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Author Topic: utrogestan/estrogel support group  (Read 745743 times)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1320 on: July 16, 2018, 10:21:02 PM »

I had a look on YouTube for you.  I've found this video (in Spanish) showing both types of applicator.  If yours is the syringe type, I think you would draw out the gel to the 1 or 2 mark (start with 1) and then apply to arm or leg.

I hope that helps.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1321 on: July 17, 2018, 06:50:46 AM »

Hi Nikkisyard - not sure if we've spoken? However if you are 5 years post-meno I would continue with the 1 pump for a few weeks until your body acclimatises and then increase to two pumps if you feel you need to and with your doctor's approval. If you have been without oestrogen for that long then there are bound to be side effects so you want to minimise these by reintroducing oestrogen gradually - I would say.

In terms of the progesterone - you have been given advice already - and it's a question of whether you want to bleed or not and take as discussed. Docs often get the dose of this wrong anyway (in UK) if they are unfamiliar with it! It's difficult to say when to start - you don't know (presumably) whether your womb lining might have built up a little since menopause and therefore need to shed ( ie maybe a heavier bleed to start with) or because you are so long snce menopause, whether it will have atrophied in which case minimal progesterone mnay be needed at first.

Personally, to be on the safe side I would introduce the 200 mg for 12 days once you have been taking oestrogen for 14 days (approx) and see if you get a bleed and then take it from there ( with your doc's supervision).

As Stellajane says - best to see how well you tolerate both hormones so starting sequentially is the way to go - and if you are oK with the prog then taking it continuously may well be more convenient (unless using vaginally and in a relationship). You might even be able to try a long cycle like we do so taking progesterone less frequently (if you don't tolerate it well) but still getting a bleed.

Hurdity x

Hi Hurdity x no we haven't spoken before and I'm sorry I missed this last time I briefly logged in... thank you for your time x
I actually did raise the Oestrogel to 2 pumps when I introduced the Utrogestan200 and all seemed to be fine. I sleep so much better now and have no flushes or night sweats (perhaps one or two very mild ones).
I stopped the Utrogestan after around 2 weeks (or 12 days? I don't recall off the top of my seive head 🤷‍♀️) but didn't bleed until today (4 days after stopping). I did feel bloated after around a week of starting Oestrogel and again when I stopped Uterogestan.. and now I feel REALLY bloated.. like the periods I remember and dreaded years back...
I didn't really want to bleed but after reading through a few of these threads I realise (and thanks @DancingGirl for your advice) that giving it a few months sequential use may be healthier as likely I have some lining to shed here....  just slightly concerned I may not be fully prepared for what's to come!! 😧 Might need to send an SOS out to the fella  :o


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1322 on: July 17, 2018, 12:53:16 PM »

Thanks so much Sue LW! Yes it's a syringe not an applicator - i feel foolish now :D It's quite tricky to do cos you have to apply some pressure on the tube at the same time as drawing it out - it doesn't just pull out easily - but at least I know what I'm aiming for now! :) ;)


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1323 on: July 17, 2018, 07:20:30 PM »

Hi lovely ladies.  Hope someone can help me.  I am 54 and post menopausal. Began HRT on 08/06/18.  2 pumps of estrogel and 100mg utragestan every day.  Had dizziness from day one.  Some days much worse than others where I can't go out, other days its bearable.  I thought it was due to the utragestan but now not so sure. 

I scoured this website and read a couple of replies which suggested to stay on just 1 pump of estrogel for a week and then increase to 2 pumps for a couple of weeks finally adding the utragestan for 12 days. So I stopped the Utragestan and went onto 1 pump of estrogel on 10th July 2018 and had a 4 day bleed.   So for the last week I have been on just 1 pump of estrogel and am still dizzy every day.  I'm not sure about increasing to 2 pumps now as I'm worried it will make the dizziness worse.  My hot flushes have practically gone and many of the other symptoms have eased but the joint pain is still really bad.

I feel I have swapped hot flushes for dizziness.  Not sure what to do now.  If I stay on the 1 pump will the dizzy eventually go as things settle down. I really don't want to give up HRT and go back to how bad it was before and I am hoping that I just need to give it more time. 

I am happy to carry on at this slow pace as I think it helps me understand whats affecting me.  I think initially taking it all in one go, I had no idea what was affecting what...

If anyone can help me out with this I am all ears...

Many thanks in advance   



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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1324 on: August 21, 2018, 08:14:27 AM »

Hi ladies,
Does anyone get a PMT a few days before the Utrogestan is due? I think I do.


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1325 on: August 23, 2018, 07:53:38 AM »

Hi, I am 49 years old, in peri and have been using 2 pumps oestrogel (all month) and 100mg utrogestan (vaginally 2-3 weeks/mth). In the last 3-4 months I have been having a period every 2-3 weeks which is quite unusual. My GP said probably not getting enough progesterone, my gynae said probably too high a dose of oestrogel. He checked womb lining which is fine, but said I have an ovarian cyst which may be the problem and stimulated by the extra oestrogen. I have also been feeling on/off a low level of nausea and had some strange digestive symptoms also. 2 mths ago oestrogen was at 1490, last month 750 (after reducing to 1 pump). My mood has also been off during this period, not sleeping as well the last month and feeling edgy and a bit stressed.

I cannot work out whether the extra bleeding it is too much oestrogen but have reduced to 1 pump a day in the last month, so far has made no difference, Or perhaps not absorbing the utrogestan enough - using 100mg vaginally (which is apparently the same as 200mg orally). The Dr who gave me the hormone therapy said to continue as normal but we only have telephone consultations as I live abroad (will talk to her next week).

Any thoughts, advice or similar experiences appreciated?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1326 on: August 24, 2018, 01:42:15 PM »

I started Estrogel on 19th July and Utrogestan on 24th July.  I am taking the Utrogestan vaginally, every other night in a continuous method.

So far, so good.  The gel is helping a lot, much better than before.  And the progesterone seems fine apart from one thing.  I am getting randomly very bloated belly.  It's gas.  Occasionally it hurts, mostly it just looks terrible and my clothes are straining at the seams.  It's not every day and it's not every meal.  Hard to pinpoint it. 

I suspect it's a side effect of the progesterone?  Will it pass do you think?  Anyone else had it?


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1327 on: August 25, 2018, 07:21:11 AM »

Hi ladies,
Does anyone get a PMT a few days before the Utrogestan is due? I think I do.

If you are peri-menopausal then it is just normal pms due to your own hormonal fluctuations but not to do with the HRT. PMs is caused either by progesterone itself, progesterone withdrawal ( ie a few days after stopping the progesterone) or a fall in oestrogen or a combination of any of these. Oestrogen itself is not a cause of pms although there can be some side effects from high oestrogen. I hope it's not too bothersome?

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1328 on: August 25, 2018, 07:26:11 AM »

Hi, I am 49 years old, in peri and have been using 2 pumps oestrogel (all month) and 100mg utrogestan (vaginally 2-3 weeks/mth). In the last 3-4 months I have been having a period every 2-3 weeks which is quite unusual. My GP said probably not getting enough progesterone, my gynae said probably too high a dose of oestrogel. He checked womb lining which is fine, but said I have an ovarian cyst which may be the problem and stimulated by the extra oestrogen. I have also been feeling on/off a low level of nausea and had some strange digestive symptoms also. 2 mths ago oestrogen was at 1490, last month 750 (after reducing to 1 pump). My mood has also been off during this period, not sleeping as well the last month and feeling edgy and a bit stressed.

I cannot work out whether the extra bleeding it is too much oestrogen but have reduced to 1 pump a day in the last month, so far has made no difference, Or perhaps not absorbing the utrogestan enough - using 100mg vaginally (which is apparently the same as 200mg orally). The Dr who gave me the hormone therapy said to continue as normal but we only have telephone consultations as I live abroad (will talk to her next week).

Any thoughts, advice or similar experiences appreciated?

Usually bleeeding during peri-menopause if on HRT will be caused either by your own cycle kicking in or an imbalance between the oestrogen and progesterone. If you don't want to reduce the oestrogen ie you need two pumps to feel at your best then you need to increase the progesterone. Although theoretically you need less progesterone when taken vaginally, there will still be variation between individual women in how they respond so you could try increasing the dose to 200 mg or extending the length of time in the month you are using the 100 mg and see how you get on re the bleeding? However 1490 pmol/l is very high - although blood tests are not accurate and especially if you gave the blood from the same arm that you applied the gel (if you use arms!) and it was soon after you applied it? Also if you are peri it might just have been your normal pre-ovulatory peak - nothing to do with the hRT - when in your cycle was the blood test done?

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1329 on: August 25, 2018, 07:27:57 AM »

I started Estrogel on 19th July and Utrogestan on 24th July.  I am taking the Utrogestan vaginally, every other night in a continuous method.

So far, so good.  The gel is helping a lot, much better than before.  And the progesterone seems fine apart from one thing.  I am getting randomly very bloated belly.  It's gas.  Occasionally it hurts, mostly it just looks terrible and my clothes are straining at the seams.  It's not every day and it's not every meal.  Hard to pinpoint it. 

I suspect it's a side effect of the progesterone?  Will it pass do you think?  Anyone else had it?

Some women get bloating on increased oestrogen ( temporarily) and on progesterone. I use it (prog) vaginally but bloating isn't a problem for me. Boobs get a big bigger though. Hopefully these side effects will pass?

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1330 on: August 28, 2018, 10:51:40 AM »

Hi has anyone noticed at the end of the canister the gel seems weaker? I haven't been shaking the bottle. It doesn't mention this in the instructions to shake the bottle. I am on 3 pumps so it lasted 3 full weeks. Just want to know if this is the case I will start the new bottle a few days early x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1331 on: August 28, 2018, 08:02:09 PM »

Probably a bit like the end of a bottle of anything - the pump doesn't work as well - you know the thing like when the hand gel is nearly empty - you don't get a full blob! It's not likely to be weaker I wouldn't have thought but just maybe less getting dispensed?

Hurdity x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1332 on: August 28, 2018, 09:12:23 PM »

Thanks I will change a couple of days earlier this time   xx


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1333 on: August 29, 2018, 10:11:53 AM »

Usually bleeeding during peri-menopause if on HRT will be caused either by your own cycle kicking in or an imbalance between the oestrogen and progesterone. If you don't want to reduce the oestrogen ie you need two pumps to feel at your best then you need to increase the progesterone. Although theoretically you need less progesterone when taken vaginally, there will still be variation between individual women in how they respond so you could try increasing the dose to 200 mg or extending the length of time in the month you are using the 100 mg and see how you get on re the bleeding? However 1490 pmol/l is very high - although blood tests are not accurate and especially if you gave the blood from the same arm that you applied the gel (if you use arms!) and it was soon after you applied it? Also if you are peri it might just have been your normal pre-ovulatory peak - nothing to do with the hRT - when in your cycle was the blood test done?

Hurdity x

Thank you Hurdity, I spoke to menopause Dr, by phone this morning, she thinks that I should go back up to 2 pumps (alternating 1 day 1 pump, other day 2 pumps) a day, that not to take too much notice of blood test results. She actually thinks I should try testosterone to see if that helps. Overall I have had a stressful summer, on a positive note I lost 8 kg since Feb because also had some IBS. I also wonder if lowering oestrogen allowed body to lose weight. I will see how next few months go. My womb lining is thin. I will also pay more attention to using progesterone for more days in the month. Hey/ho, so hit and miss. Just suffered 3 nights of insomnia.....

Many thanks x


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Re: utrogestan/estrogel support group
« Reply #1334 on: September 22, 2018, 07:59:16 AM »

Bumped for Emmapurple

Hurdity x
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