. Hope you find your solution soon.


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2015, 12:54:13 PM »

Some medications can cause the opposite effects!  Some ADs can cause restlessness and agitation - my Dad suffered when taking one, I used to walk for miles with him as it was the only way he could cope.  STOP what you have been given, a drug should not make us feel worse!   There were several ADs which I had to stop within 48 hours as I couldn't tolerate the nausea.

Try some relaxation therapy for a while: 10 mins. 3 times a day.  Deep breathing.  Muscle clenching, relax - all the way through the muscle groups from toes to skull.  It does take practice!

Viruses can cause anxiety because we don't eat …… and low blood sugar can cause anxiety surges.  Don't worry too much, you will begin to feel better once your body stops fighting the Germ.  Take on plenty of liquid, swallow Paractamol to ease any lasting aches/pains/fever. 


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2015, 10:59:19 PM »

Hi CLKD...I am very good at relaxation therapy, have done it for ages.It works for short periods of time. Sometimes the awful feelings are so powerful that nothing helps for long...I'm sure others agree? The involuntary muscle clenching was beyond my control, believe me. As a side effect of the AD's no amount of relaxation therapy will help. I am eating now but not much.
 Woke this morning with the feeling of dread and low level nausea and it's my grandson's 5th birthday party. I have to hide how I feel and somehow get through the day.


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2015, 03:27:19 PM »

You're spot on about low sugar causing anxiety surges. I only had a light supper last night and missed breakfast this morning. By midday I was feeling really jittery and having little surges of anxiety.

Finally had a big lunch at about 2pm and within the hour felt much better (and stuffed).

If your blood sugar gets low does your body release adrenaline to compensate, and we interpret the adrenaline surge as anxiety? Does anyone know?


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2015, 03:42:58 PM »

I think so  :-\ ………. it's usually the basis of my anxiety, i.e. I haven't eaten properly for a few days.

Lyn - how are you this afternoon?  Ginger biscuits can ease nausea.


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2015, 09:48:35 PM »

I started to suffer very badly from anxiety two years ago.  I used to shake if anyone spoke to me and I couldn't even leave the bedroom for months.  I had never been like this before.  I'm 58 and started the menopause at 54.  My GP gave me citalopram but I wasn't able to take them as the side effects were terrible.  I tried oestrogel and utrogestan but the anxiety seemed worse with that.  I tried meditation, swimming, running, as I have always been done a lot of exercise but that didn't help.
A few months ago I went back to my GP and asked if I could try Evorel conti patch, I started with a third of a patch and am still only using a third.  The other thing I have done in the past few months is to change my diet, I don't have any sugar and a low salt diet.  I also do the Linden Method which has helped a lot.
I feel a different person.  I meet lots of friends every day for coffee and am enjoying myself.  I swim in the open air every day and run a few miles and also do yoga.  I make my own bread and for friends as well.  Just never thought I would feel so much better after the last two years.
Hope this helps you, as I know how bad anxiety can make you feel.


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2015, 06:21:26 AM »

Hi girls, thank you for your messages. I spoke to my lovely GP and he said I am showing a severe allergy to SSRIs and SSRNI's and to see him in 48 hrs when the adverse effects have worn off. I don't know what he has in mind but fingers crossed.
I still feel awful but not quite so bad as the adrenaline surges are less powerful.
What to try next? I have booked for hypnotherapy but it will cost 200 dollars and the health fund only rebates 35 dollars! I don't know if it will be worth such a large amount of money for something which may or may not work. It makes me so angry. 50% of Australians have private health insurance which costs a small fortune every month and they give you back a measly 35 dollars for a 200 dollar account! The only reason we stay in private health is the waiting times for surgery etc in public hospitals here is horrendous and if you are not in private health you are penalised, tax wise. That's my rant for today, ladies, sorry. I'm sure your health system also has its problems. At least we can see whichever doctor we like...or several GP's. We do not register with a practice here.
A friend of mine is calling in soon for a cuppa. I am lucky to have good friends. She has been on Prozac for 20 years and tried unsuccessfully to come off it. I never want to end up like that. I really do wonder about these drugs sometimes, given my horrendous experiences lately. I know they help some, but...?


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Re: side effects from anti depressants too much to take
« Reply #14 on: October 06, 2015, 12:18:14 PM »

Prozac is known to be difficult to stop taking  ::) - it made me feel like I was walking on 7" heels …… after 3 days I knew if I took any more I wouldn't get out of bed.  My GP told me that this new drug didn't have any side effects: I told him that if there were any I would find them  ::)

How do you feel today?  You may find that hypnotherapy helps.  Maybe your Doctor can recommend other coping strategies or an emergency drug to take when anxiety overwhelms you.
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