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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


Author Topic: New to forum  (Read 5135 times)


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New to forum
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:04:35 AM »

Hi I'm new
I'm  52 and had problems since I started my periods. Severe pain sickness sometimes passing out really bad pain and excessive body hair. Refered finally to hospital in my 20's and was given dinette (not sure of spelling) then  something was showing in my bloods so advised to stop just put up with it. Even labour pains was same as period pains they even remarked in hospital how bad labour pains were and I wasn't reacting even then needed a section because dilating so slowly. After birth would only give me dinette for 1 year coil would be too painful with my period history.

So now it's menopause. Was referred again about 5 years ago heavy bleeds, panic attack, night sweats you name it. Can't remember the name but was given tablets to start day x continue till day x then bleed and start again only I didn't bleed. So more tests stop taking them next mirina coil. This stopped bleeding but I felt ill depressed panicking just not right like a cloud was hanging over me I had to beg to have it removed. Next was given injection which lasted 3 months never told name and had to also take livial (tibolone) it would stop my heavy bleeds which it did but was hell. My whole body was swollen didn't sleep at all would sit in chair all night constant tears even in the street and my legs and arms felt like blocks of wood to the extent I couldn't walk at times only shuffle. My GP ran tests said legs we're fine she thought I my body couldn't tolerate the hormones and symptoms would settle when injection left my body but she kept a check on me was stopped the livial after 3 months but injection lasted longer more like 6 months, this Injection apparently put body into a false menopause. Main specialist even appogised said should have only been given a months dose to see how body managed it. Symptoms  did pass asked to be discharged I would deal with it myself.
End of last year bleeds so bad I couldn't walk just horrible constantly soaked had to take clothes with me to working went where I had too. Refered again had scan biopsy internal but was told could be end of my periods they also found fibroids. This was true last bleed was Jan 2nd 2014. So was discharged in April but I said to specialist that these heavy legs were there again  for a couple of days when period would have been due he said if gets any worse see GP and get hrt but bleeds could come back. Now legs back and  arms are terrible seems constant now but legs affecting me most because I can't walk. Went to see GP said I thought was menopause related as was still having flushes sleepless nights she said it certainly wasn't menopause I explained why I thought that she even said specialist only told me what he did to get me out of room. I explained I had been taking  vitamin b, magnesium, evening primrose and vitamin d I had read these could help she went mad told me to stop straight away. Had blood tests yesterday go back next week for results.
All I want is my life back sorry if this is a bit long   :-\ Sx



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Re: New to forum
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 11:16:32 AM »

Hi Shazzy52 and welcome to MM
You poor,poor thing :hug: - you have had a very rough hormone ride.
As you are 52 I am extremely surprised your GP has decided your problems are nothing to do with the menopause!!! :bang:  I am very baffled as to why your GP was angry you were taking supplements - I would have thought this was a sensible strategy on your part.
I am no expert but it does sound as though you have suffered with hormone imbalance from puberty(I suffered very badly from period pains until I went on the Pill so I understand what you have been through) so it is no wonder you are having more problems now. Your reactions to the various hormone treatments could indicate you are progesterone intolerant.
I do wonder if the problem with your legs is more related to chronic fatigue syndrome - possibly as a result of hormone imbalance or the various reactions to the treatments or simply because you are suffering from sleep deprivation.
AS you have reacted so badly to hormonal treatments and you don't want to risk further bleeds, you may benefit from some of the non HRT treatments that can be good for many ladies who cannot use HRT for health reasons. These drugs tend to be antidepressants but are not like the old fashioned types and many women on here find they can transform their lives once they get over the initial couple of weeks of side effects.

Do read through all the information on this site under the headings to the left of this screen.
Hopefully your GP is checking FSH & oestrogen levels, thyroid function and a whole array of other levels so she can get a better picture of what is going on.  You may want print off sections from this site to show her and ask her help about the options.
Hopefully others will be along with help and advice.
DG x


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 11:21:25 AM »

Hi shazzy 52

I've just popped on board and wanted to reply.

It sounds like u r having a real tough time with the hormones.

I have never taken hrt - couldn't even tolerate the pill for migraines.

It may be that u just can't tolerate hormonal preps either.  Maybe give ur body a break from them and see how u go?  The heavy bleeding is a problem could u not ask for an ablation to reduce the bleeds?  In the meantime could you not try sage etc for flushes and ask dr for low dose ad to get u through.

There are other people on here who could probably advise u better -I just didn't want u to think ur post unread.

Big hugs and hope u can find ur way clear to feeling better.



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Re: New to forum
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 12:20:07 PM »

Thank for your replies ladies
Yes my previous GP did think I could be intolerant and yes offered the ablation had to think if over but when didn't bleed for 3 months  specialist decided to leave it and it's now 10.5 month since I had a bleed. I'm not taking anything now not taken anything for quite a while now was prescribed something earlier in year to take when I bleed to try and control the bleed but never took them as I never bled again.  Think I could manage everything else if my muscles were ok. Today they feel fine last week terrible but generally all last week I felt like I was going to have a period but last couple of days feel a lot better that's why I'm linking it to menopause symptoms. No not testing bloods for hormones just full blood count, heart, bones, and vitamin D. She really went crazy when she asked if I was taking anything and I said about the vitamins said I had to stop immediately kept asking me why would you even take them I thought her reaction was very strange.  I think from what I've looked into myself that I could be progesterone intolerant even though nobody else has ever suggested that just my previous GP unfortunately she is no longer with our practice. Feel like I've been fighting a loosing battle all my life and had no help from doctors at all. See what next week brings when I get the results. I must find a reason for feeling like this I'm too young so going to keep on until I get right answers Sx  >:(


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2014, 05:40:03 PM »

Just to say I feel great today. No foggy head feeling not sitting  crying and not an ache in sight. I've done more housework today than I've done in weeks. I did feel like this when I has periods would feel terrible bleed then top of the world again. Now without bleeds for over 10 months the aching muscles are affecting my mobility and that's affecting me more really I'm used to the other stuff.  Thats why I tried to say it was hormones to my doctor but she dismissed me didn't even bother to check hormones in the blood tests. I'm enjoying the normal feeling for now going to try and get through to her again this week when I get my results. Sx  :)


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2014, 05:56:50 PM »

Hi Shazzy52
Pleased to hear you are having a good day. DG x


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2014, 03:40:43 PM »

Hi Shazzy52 and welcome to
Sounds like you have had one hell of a ride, hope you find this forum and site as helpful as I do.
I knew nothing about menopause, and I was in perimenopause for five and a half years but I didn't know. I knew nothing about hormones, as I had no hormone problems until peri started.
Best of luck with the rest of your hormone journey.


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 08:10:51 PM »

Hi Shazzy,

Sorry to hear you're having a really rough time.

I couldn't tolerate the pill and other treatments meant to stop bleeding did the opposite for me. I bled non-stop for weeks even on zoladex injections (pseudomenopause), and two failed ablations. I had PCOS (which causes facial hair so might be worth mentioning). I ended up having a hysterectomy at 26/27.

Could the fibroids be causing the heavy legs? When I had a very big cyst on my ovary, the pain was mainly down my legs too. I was an odd bod though as most with PCOS have fewer periods, not more. Mine were lasting anything from 10 days minimum to 10 weeks. In the end my GP had to say enough was enough and tell my gynae to give me the hysterectomy.

I'm sorry I've got no other advice, I'm new to menopause literally started HRT last week. Just wanted to say I hope you find a solution soon.

Best of luck xx


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 06:01:24 PM »

Well back to doctors today for blood results and they are all fine. She was testing bones, heart and full blood count nothing about hormones or thyroid. I used to have heavy aching body and bad pmt then I would bleed and then these feelings would lift until the next month. Thats why now im getting these heavy legs pmt feelings  but are lasting longer and now no bleed but they do lift and I feel normal like I do today and have felt like normal for a few days now.  Doctor just not interested I said I've had problems all my life so I no how my body feels but she said she's a doctor and can't link my symptoms to menopause I even took my discharge letter from the specialist which states I having menopausal symptoms and to ask my GP about hrt. I'm really down now don't no where I can go from here. Just have to put up with it  :( xx


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2014, 11:41:37 AM »

Hi shazzy,

Sorry to hear you're down again.
I had an ablation last year and it worked for me. It was a little bumpy after 3 months but soon settled down again. Never had the heavy legs but had major bloating and looking like I was 6 months pregnant.The ablation helped with that but I still get hormonal at what would be that time.
As for your Dr, I would see a different one if possible. Someone said to me recently , that by seeing a different dr,maybe they would see your problems with fresh eyes and a different perspective.
Although I'm new on here, I have found it comforting and helpful.

good luck, hope you feel better soon.((xx)) hugs


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2014, 09:06:23 PM »

Just to say went back to doctors and we had a long chat. This time she was totally different and we decided together that she would prescribe HRT see how it goes if I'm not happy then refer me to a menopause clinic. I was prescribed femseven sequi first patch went on on Friday, I understand they don't stick well which I have noticed already but I'll manage that. Early days I no but really do feel a bit better already aching is much better feel a bit sickly at times but very positive at the moment. I feel better in myself because this time doctor didn't dismiss my symptoms and said she wanted to help. Fingers crossed and  a positive start Sxx  :D


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Re: New to forum
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2014, 10:13:35 AM »

Hope you continue to feel better Shazzy52  :)

Hurdity x