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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


Author Topic: new member,  (Read 2928 times)


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new member,
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:03:25 AM »

hello , I've joined as I've so many unanswered questions and got lots crappy stuff happening with my body
thank you xxx  :)


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Re: new member,
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 09:24:39 AM »

Hi and welcome helen9295
Do read up all the info under the headings to the left of this screen.
Tell us all about yourself and we'll see if we can help.
DG x


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Re: new member,
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 03:44:33 PM »

Hi Helen9295,

I'm new too, only joined yesterday.Don't know my body anymore and trying to get my head round not feeling like a misfit.
Have been doing some reading on the forum  today as have been signed off work for 2 weeks for stress related issues, after I had a complete melt down at work yesterday. It is nice to know that we are not alone in feeling crappy and having bad days.The doc today has upped my ad's and put me in touch with a group called 'talking therapy'. I'll take any help I can get at the moment.


Mrs January

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Re: new member,
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2014, 04:53:29 PM »

Hey ladies

I felt much like perhaps you do last year...Now on Ad's and HRT got a mirena too and despite meat life stresses I am still in one piece

Be kind to yourselves, delegate what you can and take each day or each hour at a time....

Hugs Mrs January xxx


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Re: new member,
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2014, 12:14:18 AM »

im 48, and  apparently perimenopause,  but  last couple years so many things happening ,my periods which were regular on  a almost 28 day cycle for most  my life, have been like a yo-yo ,ranging between 15 days to  41, then i have had no period for 4 months until i then have had one which lasted 7 whole heavy days.i wanted reassurance that this is normal,
im also having what i think  are hot flushes, , I'm forgetful, 
I'm having lots of headaches which I've been  referred to a neurologist for as they make me sick and sleepy ,
my gp took blood and did lots blood tests and said my hormones levels were normal, so is a normal hormone level what you'd expect if i am perimenopausal,
also i developed a allergy couple years ago, do feel like I've got  bit brain fog going on , , i used to be relatively physically ok until about 2 year ago and I've had lots more stuff tummy bugs or the odd cold ,i just wanted to see if others relate to all this as menopause and  feel understood too,
also is a hormone test conducted normally in blood tests she did specify she wanted the hormone levels checked ,
look forward to more replies and see if I'm not going crazy lol  thanks everyone xx  :P


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Re: new member,
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 08:49:18 AM »

hi helen and welcome to the forum. It doesn't sound as though you are going crazy. I have read what you are describing an very many posts as I have browsed round the forum.  You will soon get lots of reassurance when the others wake up :-)

Which part of the world are you in , or are you a night owl or suffering with insomnia (saw the time of your posts) :-)


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Re: new member,
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2014, 08:55:53 AM »

Hi helen9295
All sounds very typical for the peri stage - I had exactly the she type of symptoms only it happened for in my 30s so I was having premature menopause.  At 48 you are just at the ages when things are likely to go haywire.
It is the time to really look at your diet and lifestyle and look after yourself a bit more.  If you feel you want to try HRT then this can often bring you back into balance but it's good to get some proper advice - there is terrific info on this site - but if you can get to a meno clinic or see a GP or nurse at your local practise who is clued up about the meno then this is ideal.
DG x


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Re: new member,
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2014, 03:00:15 PM »

hello , and thanks for replying ,babyjane I'm  in the uk and yes a night owl  ,who is also waking after 4 -5 hours , reassuring to know its ok all this and I'm not the only one,
I've read lots on here very helpful and informative, thanks dancinggirl, unsure what to do about hrt,  my nan did  get breast cancer age  66 but lived for 17 more years with tamoxifin, but the latest info on hrt says the risk of heart disease for menopausal women higher than breast cancer so do i take hrt,and is the risk of breast cancer that much higher for me or not ,so unsure , tbh xx  :)


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Re: new member,
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2014, 11:15:37 AM »

Hi Helen9295,

I have been peri-menopausal since I hit my 40's and to start with I just  noticed little things and I tried a few herbal things to help, like Femarelle and wellwoman vitamin tablets and they did help for a while. Last year things went really wonky with my periods and I only had 3 the whole year, which really messes with the routine.This year I have only had 1, so I know I'm menopausal now.I've been doubling my ad's since my wobbly last week and I am starting to feel alot better.
The brain fog has lifted again and I'm starting to think more clearly.
My doc put me on ad's this year as I was struggling with the mood swings, anxiety and brain fog and they do work.My doc also told me at the beginning that they don't normally prescribe HRT until you've been clear for a year, plus they don't play nice when you had breast lumps, so don't think it's an option for me.

I do pilates and find that helps , plus also did some yoga this year. the breathing exercises have helped me a lot , specially at night.
Thank you Mrs January for the advice, am taking each day as it comes and also making lots of notes to help me through the day.
One day at a time and bite size chunks.. I won't be beaten by this.
kas xx



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Re: new member,
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2014, 12:11:55 PM »

Hi helen 9295
I'm in a bit of a hurry right now but the increased risks of breast cancer don't really kick in til after 60 and HRt will actually protect your form heart disease.  Again the risk of stroke is slightly higher after 60.  At your age you may have far more to gain that loose.  Many women get breast cancer after 60 and so your grandmother may not be close enough a relative fro it to be an added risk factor for you.
Do read up all the info on this site  - read the article on the Daily Mail site as well - there is a link on here somewhere.
DG x


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Re: new member,
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2014, 08:26:32 PM »

Hi helen9295

 :welcomemm: from me too!

One thing I would say is do ask the doctor/receptionist for a print-out of your actual blood test results, or get them to read them out. Many of them won't mean a lot but it is useful to have them as a reference - and especially if they say "normal" - as you say - normal for what!!!

There are various types of blood test - the hormone ones are usually separate from the others.

If your sumptoms become so bad they are interfering with your life then yes do think about HRT and read up what you can about the breast cancer link - as Dancinggirl says there is a lot of information on this site.

Hurdity x