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Author Topic: M.E.?  (Read 7618 times)


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Re: M.E.?
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2013, 12:22:26 PM »

Hi Ju Ju

I don't know when your birthday is but I would get some info from your gynae asap.  It may well be that the gynae quotes the standard risks based on the Women's Health Initiative Study. Once you reach the magic 60 it will be more difficult to persuade them to let you start - there is something about that age which makes the medical profession decide we have to stop.

Yes I have read about DHEA - but it would be far better I think in your case at least to try with low oestrogen ( and prog) and some testosterone - since you were shown to be low in this. Insufficient information is available on dosage and safety of DHEA long term, so it cannot be licensed here, although preliminary trials have been promising, I recall.

Do read this statement from the British Menopause Society & Women's Health Concern - which gives their 2013 recommendations on hormone replacement therapy. This is the most up to date information.

If your gynae refuses to move - I would have suggested getting a second opinion eg contacting Dr Currie for the phone consultation but unfortunately this is no longer possible - I imagine it was too popular and taking up too much time! If you decide you do want to start HRT then you may have to be prepared to insist that you are willing to take the risks, or even try a different gynae? On this site Dr Currie herself says that approx between 50 and 60 the benefits are greater (on average) than the risks anyway.

Provided your diet is healthy and balanced - with plenty of fruit and vegetables and low in fat, refined and processed food, then you are very unlikely to be deficient in any nutrients - ire vitamins and minerals. If you have a complete blood test ( for fatigue) which I presume you have had done, then some B vitamins are tested anyway.

If you had a virus in March then you could be suffering from some post-viral fatigue too, but if your hormone levels are low - then I would want these to be as optimum as they could be and see if it made a difference. Sorry I don't know about IBS and its effects.

Good luck with it all and try to keep your spirits up! Great to have a sympathetitc husband!

Hurdity x


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Re: M.E.?
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2013, 01:51:56 PM »

We have several threads on Irritable Bowel Syndrome - have a look via the search button ;-)

Ju Ju

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Re: M.E.?
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2013, 12:17:41 PM »

I've had a letter back from the gynae, who whilst saying the potential risks outweigh the benefits, has said I could try a form of HRT called Livial or HRT with testosterone replacement for a short 3-6 month trial. I will be 60 in March.

My gut feeling is that low testosterone is affecting my energy levels and has been for a long time, but there is something else going on as Hurdity suggests maybe post-viral fatigue, The level of exhaustion was never like this before March. Insomnia doesn't help. Sleep is not refreshing. I'm feeling low today as I looked after my gorgeous 11 month old grandadson this morning, but couldn't enjoy it as the crashing weariness descended. Fortunately my husband came back and was able to take over. This is knocking my confidence in dealing with everyday life.


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Re: M.E.?
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2013, 04:42:12 PM »

It's good that you are giving Livial a try Ju Ju - hope it works for you. Hopefully even though you will be 60 when the trial ends, as you are aware of the risks, you will still be able to get it prescribed. I think it's a shame it's not in patch form so that older ladies could be prescribed it more readily.

Taz x
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