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Author Topic: A good diet ?  (Read 8753 times)


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A good diet ?
« on: August 15, 2015, 03:19:54 PM »

Do you think you have one.

I thought we could perhaps share what works....and what doesn't.

To help us keep healthy, have enough fibre without being able to fly a kite  ::), to get enough vitamins and minerals etc.

I have IBS (D) and diverticular issues.

I am supposed to have a high fibre diet for one but if I eat too much the IBS becomes troublesome.

Anyone have the same issues.

Do you get your five a day...or is it seven now.



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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2015, 03:31:24 PM »

we don't listen to 'them' as they are always moving the golaposts.  Hubby is vegetarian I am not and eat chicken, fish and lean mince.

Vegetables from the farm shop, sweet potatoes, brown rice, spelt pasta (make our own sauce with chopped tomatoes as pasta sauces contain too much sugar).  Nut roasts and lentil bakes, ratatouille and red beans, egg and chips, quorn sausage casserole, bolognese with quorn mince.  Quite a lot of tomato dishes for the lycopene and it is supposed to be beneficial for the prostate (hubby's is very small apparently - the prostate I mean  ::))

occasional home made cakes with dried fruits and ground seeds, never iced.  Occasional homemade crumble or rice pudding (cold or hot), yogurt or ice cream.  Soups and stews in winter.

We eat well and we eat what we like and we are used to our diet.  High fat and high sugar foods don't appeal to us now although they used to.


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2015, 05:10:48 PM »

Hello honeybun.

I've just been talking to you on another thread lol!

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis five years ago and had a minor flare two years later which resolved without strong drugs and I've been well ever since. I do have nervous guts though and the menopause has contributed to this.

I consider my diet to be healthy and every day I eat salad, fruit, nuts and cooked vegetables. I have very little alcohol or processed food. Interestingly since using a good probiotic and eating Sauerkraut I've noticed my tummy doesn't rumble and any gas is much reduced and gentler. The theory is that good bacteria increase and they devour the fibre and starch and this aids digestion.  A study by UCL found that the probiotics that survived the stomach acid and populated the bowel were Symprove, VSL#3 and Actimel.

I know the dangers of googling but there is a lot on line about the gut microbiome and how this is affected by diet so expect interesting developments in the near future.

Turns out 'you are what you eat' maybe more true than we ever imagined!

Wishing you well and take care.



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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2015, 06:38:17 PM »

Never seem to manage 5 a day. 😔


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2015, 06:42:24 PM »

we had fresh blueberries and raspberries for pudding this evening, with ice cream  :)


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2015, 06:50:41 PM »

Oh Good Thread  :medal:  now those of you who have been on here for several years will know that I rarely (never  :-\ ) cook  ;D that Himself is the Chef ……….

We grow a lot of fruit and some veg., would like more land but it simply isn't available.  He cooks from scratch, i.e. curries, pasta dishes; steak last night with home grown spuds and green beans. He uses fresh ginger and garlic in most menus. We don't eat much pudding.  Occasionally we go to Pizza Express or buy pizza to cook as a quick meal at home.

I have found recently that I can no longer tolerate shop bought chish and phipps - far too greasy  :-\  :-X.  I am allergic to onions.  We have found a new fruit and veg. outlet in our town, began Life as a florist and she has added fruits to the mix so we buy as much as possible from her. 

In the Winter we use a lot of frozen veg. as well as the green veg available.  Not keen on carrots though but love broccoli and raw leeks  ;D.


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2015, 06:55:47 PM »

I like making my own pizzas but I do buy stonebaked bases and pile them high  :)


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2015, 06:59:15 PM »

Where do you live did you say  ;D - no onions though!


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2015, 07:06:30 PM »

I live on my own and probably do hit the 5 a day target most days. I have salad quite a lot say 3 times a week winter and summer but it is with cold meat most times so not sure what gets injected into that. I don't eat that much veg but loads of fruit. The majority of my cooking is from raw ingredients and I do try to buy organic when I can. Have a bought pizza once a month - that is my fast food hit. My food probably is not as varied as it could be - you do tend to get into a rut when cooking for one. On the whole I reckon I eat not too badly. Got a bit of a sweet tooth though and do munch 1 or 2 choc biscuits a day or a piece of chocolate!



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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2015, 07:08:02 PM »

I did have a sweet tooth but find that shop brought cakes make my gut sluggish so have cut those out recently.

It's easier cooking for 1 in the Winter ….. slow cooker can make meals for 2/3 evenings.  Curries can last too, hot with rice then cold either with rice or pasta, home made bread or alone.


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2015, 09:04:11 PM »

I find that vegetables set my IBS off but so does fruit at the moment. Peas are the main culprit. They look so innocent but are definitely not something I can eat comfortably. Apples have to be peeled. It's all to do with the insoluble and soluble fibre. Takes quite a bit of working out what is good and what is bad for diarrhoea IBS. white bread is definitely better than wholemeal or grain. I do love my fruit though and fresh veggies from the allotment are so tasty.  I have a feeling that even a glass of white wine does it too but I am carefully closing my mind to that. I've given up chocolate which helps a lot but I'd miss that evening glass of wine.

Taz x


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2015, 09:15:52 PM »

It's trying to sort out what suits and what doesn't as the goal posts keep moving. What suits on month doesn't suit the next so how on earth do you make sense of it all.

There are some big ones that I can't eat. Onions and asparagus and broccoli give me problems. Rough cereals such as muesli I struggle with too, I need to find a cereal that suits as I end up with toast most mornings.

I wish there was a diet that suited that I could just stick too.

I don't eat much chocolate but have just had two jelly beans.....shoot me now  ::)



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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2015, 10:31:33 AM »

I have done the healthy eating thing since the first of my symptoms, as i thought if I had a better diet it might help, my teeth and gums were my first thing.. after the insomnia of course..

I usually cook from scratch, and avoid processed stuffs when I can.  Got a great vegan cook book, I am not vegan but do enjoy a meal two or three times a week if I can, DH is a big meat eater so cant get away with more than that, not due to being 'told' but I have little will power and do like meat.  I used to eat all organic but its just too expensive for us, so do when the price difference is not too high.  I eat a lot of banana's, with mango/pinapple and seeds with a few nuts too.

Recently dropped the coffee and cut down on crisps which are a mega addiction for me (giving up the ciggies was easier).

Not a saint though, will have a take away treat about twice a month.


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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2015, 01:23:23 PM »

How's the diverticular stuff sparkle. I wish I knew what set mine off this time. Stress of course does not help and I've not been stress free recently.

I'm a little better today after a bit of a fright this morning. I though I was bleeding but I'm pretty sure it was my piles ....sorry TMI  ::)

I got myself in a real old state but as I have a sore bum I think it was just that as bleeding is rare and a lot when it does happen.

Never ends does it.

Was going to have salad for dinner tonight but not sure it's a good idea.



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Re: A good diet ?
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2015, 01:47:37 PM »

Think I will have some chicken and rice just to keep things plain.

Bone broth sounds ummm interesting. What else goes in apart from bones  ;D

One day this will all pass....won't it...please tell me it will  ::)

Yes all the tummy troubles just become so mixed up that you can't tell what is what. Then add my back pain in and I couldn't make up my mind if it was my back or my side that was hurting.

Heck I can moan can't I. I even get on my own nerves these days  ::)

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