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Author Topic: IBS  (Read 26539 times)


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« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2014, 04:51:47 PM »

The point seems to be that moonbeam has raised liver enzymes which will not be caused by hormones. There has to be another reason why this has happened. It's probably something very simple but when you have liver issues it causes nausea which is what moonbeam says she has.

You may well feel bad when you have low hormone levels but that has nothing to do with your liver.



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« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2014, 05:10:55 PM »

I can't understand why the GP would mention liver 'problems' if there is no need for further investigation  >:(


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« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2014, 05:42:12 PM »

Moonbeam, try stopping the magnesium supplements.  Too much can cause nausea, diarrhea, fatigue and muscle weakness.  It may be that you are getting enough from your food and the supplements are tipping you into overdose.

Worth a try.

Don't worry too much about your liver tests.  There are many mundane causes and the stress of worrying could also be the cause of your symptoms.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 05:46:01 PM by rosebud57 »


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« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2014, 05:52:23 PM »

Just another thought.  Have you told your Doc what supplement you are taking.  You would be surprised what vitamins and mineral can interact with.


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« Reply #34 on: March 18, 2014, 10:51:02 PM »

I have not taken the magnesium today, I am hoping the HRT specialist will increase my HRT but I have to wait for the estrogen results then he will write to my GP and me  and then go from there, if they are not low then I guess he will not increase my HRT but its just a waiting game, he also said once my estrogen is sorted he may give me testosterone.  I had a letter from the gastro doctor who said the bloods I had showed again the raised liver enzymes for which its the 4th time they have come back raised and they will write to the liver doctor for advise but what that means I dont know.


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« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2014, 11:15:18 PM »

You really should pursue this as there has to be a reason for your liver results.

Hope you can get it sorted soon.



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« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2014, 07:14:01 AM »

You really ought not to increase any type of drugs you use if you have abnormal liver tests.

This information as I said before about liver disease is a contraindication to using HRT.

It's important that you find out why your liver is showing signs of inflammation first, and before you add anything else that it has to process.

As I said, there are various levels of raised enzymes- they can be slightly raised or the levels can be in the 1000s if it's serious. Knowing your precise results would at least give you some knowledge- have you asked for a copy of your test results?


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« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2014, 09:26:21 AM »

Moonbeam, your Doc writing to the consultant is standard practice.  Two years ago, when I had an ultrasound scan for suspected gallstones, extensive liver fat was found.  My GP did a liver function test which was normal but wrote to the specialist re liver fat.  Don't forget GP stands for General Practitioner, meaning they don't know everything about everything. The specialist then wrote back giving suggestions as to what might be the cause.  My GP then did other tests which ruled out the serious causes and it was decided it was just because I am overweight.

So don't panic, chances are the cause is no big deal.  I'm sure that if the result was very high he would have sent you straight to the specialist.   


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« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2014, 02:25:34 PM »

I forgot to mention that I did stop the Amitriptyline a few days ago cause I was worried about its affects on my stomach, I have only been on them a month cause I suffer from real bad neck pain and headaches, it has helped and I have noticed today I have had a headache most of the day and dont know whether to have one  as normal paracetamol dont work cant take codeine  makes me sick and  cant take ibuprofen  either, but as I said before this stomach problem has been going on for 19 months now but whether it  is aggravating it I dont know but if I dont take the blinking pills I suffer with neck pain and headaches so I am in a no win situation . I am sorry to be a pain in the butt but while I am sitting here my stomach is burning away I feel a bit sickly and it feels like my stomach is pushing up into my ribs, its horrible , I feel I am getting no help from the gastro doctors , the Esomperazole dont help much but I cant see it linked to the raised liver enzymes and if that was a concern I would of seen a liver person sooner so its obviously not serious, dont really no what else to do now  :'( :'( :'( :'(


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« Reply #39 on: March 19, 2014, 03:47:45 PM »

I didn't get any relief from Amitriptalene. (sp)

Burning in the stomach can be excess acid, hunger, spicy foods ……… how about old fashioned Milk of Magnesia liquid or tablets?  Paracetamol doesn't ease pain for me, I take Nurofen or Anadin.

Neck pain can cause headaches.  Headaches can be caused by taking too much pain relief ….. when do you see your GP again?


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« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2014, 04:19:27 PM »

Could purely be a stress thing.  Acid stomach, head and neck pain (muscle tension), could just be the symptoms and stress/anxiety the cause.


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« Reply #41 on: March 19, 2014, 05:21:39 PM »

Just googled Esomperazole and all your symptoms are listed as common side effects.  Sounds like a case of the medicine making the patient worse. 


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« Reply #42 on: March 19, 2014, 08:17:37 PM »


I don't know what medications you are on but for most medications metabolism occurs in the liver via various enzymes. For example Statins are metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. I am on these and pain medications which are also metabolised by the liver. As had been said supplements can also be metabolised via the liver.

I have liver function tests (LFTs) because of this. So it may simply be that something you are taking is causing the raised reading. My were high once when I was taking a short term drug but then went back down to normal when I stopped that med.

So try not to worry (like I did) There are about 6 different enzymes in the liver which can make up a LFT.  ALT is just one. Raised levels does not necessary mean abnormally high.

Like Sara2 says you could go back and ask you GP and ask for a copy of the test result and/or ask what the reading is compared with the “normal” range. Normally the lab report will show the range they use to determine raised or abnormal. Do not start looking this up on Dr Google because the different laboratories who do the tests often use different test “ranges” for the blood results and also bear in mind the meaning of these readings and ranges depend on other factors, like age and gender.

Try not to worry.



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« Reply #43 on: March 19, 2014, 10:16:31 PM »

Hi been on Esomperazole for only a month but before that Omperazole and I know they have side effects but even with the effects they still dont help my stomach, told this to gastro doctor and all she done was change them to the Esomperazole but still so far no joy, she said its IBS gave me a leaflet and sent me home, had a letter saying my stool sample was fine, the blood test for hepatitis for fine but my liver enzymes were high (again) but also said I am going to have a camera to check my lower colon, when I have my stomach pill when I wake it sort of makes my stomach bloat for a while, I dont eat for an hour, i dont eat wheat and only drink lactose free stuff, dont eat cauli and sprouts or apples, when I do succumb to a teeny tiny bit of chocy I feel bluhhhhhh, I have had a Amitriptlyine today as my neck and head was hurting big time , I will wait till next week and ring my GP about my liver tests and go from there, I pray most nights for all this stomach problems to go away and fo me to feel somewhat normal again,touch wood  :ange: :ange: :ange:  :) :)


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« Reply #44 on: March 19, 2014, 10:46:54 PM »

There is no quick treatment for raised liver enzymes- the treatment is to remove whatever is causing the problem. If the liver is in a very bad state then steroids are given to reduce the inflammation.

ANY drug can raise liver enzymes.

You need a scan to see if your liver is enlarged and an endoscope into your stomach to see what is going on.

The drugs you are taking for your stomach are for acid stomach often caused by stress. IBS is totally different because it affects the colon rather than the stomach.

Your drs should be looking into 3 different lots of symptoms- IBS, your acid stomach and your liver.

I feel you are being fobbed off so hope you get some treatment.

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