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Author Topic: Anxiety Hell  (Read 18007 times)


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Anxiety Hell
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:34:03 PM »

I just wanted to share my experiences of anxiety.  I started to get anxiety and panic attacks around 5 weeks ago.  I had felt 'flat' and not like myself for a few weeks before but the anxiety hit me out of the blue.  I am usually a confident and very positive person.  I was prescribed HRT (previously I was determined not to take it...) and after around 3 weeks the anxiety seemed to lift.  I was prescribed the wrong type of HRT (the one that gives you a period) so the GP switched me to the continuous type last week (I have not had a period for 18 months).  I have felt my mood change over the weekend and I am wondering if it could be due to the change in the HRT - although the strength is the same.  I was really hoping that the HRT was going to work and get rid of the anxiety attacks.  I do not want to take AD's however feel that if they continue I am may have to go down that road.  My brain is a fog, I have difficulty concentrating and remembering things, making any decisions, have reoccurring headaches and I am finding it hard to function in work without making stupid mistakes.  The HRT has more or less stopped the 10-20 flushes I was getting a day however I thought I could feel some breaking through over the weekend which may be connected the raised anxiety ?  My GP suggested sage but I am not sure this helps with anxiety.  I have cut out all caffeine and alcohol - I have found Karms help (although could be placebo affect ?).  I am not sure if I can take St John's Wart with HRT.  I have also read a book on CBT and I am keeping a diary which is also helping.  How long can this go on for and is there any light at the end of the tunnel ?


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 01:08:46 PM »

I totally sympathise as am felled by anxiety at the moment, despite HRT.  I thought HRT would help, then tried ADs [not a success for me and withdrawal is still having an effect four weeks after stopping] but still have massive anxiety. 

It may not apply to you, but my GP asked if I had always been a 'glass half-full' type, and I had to admit that I have always had a tendency to catastrophic.  She thinks I have just allowed the anxiety to take a hold and my brain needs to re-learn new pathways to stop it taking hold.    I resisted this as felt my anxiety was chemical, not mental, but have to admit that it wanes when I am very busy and if really try to be logical about issues I am anxious about, then it gets better.   I am therefore trying CBT.

This may not apply to you at all, but despite wanting a cure in the form of patch/pill/gel, I am having to accept that my brain has become accustomed to being anxious and I need to re-wire it!

But you might find that a different HRT will help, I know many women on here have tried 3 or 4 before they got it right.


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2015, 01:29:31 PM »

 :welcomemm:  I lost 5 years of my Life because I wanted to know the cause of my depression and not rely on medication.  However - some ADs also help ease anxiety so what's wrong with taking them?  If you are hungry, do you not eat  ::)


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2015, 02:03:12 PM »

Many thanks for your comments.  It is so re-assuring to know others are going through the same thing. I have felt at times like I am having a breakdown but the anxiety has not been continuous so I have been trying to ride the lows.  I don't usually have a negative outlook - I have suffered panic attacks twice in the past - but when I was under extreme stress ( bereavement ).  I do wonder if some GP's look to this as a reason rather than focusing on the hormonal causes ?  I have noticed I am more prone to anxiety attacks in the morning and before I eat.  I am also taking menopace and assume this contains enough vitamin B supplements which are also supposed to help with anxiety?  I will continue to take the kalms as long as I need to - I am going back to my GP in 3 months for a check up so may discuss AD then unless things deteriorate and send me rushing back sooner !  I am wondering if my low mood is due to my change in type of HRT.   I try breathing and relaxation exercise but have had limited success.  I find keeping busy and exercising helps but I get exhausted.  I am 44 and started getting first signs of menopause at 38.


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2015, 02:13:48 PM »

Poor you, very young to be suffering like this. 

Sparkle - glad I've helped!  I have also given up caffeine and hardly ever drink wine anymore as I find that if I do, I am awake and anxious from early hours until daylight.  It seems to make me a bit 'wired'.   I gave up smoking two years ago so with that and the wine money [I did used to drink quite a lot of red wine!] I feel justified if I splurge on shopping.  Although anxiety makes that less pleasurable!!

I find myself just longing to actually be old now!!


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2015, 02:18:32 PM »

Hi Cwtch and welcome to the forum. 

It may be that the progesterone in the conti HRT that you have recently switched to, does not agree with you.  What is telling is the fact that you have felt your mood change over the weekend since being on the conti.  Progesterone can exacerbate anxiety / depression in those with a propensity to it (myself included).

On the sequi regime, did you feel better on the estrogen only section of the HRT, ie. the first two weeks - and then not so great on the combined section? 

Which HRT were you on / are you on now?

Everything I've read says that you shouldn't take SJW alongside HRT - but I think some women on here do take it - long term users of low dose patch HRT.  Hopefully somebody will be along to comment.

Like you, I had a relatively early meno at 44 and didn't know what had hit me, can't tolerate ADs.  This site is so useful, have a good look around. 



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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2015, 02:44:47 PM »

Hello and thanks for the reply night_owl.  I am on HRT tablets - Elleste Duet Conti 2mg HRT now - I was on the Elleste Duet 2 mg.  I noticed a gradual improvement through the 4 weeks that I was on the duet tablets - I thought I was making progress & didn't notice any dips.  I switched to the conti tablets last Thursday and noticed the anxiety increasing on Monday (yesterday).  Did you stop taking HRT due to the progesterone ?  Are you still suffering for anxiety and does anything work for you to manage it ?  Despite the ups and downs I have been feeling out of sorts and fog brain for the last 5 weeks at least.


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2015, 03:38:48 PM »

  I have noticed I am more prone to anxiety attacks in the morning

Me, too. I wonder whether this is common? My mood seems to improve over the course of the day, and I feel at my best in the evenings generally. I do miss feeling good when I wake up, though... :(


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2015, 03:41:07 PM »

Low blood sugar can cause anxiety surges.  So having a biscuit by the bed to eat before you get up and at it might help!

Keeping a mood/food diary can be useful.  Have a browse round menus, top of screen. Ask away

How's the weather in Wales  ;)


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2015, 04:19:55 PM »

Cwtch, Elleste Duet was the first one I tried, I couldn't tolerate the progesterone section, on Conti I would have been even worse. 

The progesterone in Elleste Duet and Conti, Norethisterone, can often give intolerable side effects and you may have to try a few others to see how your body responds.  I knew more or less immediately that the prog made me ill, I hasten to add that's just me though, and it was discovered that I am severely prog intolerant.

Usually women are not given Conti (no bleed) until they are well post meno, ie. in 50s - at a younger age, sequi (bleed) regime is normally prescribed - so I'm not sure why your GP has given you a Conti - often GPs don't have a clue.  After trying several HRTs and feeling increasingly worse, my GP admitted that the advice I needed was beyond her remit and referred me to a meno clinic that I've attended ever since.

As you're probably aware, the fluctuation / loss of hormones affects our whole body, including the nervous system and brain - there is a really strong estrogen / serotonin connection, so once the estrogen fluctuates / drops, rotten anxiety and depression can set in.  Estrogen often helps, getting the right dose, especially in peri-meno, can be tricky. 

Can only relay my experience - but we're all so uniquely different and respond differently, it's all trial and error.

Now I'm c.9 years down the long HRT road.  I can only be honest and say the anxiety has subsided somewhat but it still lurks.  The fluctuation of hormones in the 40s can be the worst time for anxiety, until they settle to a more stable, low level.

Quite a few women are prescribed a regime of estrogen patch (patch is often better as it gives more even delivery) and Utrogestan - bioidentical progesterone, purportedly the most 'user friendly' of the progesterones (if there is such a thing for those of us who are sensitive to prog).  Utrogestan can be taken oral or used as a vag pessary, monthly or long cycle, which results in a withdrawal bleed after stopping the Utrogestan.   (I'm on low dose patch, long cycle).

The topic of estrogen gel or patch and Utrogestan is discussed a lot on here, if you do a search, top right hand box. 

I do sympathise as I know how hard it is to carry on working when you feel like this.  And you feel you shouldn't be in meno so young, I was raging at my body.  It is a challenge to try and work out what the body is doing.

Magnesium citrate supplements, taken at night, can help with relaxation.  ADs, I just can't tolerate them at all, estrogen is the thing that in my case helps the depression/anxiety to a degree.

Maybe another trip to see your GP and ask for a change of regime, suggesting that you feel taking constant progesterone is not agreeing with you, that you're being proactive and researching and maybe would like to try another sequi regime - possibly the estrogen patch 50 /Utrogestan regime.



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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2015, 07:40:40 PM »

Thanks for your reply. I was pleased to switch to the continous hrt because I didn't want to return to periods after 18 months. The gp said i should have been prescribed this in the first place as it as over 12 months since my last period.  I did feel better in the last 2 weeks of the duet pack though so what you say makes sense. I will continue with my new prescription for now but will go running back to gp if my low mood continues.  I will look into the combinations you mention and ask gp about options.  I didn't realise about the affects of prog which is worrying as I started hrt due to the anxiety attacks.


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2015, 09:15:30 PM »

Let us know how you get on!  All experiences shared will help other ladies  ;)


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2015, 08:41:45 AM »

If you felt better in the last two weeks of estelle duet as you said last comment then that was the progesterone part ! So that shouldn't be the problem   :-\


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2015, 01:57:53 PM »

neroli oil - anyone tried it for anxiety  :-\


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Re: Anxiety Hell
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2015, 10:07:38 AM »

Cwtch, maybe things will settle on the Conti? 

If not ... some women find out, over time, that they don't tolerate progesterone well then choose to opt for a bleed (Sequi) - and long cycle - rather than suffer the effects of taking prog all the time (Conti).  It's working out the lesser of the two evils.  Obviously not great to go back to having bleeds when post meno, however the pay off is having the time on estrogen only and feeling better.

Hope you find a way forward, it is all about self-monitoring - and trial and error in this HRT game.

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