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Author Topic: new member with crushing anxiety  (Read 27958 times)


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2013, 06:32:52 PM »

Hi Tink: I am a new member as well. I am a high energy level kind of person but I also deal with anxiety and rage feelings. My doc a few years ago gave me a low dose of Xanex to try. I'll tell you what, it is a miracle drug for me. I only take it when I need it. At the most, maybe 2 days to a week out of the month. I have the lowest dose and I take a 1/2 pill. If I take it on an empty stomach, within 20 min all is well and everyone gets to live. haha. I know a lot of people get addicted to this drug but if you use it as a tool, you will be fine. I sleep like a baby too even if I took the pill in the morning. It can be effective up to 24 hours. Hope this helps.


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2013, 08:09:43 PM »

Hi Doxi,

I have diazepam 5mg which I was given at the start, I will try taking half a tablet if I get a blip again. GP frightened me at the start by saying I could get addicted so have only ever taken them when things were truly unbearable. Hopefully these blips will only occur once a month and I can control it for a couple of days with the diazepam.

great tip about taking it on an empty stomach though as normally it takes about 45 mins to kick in



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2013, 08:35:30 PM »

Hi again tink

Do you mind my asking why you had the Mirena fitted because I think it can cause anxiety and those sort of side effects in some women? However if you are only getting those feelings roughly monthly then it's prob OK for you and it's just the hormone dips that I mentioned. At least with the Mirena you can take quite high dose of oestrogen as I understand and it will protect the womb lining.

Hurdity x


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2013, 10:59:19 AM »

My anxiety is constant this morning after months of feeling OK  :-\.  I know I have a drug I can use but don't want to succumb yet.  DH keeps telling me the reasons why it happens and how I can get out of it, if only it were *that* easy  :(.  I have taken more responsibility in recent days <sigh> and am so glad that I turned down yet more 'chores' last week.

For me it comes back in an instant!  If Valium etc. are used 'as a tool' then you are unlikely to become addicted.  I tended to use it before an event, i.e. going to visit family ..... which meant a long journey both ways and having to sit in company.  For hours  ::).  5mg the night before and 5mg at breakfast helped for years.

Off to find the Rescue Remedy mouth spray ..........
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 11:01:15 AM by CLKD »


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2013, 01:58:40 PM »


Sorry your having a bad time at the moment, thanks for the reassurance about the diazepam. I can symapthise with you about not wanting to succumb to drugs all the time. I take my hat off to ladies who get through this on their own.

I fell a bit better today, but its the constant searching to reassure myself that I do.


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2013, 03:27:39 PM »

I also have diazepam and take one on a need to basis. I got a prescription before Xmas and have only used 5.

If used on this basis there is no danger of getting hooked.

I do however use my beta blockers every day.



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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2013, 04:17:01 PM »

I take my beta-blocka every night.  If I need extra I take it at breakfast.  This morning  ::) ........ never did find the rescue remedy, had lunch instead ........ still feel that lurch in the gut though  >:(

Lucky Stone

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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2013, 04:33:20 PM »

Yep, I have diazepam as well  :) haven't taken any so far this year but would if I had to and may have to resort to them over Easter. Had to smile CLKD at your comment about taking it before going on a family visit, it's ironic isn't it that these events are supposed to be enjoyable but we all seem to end up dreading them?  :-X But I so know what you mean.

Something else I've discovered recently - I have recently taken up a new hobby and been connecting with people on FB. People who all look sorted and full of life. Yet, over a period of time, slowly slowly people are starting to admit that they are suffering with depression, anxiety or have other, shall we say, "life problems". I have admitted my anxiety. No-one judges and they are a truly lovely bunch but it only goes to show how many people are struggling with stuff. It's so easy to think "it's me, I'm a nutter" but that's not true.  ::) Men, ladies and not just of menopausal age. I'm beginning to think that the "sorted ones are those in the minority  :) :)


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2013, 07:45:17 PM »

Life makes us deal with daily situations in different ways.  Sometimes I can deal; others I am housebound with anxiety.  Friends dropped off as they couldn't understand why I could on some days, on others I was unable to socilaise.  They didn't wait around and soon closed the gap which I had filled in the group.  My C.mas card list halved in 3 months  :-\ ......... and not one phoned to ask DH if he needed any shopping/support/etc..   >:(

Now I know what to avoid.  My psychologist told me not to avoid but I do.  It's OK. That's how I deal.  When I am OK I can get on with things, if my stomach lurches as it did on waking this morning  :-\ - then I avoid.  It's self preservation really!

I think we are such a judgemental society.  It is safer for people around us to tow the line, makes us all the same I suppose.  But it doesn't allow for variations.

Lucky Stone

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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2013, 02:30:16 PM »

I read a very interesting article in the Sunday supplement of the Sun Tel a couple of weeks ago about a lady who has suffered with depression and anxiety all her life. She said that she had had 10 odd years of therapy but for some people, anxiety will always be present and for her, a drug called paroxetine, was her lifeline. Like you CKLD, some days she was okay and some days not. I'm a bit like this but am learning not to beat myself up about it, and sometimes avoidance is the only thing that works. I hope you are feeling better today  :)


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2013, 06:05:39 PM »

I am like CLKD and sometime I avoid and sometimes I manage to go or do. I love diazipam and have a packet in my bag untouched for 12 months but I know they are there. Once a month I get like I need them so bad but I resist as have an inbuilt fear that I will get hooked as for me they were wonderful last year and no other drug came close to giving me that inner peace. I have a friend who uses them as a tool and she thinks i am nuts not to use them but thats my fear getting the better of me.


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Re: new member with crushing anxiety
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2013, 10:18:10 AM »

Hi everyone,

here's an update, the panic attacks are better, only had one minor blip whilst at my brothers about the same time of the month as February's melt down around about the 24/25, however I have noticed that around the beginning of the month that my anxiety starts to build, but doesn't develop into a full blown panic attack.

For about a week I am back to waking at 3.30 with anxiety, which is with me most of the day, this goes away after about a week, before serious melt downs around 20-25th :'(. These are almost always followed by a hot flush or sweat.

I am going to see my meno-specialist on Monday, my mum thinks that the patches may not be controlling the hormones enough so will discuss on Monday. Mum tried everything before she had an implant fitted which she said made her feel brilliant.
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