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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: Feel like a fraud!  (Read 18238 times)

Ju Ju

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Feel like a fraud!
« on: August 04, 2014, 03:11:18 AM »

After a lovely day with my daughter and grandson, I had gone into the kitchen to prepare the evening meal, when I was seized by intense pain in the right side of my chest. I struggled to breathe, was sweaty and nauseous, filled with disbelief this was happening. I went into the next room, where fortunately my husband was and was able to tell him I was in distress. He got me a bucket and asked if he should ring 111 for advice. I said 999. The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes, by which time the intensity of the pain was easing.  They did all the normal checks, blood pressure, temperature, ECG etc. Everything was fine, but despite there being no evidence of heart problems, they felt I should be checked over at the hospital and would probably be kept in for a few hours to have blood tests. By the time I got to the hospital, the pain had gone and I was beginning to feel I had made a fuss about nothing. I have been reassured all along the way that we were right to call for an ambulance. They repeated all the tests, plus a chest X-ray, but not blood tests. After 2 hours, they were satisfied they could send me home. In the absence of pain, there was no explanation for what had happened, but I was told to return if I had any re-occurrence of pain.

After all this, I was exhausted, but where was my husband? I had no phone or money with me. I was able to ring home, but all I got was the answer phone. I have no idea of my husbands mobile phone number or any other number of family or friends. They are all on fast dial. Makes you think doesn't it? I hoped he was in the waiting room, where I had to go. I felt abandoned, angry that he hadn't followed on. (I had told him to eat first, particularly as it was obvious that I was not about to die.) Plenty of time had passed and I didn't know what do, then started worrying he had been in an accident. Eventually, a nurse came to tell me he had rang in and was on his way.

I had been starting to think he didn't care, in my stress, but it turned out he had taken the paramedics at their word that I would be kept in till the early hours of the morning. So he'd eaten, packed a bag for me ( that's another story about what he thought I'd need!  :o) talked to the children, including my son, a paramedic in the USA.

Now he wants me to write a list of medication, along with a list of what I would need for a night away. He found he was at a loss. Now after the event, I realise I should have had my phone and some money. Though at the time these were the last things on my mind and I assumed he would follow on much sooner.

I slept well for a few hours, but now am sleepless. Feeling rather traumatised.


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 07:40:32 AM »

First of all, you are NOT a fraud - the emergency services would rather see 20 people like you than miss the one person who really is having a heart attack (or some other medical emergency).  If you ever get this pain again, do not hesitate to dial 999.

Your husband is right to think about making lists, especially of medication and any long-term medical conditions, and emergency contact numbers - he should make one too.  Keep them in the fridge in empty tablet pots labelled ICE (In Case of Emergency) - ambulance staff can find them easily if needed, and you (and hubby) know where they are to grab in an emergency.  And if a list of what you would need in a overnight bag makes him feel more prepared, why not?  As you've found, it can be hard to think straight in the heat of the moment.

Rest for a day or so and let yourself recover - you have been through a very scary and traumatic experience, and it will take a little while for your body to recover.  You may even feel weepy - if so, have a good cry - it's a good release of all the stress.

Take care x


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 07:41:40 AM »

Goodness Ju Ju scary stuff. Wonder if it could have been a muscle spasm. I've had a similar sort of pain a couple of times, though mine was in my back. I wasn't nauseous though, pulse was good & strong. Anyway, when I had mine I went to my GP who said it had been a muscle spasm. So painful! Like you everything was fine.

My hubby would be useless at packing the necessary too, often thought I should have an emergency bag packed just in case.

One time I ended up in hospital for something else, I had no money or phone. Staff let me use ward phone to phone home.


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 07:52:36 AM »

Not a fraud at all.

Could it have been indigestion. A lot of people are caught like that even my hubby who has actually had a heart attack.

I hope you managed to get some sleep. Rest up today you have had a shock..



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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2014, 09:57:36 AM »

Ju Ju you are not a fraud - the ambulance people thought you should be checked over.

Ju Ju

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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2014, 10:37:46 AM »

Thank you for your replies. I really thought something awful was happening. The pain seemed unbearable. Had I waited and it eased, I would not have sought help, but would then be worrying that something was wrong with my heart. Although there is no explanation as to why I was in such pain, I am reassured that my heart is ok. Yes, the suggestion is that it was muscular, but unless it happens again, we will never know.

Well 2 visits to the hospital this year seems a bit over the top. I'd never been in an ambulance before this year, except when I was in labour with my son 30 years ago and that was only because I couldn't fit on the Honda 50, the only form of transport we had at the time! I hope to steer clear of hospitals for a good long time now. Had enough of drama!


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2014, 10:59:36 AM »

I really sympathise Ju Ju. Mine was excruciating, but it passed within about 15 minutes each time. I still have a soreish bit on my back where pain was centred. If I do too much it plays up a bit.

However, best these things are checked out. Not sure who got biggest fright with mine, me or hubby. Though have to say my GP wasn't terribly sympathetic.

Ju Ju

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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2014, 11:46:10 AM »

Yes, I gave everyone a fright. Not mentioning the episode to my elderly parents though, as they seem to have developed worrying to an art form these days.

Cubagirl, have you seen a chiropractor, osteopath or a body stress release practitioner? They should be able to sort out the sensitive area.

Scampi, I do feel weepy, but the tears won't come. I should have been looking after my little grandson today, but alternate arrangements have been made, so I'm having a lazy day.


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2014, 12:37:10 PM »

Yes, went to osteopath. He's done wonders for it, compared to what it was. Just go for occasional back massage now to keep on top of it.

You've obviously had quite a fright, so be kind to yourself.   :hug:


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2014, 12:43:45 PM »

Well done on calling the Paramedics, that is what they there for!  Any sudden un-known spasm/pain/health worry should be reported and they are qualified enough to decide if the patient requires further treatment. 

When my late M in L was due to stay for a while, I insisted that she sent me a copy of her medication/doseages before she came - we exchanged weekly letters - so that I could have the list by the phone in case she had a 'funny turn'.  My husband has no idea what I take even though he watches me swallowing my meds.  ::)

Mum has ICE on her back-door but as she lives alone it's unlikely to be of use.  I don't think she has the capsule up to date either  ::).  It's probably got Dad's details in side.

Your body has had a shock so you will probably feel tired this week.  Feet up!   :foryou:


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2014, 12:50:41 PM »

Hello Ju Ju and sorry to hear that you've experienced such a scary episode. You make a good point about having an overnight bag and other emergency information to hand. That is the sort of planning we should all do, just in case of accidents etc.

Wishing you well now that it's all over.

Take care.


Ju Ju

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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2014, 03:53:00 PM »

I will certainly write lists as my husband intends to.

Just had a 'debrief' with my husband. He said he found it uncomfortable going into my undies draw....he, the man with the somewhat dirty mind! He grabbed a pair of support pants that I sometimes wore before I lost weight, thinking they were a bra! Bless!


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2014, 05:20:39 PM »

My hubby's like that too. He had to go buy me big pants once, not something he enjoyed.


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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2014, 05:32:04 PM »

When I was in Hospital DH did the washing but I had prepared a couple of piles of what I thought I might require  ::) ……… he buys my undies so he wasn't bothered when he had to rummage  ;)

Ju Ju

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Re: Feel like a fraud!
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2014, 05:37:53 PM »

He wouldn't be seen in a lingerie department! Once requested pants as part of a present and the job was delegated to my daughter! And he tells stories of how tough some situations were when he was in the police, yet is defeated by my knicker draw!  ;D and changing nappies....well....... How many policemen does it take to change a baby's nappy? You have to love 'em!
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