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Author Topic: Pile Panic!  (Read 37662 times)


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2015, 08:52:05 AM »

Thanks - so assume I just use the version without hydrocortisone?


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2015, 08:59:09 AM »

yes, to maintain the condition and the one with 'H' for a bad flare up but no more than once a month.  This is the advice I was given anyway.  Good luck.


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #47 on: August 30, 2015, 02:09:21 PM »

Have been using steriod version as suppositories twice daily for five days with only minimal improvement.   Still grape like but just a bit smaller.  Should I be worried?  Should I return to GP?  Or should I start a fruit and shop?!

Discomfort I can live with, but my health anxiety flares up at this type of thing and I imagine thrombosis, cancer, etc...

Help! :-\ :'(


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2015, 02:20:36 PM »

I would show your GP if you have not already done so, just for reassurance and to check you are doing the right thing


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2015, 02:54:26 PM »

Have you been staying off your feet and using cream on the grape as well as using a suppository.
They do take a while to go but warm baths with TeaTree oil and resting will help.

As BJ says if your worried then show your GP but it's early days yet.



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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2015, 06:18:25 PM »

Must admit I have been out and about a bit, especially yesterday.  Will rest up for a couple of days and see how the are before bothering GP again. 

Just heard of some friends who both have serious diagnoses, so feel like giving myself a slap for worrying about this.

Thanks ladies, you're great.


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2015, 06:37:21 PM »

My mother at 93 complains about her piles all the time.

I have told her no one, but no one has had piles written on their death certificate  ;D

Don't think she is listening though  ::)




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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2015, 09:49:19 AM »

Update - am actually sitting typing on bag of frozen peas. Despairing of 'it' ever going - Dr google also gives dire warnings of neglecting them [but does all surround blood - and I haven't had any at all].

Think will go back to doctors next Monday if not gone.     Thinking back, my issues earlier in the year with diarrhea caused by anti-depressant, then thrush caused by ABs, made me think it was all thrush related.  But had itching then which must have been the beginning.

We had peas in the pod earlier in the week which I shelled with much giggles.  Although these peas are going straight in the bin today!

Reassure me - can a pile stay 'live' and refuse to go home for more than 2 weeks??   Or, god forbid, is there a larger vegetable I will need to trade up to??!   It will soon be the brussel sprout season...


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2015, 10:00:10 AM »

Mine stay quiet (although they never go) if I am calm (not often) not on my feet too much and if I stay away from a lot of sugar or wheat laden foods.  Also if my bowels do not move for one day, or if they move too much or too quickly, this all aggravates the little blighters.  I fear it is something to be managed as best you can but if they are distressing you then a trip to the GP for reassurance and advice is surely called for.  good luck.


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2015, 10:07:33 AM »

Thank you.  By stay quiet do you mean stay inside [sorry for TMI question but am very grateful for advice!]. 

To be honest unless I think about it, it is liveable with.   But am just concerned that it will never go back inside!!!

I also do lots of sitting at computer and standing for my job.   Any advice for longterm solution would be appreciated!


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2015, 10:15:23 AM »

Rebelyell have you ever thought it could be an external haemorrhoid? they stay outside and are like grapes (or a bunch of grapes).  It is the internal ones that bleed as they catch when you go to the loo and they tend to be more dangly but can be gently pushed back.  I have internal ones that stay put unless I get constipated, and external ones that are always there but flare up occasionally and become swollen and uncomfortable if I am on my feet too much.  Stress also aggravates them.

 I do think your GP could put your mind at rest over this. 


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2015, 10:26:24 AM »

My external ones are actually varicose veins of the sphincter (anus).  They were never inside and don't belong inside.  I wish it was just internal ones as I can always feel the external ones to a greater or lesser degree  :(
I found this on a Google site, don't know it it helps explain  ???

Internal hemorrhoids are located in the inside lining of the rectum and cannot be felt. They are usually painless and make their presence known because blood is seen with a bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids can prolapse or protrude through the anus.

External hemorrhoids are located underneath the skin that surrounds the anus. They can be felt when they swell and may cause itching, pain, or bleeding with a bowel movement.


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2015, 10:30:24 AM »

Good points ladies - it could be external I suppose as I can push it in but it just pops out again!  And never any blood.  Have had external piles several times before, just not this bad.   Doctor said it might turn into a skin tag, apparently that's what happens when they finally go down?

I cannot believe I am actually having this type of chat with ladies I have never even met!  But to whom I am eternally grateful.

Think I will get GP to give it the once over again to put my mind at rest.   To be honest, it is more health anxiety than anything else.   I have had three whole weeks without a worry and thought I was 'cured'.  Silly me.  Particularly as there are millions of others [and several on this site] suffering serious ailments without fuss.



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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2015, 10:52:59 AM »

Thanks Sparkle - I know you understand as a fellow sufferer.  I tried CBT but it was a bit school like with lists of homework to identify 'triggers' and then learn what to think when they cropped up.   Obvious really and it didn't actually solve the root cause.  Most people I know with health anxiety, or severe anxiety, basically lack self esteem.   With me it's that 'I don't deserve this good fortune' feeling.    Things are going quite well for us at the moment but I recently heard about two people who are both ill, and since then I have been anxious.  Silly really, but it is because I feel so bad for them and undeserving of my own good fortune.  So I then seem to look for something to worry about.  Which makes me panic.  Which causes symptoms.  Which makes me anxious.    And on, and on...


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Re: Pile Panic!
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2015, 11:01:33 AM »

 :bighug: for you both and anyone else suffering today
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