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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 742892 times)

Johanna 4185

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2040 on: October 26, 2019, 08:08:32 PM »

yay Cassie - that's great news!

Hope its the same for the rest of us.

I've just picked up my prescription. I got 4 months worth (i.e. 4 containers) but one is estrogel and the others are called estrodose. They seem to be the same thing and are made by the same company so I'm assuming they are. They didn't have the progesterone in stock yet but I suppose I don't need that for 2 weeks anyway?

Anyway, my gp was rather laid back about dosage so I thought I'd start with the recommended 2 pumps and then up it if after a month if I still have symptoms.

Ellie - did you decide on the higher 4 pump amount as that was similar to the amount with your previous hrt?

Cassie, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions? Dont feel you have to answer :)

did you arrive at the 1 1/2 pumps by trial and error? Also, are you under any pressure to come off the treatment at all? Though, like other women on this forum I completely understand if you resist vigorously, I know I would!

With the vaginal utro do you just use the same pills that are prescribed for oral use? I'm quite interested in taking the progesterone that way too as presumably you can get away with a slightly lower dose as it's absorbed more efficiently?

Lastly, (blush) with the utro do you just 'shove it up'. I'm a bit worried that for me, after 4 children, it would just come straight back out again  :oops:

The things we women talk about!



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2041 on: October 29, 2019, 09:49:58 AM »

Does anyone have any information regarding endometrial lining thickness and what it should be / shouldn't be / when would it be considered abnormal or risky?
I am on long cycle HRT taking 2-3 pumps oestrogel and then 100mg uterogestan at approx. 10 weeks which has so far resulted in bleeding. Recent scan showed lining was 7.8mm and my consultant assured me that a  thickening on scan with no other symptoms of irregular bleeding or spotting is nothing to worry about and to continue. Thickness alone is not a reason to stop HRT in this way - I thought it was and had put myself down on the waiting list for a hysterectomy (so could take O and no Prog as prog intolerant when taking all the time).
Does anyone have any experience or information - I would be very grateful...its a juggling act to be sure!


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2042 on: October 29, 2019, 03:13:04 PM »

That sounds pretty normal, mine was also in that range on long term utrogestan.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2043 on: October 29, 2019, 06:26:02 PM »

Hi jojo999

The main question is - at what stage of your cycle was the scan carried out?

How long have you been on this regime?

Also are you taking the utrogestan vaginally or orally, and have you had any breakthrough bleeding other than after you stop the progesterone?

All of these factors will influence any interpretation into the significance of your endometrial lining thickness.

Mine was about that at some point in my cycle  a few years ago - not on the prog but partway through the oestrogen only bit...

The fact that your consultant is happy means s/he will have taken all this into account so you should not worry. Also that really is not very thick, especially if you are in the proliferative phase of the cycle as you expect the lining to thicken. Ideally immediately following the bleed ( as it's tailing off to a dribble) you should have the scan and ideally would be thinner than this but I know someone who rarely got much thinner than this even after a bleed and her (private) consultant was happy. If you've been on this regime for some time then after a few more cycles it may end up being thicker or you may get some bleeding at the wrong time - but so far this is not in itself anything to worry about and certainly not to justify a hysterectomy!! You wouldn't be able to get one anyway unless the doc recommended it I don't think - not sure how you managed to put yourself down for one, even privately  :-\. I think it's not readily available these days without v good reason.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2044 on: October 29, 2019, 07:47:47 PM »

jojo999 - a couple of years ago I was on a long cycle with 3 pumps oestrogel and utrogestan every 6 weeks. I arrange my own twice yearly scans and the scan at that time showed a lining of 8mm in one part of my lining. I have my scans sent directly to my gp and the sonographer at the time suggested I make an appointment to talk through the area of thickening with the gp. My gp arranged for a hysteroscopy and a polyp was discovered. I've since had it removed and it was benign so nothing to worry about.

If your consultant is happy with everything then you must trust their professional opinion. It sounds like you're being carefully monitored but if you're at all worried, make another appointment with the consultant and talk things through.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2045 on: October 30, 2019, 10:19:06 AM »

Morning ladies, where do you apply the estrogel?? I have been rubbing it on my shoulders & tops of arms - down to elbows. I just wondered if it was absorbed better anywhere else?
Thanks x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2046 on: October 30, 2019, 04:36:46 PM »

Usually always into my thighs unless I remember on the odd occasion about once a months to rub it into my arms  :)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2047 on: October 30, 2019, 08:39:36 PM »

Thanks ladies! Can I ask why you apply to thighs??
Thanks x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2048 on: October 31, 2019, 01:27:19 AM »

Instruction sheet says - inside of thighs or on the outside of the tops of the arms and shoulders.  There is a choice.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2049 on: October 31, 2019, 03:43:41 PM »

Thanks for the replies
Hurdity..I had my ovaries removed in 2013 so went into full surgical menopause then. (PMDD but really they should have taken the lot out as Prog makes me feel depressed+++)
Up until Nov 2018 I was on Oestrogel and daily 100mg Uterogestan but the progesterone made me feel so low and sad that I felt it was either surgery to remove womb or Long cycle, so since November I have been trying 100mg Utero every 3 months. Had a really bad bleed May 2019 so had scan and hystereoscopy which was normal.
No break through bleeding just when I finish the progesterone.

I see a Menopause Specialist  and also I have seen a Gynaecologist locally, privately first then transferred to his NHS list, who is happy to do a hysterectomy - but he is also the one who has explained that the thickness alone is not a reason to panic and have a big operation. It was my own GP who freaked me out about that!
For now I am going to carry on with Long Cycle and see how I feel mood wise and bleeding wise.
I see my Gynae again in 4 months.

I just thought that because I had some thickening I needed surgery NOW....over reacting! I am a bit of a worrier.
Hopefully I will be ok
Thanks for the advice.
Will keep you posted.

Hi jojo999

The main question is - at what stage of your cycle was the scan carried out?

How long have you been on this regime?

Also are you taking the utrogestan vaginally or orally, and have you had any breakthrough bleeding other than after you stop the progesterone?

All of these factors will influence any interpretation into the significance of your endometrial lining thickness.

Mine was about that at some point in my cycle  a few years ago - not on the prog but partway through the oestrogen only bit...

The fact that your consultant is happy means s/he will have taken all this into account so you should not worry. Also that really is not very thick, especially if you are in the proliferative phase of the cycle as you expect the lining to thicken. Ideally immediately following the bleed ( as it's tailing off to a dribble) you should have the scan and ideally would be thinner than this but I know someone who rarely got much thinner than this even after a bleed and her (private) consultant was happy. If you've been on this regime for some time then after a few more cycles it may end up being thicker or you may get some bleeding at the wrong time - but so far this is not in itself anything to worry about and certainly not to justify a hysterectomy!! You wouldn't be able to get one anyway unless the doc recommended it I don't think - not sure how you managed to put yourself down for one, even privately  :-\. I think it's not readily available these days without v good reason.

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2050 on: October 31, 2019, 06:31:52 PM »

Thanks for the info jojo999

I'm still not clear at which point in your cycle you had the scan done ie your are taking oestrogen only for I presume 10 weeks and then 100 mg utrogestan for two weeks or something? Was the last scan in May immediately following the heavy bleed? All I'm saying is - like I said previously that when you take oestrogen your lining will gradually thicken all the time you are taking it. The you start taking the progesterone and during this time it reaches its maximum thickness. Then when you stop the prog it shed and the whole process start again once the lining has come away. It is at its thinnest immediately following the bleed but even a delay of a few days can mean it appears thick on a scan. The last but one scan I had was 7. something and this was about 10 days after beginning of bleed - and my bleeds were light - so it has already started to thicken. The most recent one I had was 4.7 I think - approx which was absoutely just at the end of the bleed. That's why also I presume your doc is not worried. The heavy bleed can be a result of long cycle HRT so it's a toss up between having progesterone infrequently and enduring the bleeds or prog more often and consequently more but lighter bleeds but having to put up with the prog side effects more often.

Good luck :)

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2051 on: November 01, 2019, 02:42:40 AM »

Cant sleep so posting now in the hope someone will see it tommorow.

I started utro vaginally 100mg a week ago. And I'm the driest i have ever been. No obvious signs of infection and no itching  just like  sandpaper down there.
 I've used  vagifem or ovestin internally every single night  for 9 monti's plus ovestin outside areas and  had reached a point where I was comfortablei.

 But since vaginal utro my vVA has suddenly got worse than ever. I cant re load as I'm already using  every night anyway. My bladder  quickly became irritated too and  I've started having accidents and even wet the bed.the other night

Could vaginal utro cause this?xxx


Tracey E

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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2052 on: November 01, 2019, 08:16:43 AM »

When I was taking the Utro it made me pee a lot also dried me out so yes it can TC. I was taking it on a 7 day cycle. X


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2053 on: November 01, 2019, 08:54:14 AM »

Yes, TC, I found it very drying and irritating. Also dried out eyes, nose all mucous membranes really. Not sure what else you can try, I've just started Intrarosa which is coco fat based and very soothing, might be an option?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #2054 on: November 01, 2019, 08:57:42 AM »

Ooh! Just had a caffeine moment - what about an e-string? Some ladies love them.
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