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Author Topic: new member with crushing anxiety  (Read 27987 times)


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2013, 01:45:41 PM »

How is your diet?

Also, Bachs flower remedy can help. I use the mouth spray, one squirt onto the tongue before anxiety strikes in situations I know might be a trigger.  I have walked from many events for which we have paid Good Money for tickets  :-\  ::) .......... the more important the Event the less likely I am to be able to go.  So I don't book ahead now .........


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2013, 01:53:44 PM »


my diet is normal somedays but on others terrible, I have lost a stone in weight since xmas which I didnt need to loose, I look terrible.

after reading the forums I have started trying to eat every 3 hours even if its just a banana, or some soup.

GP prescribed anti- sickness pills but i'm too frightened to take them incase they make me feel worse.



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2013, 01:56:09 PM »

You sound like I felt when I was at my worst  ::) - didn't dare eat or drink in case I felt worse than I already did, however, it was pointed out to me that my body was *hungry*.  However, food could not pass my lips  :'(  ........ then I got it into my head that I would die if I didn't eat so eating was the only issue in my brain ......... I was paralysed on the settee, staring at the walls, worrying about what I had to eat and when ........

Which anti-sickness med have you been given?  I am sure that your GP won't give anything that will interfere with what you already take, if you are worried take a list to the pharamacist for a chat?  Ginger biscuits can help ease off nausea. 


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2013, 02:04:08 PM »

they're called metoclopramide.

but i definately relate to the worry, of not eating will make me weak and I will get ill and end up in hospital.

having had MS since I was 17 I hate hospitals.

I had my first panic attack in May whilst I was in hopsital with suspected menigitis, turns out it was severe migraine due to dehydration and lack of food, I had been ill for 3 days with a virus, but on reflection think it was the start of the peri-menopause. so i do worry about not eating.



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2013, 04:28:11 PM »

Metoclopramide is great and should give you no problems at all.

This is what they give you before an operation to stop you being sick when under aesthetic.

I have used it off and on for years. It pushes food through your stomach quickly. The only side effect you might have is going to the loo a bit more often.

Don't be afraid to take them they could be just what you need.



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2013, 11:07:07 AM »

 :thankyou:  Honeybun.  I found that grazing helped: dry biscuits, lots of tea, yoghurts, dried fruits and nuts. Nibbling so that the dreadful nausea went away  :-\

Lucky Stone

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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2013, 12:21:19 PM »

Hello tink, sorry to hear you are feeling rough. I have just started on theanine which is an amino acid, in itself the main constituent in green tea. It's only day one so I'm not going to claim a miracle cure but it does come with many testamonies on Amazon. Check with your pharmacist if it's okay for you with other meds first of course. I also had a long session of hypnotherapy yesterday for phobia/anxiety but again too soon to report back in much depth although I will do in due course. One thing she did say to me though that struck a chord was about relaxation.I said that I have 'tried to relax' and she says that it is counterproductive to do this as it just causes one part of you to fight against another, it's the 'trying' that does it. I do try and meditate but can't seem to switch off - she added that all this 'listen to your breathing' advice was good for Buddhist monks but maybe not for us busy Westerners. It's not easy to turn off thoughts that are circulating inside your head - believe me I KNOW :-X - but taking yourself in your mind to somewhere that you like does help. Advice advice of course, easy to give and hard to do. However, the theanine is supposed to increase the alpha waves in your brain which are the quiet ones (the betas are the busy, noisy ones, hence perhaps beta blockers?) I'm not sure but it sounds logical doesn't it? Sorry this is a bit rambling but I hope some of it helps, I can all too easily identify with the anxiety thing, been there and wear the t shirt frequently  :-\ Take care and good luck - loads of stuff on here and great people  :)


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2013, 02:16:38 PM »

Hi tink,

Your story sounds so familiar, anxiety is so debilitating and wears you out. My gp prescribed me mirtazapine, an anti d to help with anxiety. From day 1 it calmed me down, stopped the shakes and allowed me to catch up on much needed sleep. I still had blips for quite a while and even now cant say things are perfect but a huge improvement on how it was. I've also been on hrt for 18 months. Not sure if this is any help to you but hope you'll start feeling better real soon. Its a horrible time and you need lots of support to get through. :hug:

Take care, big hug
Delilah x


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2013, 05:29:39 PM »

Hi everyone,

Once again thanks for all the advice, I keep trying to tell myself that it is only the hormones and that I am able to function, very difficult though.

CLKD, I have started carrying around some ginger snaps and trying to snack on bananas, at the moment mornings and early evening the worst.

I wake up feeling as though I have drank 40 cans of red bull, then the mind starts working overtime, I have tried Bachs but I cant say it has helped.

new patches tonight so here's hoping :-\



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2013, 02:24:26 PM »

hi everyone,

just keeping you up dated this website has been a lifesaver for me. I am feeling a lot like myself today, was able to go to the hairdresser last thurs, plenty of ginger biscuits and water. I was also out for a wee while on Sat.

started Evorel 75 on Thurs and feeling great so here's hoping.

What I did discover is that I seem to have my worse panic attacks at the same time of the month, ???



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2013, 02:47:58 PM »

Hormonal then!  Which is why eating correctly ALL month through, not only when you remember, might be helpful.  Nibbling is OK! 


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2013, 11:28:45 PM »

tink, reading your last post brought back my early days of meno when increasing my patch made me feel so good! glad you are feeling better x


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2013, 11:46:07 AM »

Hi everyone,

heres an update have been on evorel 75 for 1 month now and thought I was over the worse had 3 and a half weeks feeling great, but had a blip on saturday whilst at my brothers once again at the same time of the month, i also have really bad flushes at this time. Is this normal, will it settle or is it just something I will have to live with. I am feeling very upset today and have had hardly any sleep.


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2013, 08:28:55 PM »

Hi tink

Sorry to hear you have been having a rough couple of days but glad that you are feeling much better the rest of the time.

The thing is while you are still perimenopausal your hormones will still be fluctuating and I presume as you have the Mirena you are not having any bleeds? This means you won't know when your natural cycle is through your periods, but of course you are still feeling them because of your moods. So your own hormones are breaking through the hormones you have added - and this will continue to happen from time to time but hopefully gradually less frequently until you have reached menopause.

So taking HRT when you are peri- won't usually completely eliminate all symptoms - such as low mood etc like pms - after all we have them all through our fertile years - but it should make you feel much better for most of the time. As long as you recognise this and go with it, you will know you will come through it so you should feel better - hopefully....

Maybe if your oestrogen levels drop very low then possibly you may benefit from an even higher dose - not sure how old you are - but I would give it three months on the 75 mcg as recommended.

Do hope this is only a minor blip for you and sleep well

Hurdity x


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2013, 02:12:37 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

thanks for the reassurance, its true having the mirena fitted I have been spotting constantly for 2 months so dont know when my period is actually due. I am 45 years old. I keep thinking what if this last for years I wont be able to cope. I never suffered from pmt or heavy periods before, guess mother nature is making up for it now.

Its the physical aspects of the panic attacks that I cant cope with, sickness and diaorhea. embarassing when you are visiting people :'(.

This website has really helped though, so once again thanks everyone :)xx
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