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Author Topic: The Basis of Anxiety  (Read 19486 times)


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2015, 05:19:55 PM »

My mum suffered terribly with her nerves from early 40's, though I wasn't old enough to know it then. She was 41 when she had me. Meno kicked in pretty soon afterwards from what I can gather.

Then age 7 my father passed away, making her much worse. I was bullied at school at that time, I refused to go to school so got smacked & screamed at for best part of 2 years. I always managed to get to school in time by running, as my not going would have made things much worse at home.

We moved to different area, new school was much better, but I seemed to get blamed for things. So anxiety was very much a part of my life from age 7.  Life was much easier once I married.

I was fine until about 7/8 years ago, but much more so in last 2 years. 


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2015, 06:48:18 PM »

So hormonal upheaval increases any anxiety we are prone to?

As for 'giving in' - I don't have a choice.  Once it hits I am over-whelmed.  I can't move.  I can't eat. I can't function.  Unless I take the emergency medication  :-\ which usually knocks me out.  Then I worry in case the GP won't prescribe any more  :-\

I tried relaxation techniques on Friday morning but they didn't work.  My gut got tighter and tighter and I was almost at screaming pitch.


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2015, 07:08:31 PM »

Really sympathize CLKD ,it is awful when it gets to that stage  :-\

At the risk of sounding stupid. ....have you considered/tried all the AD options available now ? I'm sure you probably have it was just a thought  ;)


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2015, 07:12:33 PM »

All thoughts gratefully received.  I've been through ADs etc. since 1988/89/90.  Valium on an as-necessary basis.  Relaxation therapy.  Fortunately I have a very supportive GP and a loving husband.  When I'm OK I could take on the World.

For example, 3 friends are off on a tour of Asia for 6 months - my anxiety levels rose immediately when they were telling me, with great excitement, about their plans  :-X ……… I get the same response when my anxiety level is high, when watching 'escape to the country' type programmes - what's THAT all about  :-\


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2015, 07:20:14 PM »

Anxiety is just the pits.
I was fed coffee with caffeine today, not what was ordered, have felt jittery, ratty and jumpy ever since.
Apologies to anybody I've offended, it wasn't intended.


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2015, 07:23:23 PM »

Thought you would have explored every avenue  ;)

Do you know if any new ADs have become available since the 90s just I thought,as I told my doctors when I was desperate I would eat shoe polish if it made me feel better!  :-\


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2015, 07:36:08 PM »

Limpy, don't be daft, we know you better than that.

CLKD is it depression because you can't do what you want, or anxiety while you are doing it.

I have never suffered from depression so really don't know how it goes. I guess like most people who haven't had it we think it's an extreme case of being down in the dumps. Flat, no motivation. If the main issues are anxiety...fear based what do anti depressants do for you. I genuinely don't know.

Anxiety for me is fear.....of what who knows cause I dont. I don't know what I think will happen to me....faint, be sick, need a loo that I can't find, make a fool of myself. None of those things have ever happened....yes I have needed a loo urgently but have always found one.

That's how I try and cope with a few things these days....nothing really bad has happened. That's what I hang on to. I can now stand in a supermarket queue, I can go into shops and wander. I can go on short train journeys, and bus journeys . I can go into a quiet cafe and have a cuppa. Not that long ago they were impossible. There are lots of things I still struggle with.
I did try ADs but they made me feel very unwell.....which added to my anxiety  ::)



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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2015, 07:47:18 PM »

Thanks for a look.



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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2015, 07:50:10 PM »

Thanks Honeybun  :thankyou:


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2015, 08:04:22 PM »

Honeybun - I have had panic attacks since aged 3.  I was diagnosed as anorexic at age 5. No one asked why I didn't eat.

Panic in case I was sick.  Or saw/heard anyone else sick. So it was easier not to eat.  So my body was hungry but I mis-interpreted those feelings.  For over 30 years.  So anxiety is engrained.  Anxiety has the ability to stop me in my tracks and send me running for home ……….. I have driven from town and not remembered any of the journey.  However, when I began having panic attacks at home - the longest was for 3 days - no-where was safe  :'(.  Valium as necessary helped for a few years and now I have the emergency drug which helps but I don't take it unless panic sets in.  On Thursday it set in by mid-morning but I didn't take the drug …….. I managed somehow to nibble and eventually managed a banana.

Depression is a separate issue.  Not feeling low, I get that too.  Organic Depression for me keeps me in bed.  Unable to lift head from pillow.  No energy.  No interest.  ADs lift those feelings. I also have situational/clinical depression.  Fortunately the medication works generally.


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2015, 08:07:30 PM »

Being depressed brings anxiety, they are connected
Mindfullness, finding peace in a frantic world by mark Williams, is a very good book.
cbt for dummies is another great read
I have just started Yoga and I have just had the most calmest week of my life. The 2 books above are also what I am using. You can do all the things you used to do and enjoy them again, just need to work at it and persevere. I have gone from full scale panic attacks (again) to tranquillity. The feeling I have had with me all week is the same feeling I get on vallium !!!  and hubby is grinning from ear to ear  :)
You have to open your mind a little, practice the coursework in the mindfulness book and put some of the cbt into practice, it really does work xx


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2015, 08:12:33 PM »

It's great you have the meds that help.

Emetophobia is a dreadful thing, stopped me taking a job I would have enjoyed very much. I was offered a teaching assistant course with the promise of a job at the end. I could not have coped with sick children....I could manage my own....just  ::)

It's one of my big problems, not that I will be sick.....I don't like it but can cope, it's in case others are. Blood I can cope with but not a stranger just panics me beyond anything that could be considered reasonable.

Guess we all just manage the best way we can.

I never expect to be free of my sickness phobia, I've had it for forty years, but for the rest.....I live in hope.



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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2015, 08:13:17 PM »

Honeybun I don't know what causes my anxiety ! Just starts I've got nothing to be anxious or depressed  about in fact just the opposite ! Last year everything was tickety boo,money wise ,etc. has been the best ever. So something has got to be out of balance somewhere .I was so very against ADs despite being told by gp and friends who are nurses that they are also prescribed for anxiety I had very bad experience in the past when I tried 3 different ones so I gave up but was desperate so now tried another one which has worked so far thank God! How I don't know ,guess how does it help some women with hot flushes! No one seems to know,and I got to the point of I don't care why as long as it does . :) 


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2015, 08:15:49 PM »

Depression and anxiety can be connected: they are NOT always connected.  I had panic attacks from age 3 but didn't have depression until I was much older.  I had hormonal depression but that was different.

One does not feed the other.  They can.  But it doesn't always happen.  One can become depressed due to health issues which can lead to anxiety ……… but it doesn't always happen.

CBT did NOTHING for me because my problems began within hours of birth.  Believe me, I tried every possible Course going in the 1980s/90s.  Claire Weeks did nothing for me.  Talking therapy did, venting with a stranger helped enormously.  It gave me coping strategies which helped at the time - now the anxiety is different and over-whelms me.  I know what I'm supposed to do but once the physicality of it kicks in  :-\  :'( ………. even now if I hear people shouting at each other then the anxiety kicks in, so I avoid Pubs on a Sat. night! and am not comfortable in crowded places.


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Re: The Basis of Anxiety
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2015, 08:22:14 PM »

Do you have anything that relaxes you CLKD?
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