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Author Topic: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)  (Read 87475 times)


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2012, 09:50:47 PM »

I tend to be a fair weather jogger - have not been out for a couple of weeks due to the weather and having just started a University course as well as working. Been doing it for a few years, never very far- about 3 miles and pretty slow about 13 minutes per mile but I do enjoy being out in the countryside. Plan to go 3 times a week but usually only manage twice (none at the mo!) and I'm 51 next week.
Flyaway :bunny:


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2012, 08:58:38 PM »

Hi fellow potential joggers!
Have been laid low with a horrible cold for a week but got out there again today and walk and one (short) run.
I'm sure it's true that walking is better for you and I enjoy it much more but I'm really short of time and running feels like the easiest way to get some exercise quickly (and cheaply!)
I really feel like I need to keep exercising to keep my anxiety at bay.

How are you getting on Minuette?



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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2012, 05:53:21 PM »

I'm getting on really well thanks Donna, sorry to hear you've had a cold.   

This is now my third week running and I'm loving it!  I started the Couch to 5K this week, which basically gets you from being a couch potato to running a 5k in 9 weeks and I'm thinking of signing myself up for the Race for Life in July which will be a great achievement.

I've found that when I'm walk/running that it really clears my mind and I'm not really thinking of anything at all, it's a great break from the day to day stresses I've found.  I'm still in the very early stages and I've got a long way to go but the buzz I get from it is terrific. 

So do you run outside?  I ran outside for the first 2 weeks, but we're back home now and I'm on a treadmill. 

Flyaway - what University course have you started? I'm doing an OU course. 


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2012, 05:42:14 PM »

Hi i've still not got back to running - the weather has been way too cold and the Uni work has been a little overwhelming!
I'm doing a foundation degree in health and social care with rehabilitation - one day a week off work to study and attend a tutorial at uni, the rest at work so like the open university a lot of it is online/self directed study etc.
Not having done any formal learning for 30 years its a bit of a steep learning curve!
I'm going to leave it to March and then get back to running.

Well done to everyone who is pounding the streets/treadmill :D


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2012, 07:22:17 PM »

How far is 5K  :-\


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2012, 10:13:33 PM »

A long way CLKD  ;D ;D



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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2012, 06:15:44 PM »


It's 3.1 miles CLKD.

Taz x


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2012, 08:09:35 PM »

Oh that's far too far for me  ;) - today anyway  ::)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 11:40:06 AM by CLKD »


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2012, 02:45:49 PM »

Only just seen this thread......I started walking/jogging ( a bit!) about a week ago at 55.Never had the slightest desire to do it before,in fact I couldn't think why on earth people wanted to do it.Wouldn't run for a bus....

But,first of all,a friend who works for the NHS told me about this app she had downloaded to her phone from the NHS site thats called (I think) 'From Couch to 5K' which basically tries to help complete non exercisers gradually build up to being able to jog 5K. . . . as opposed to lying on the couch LOL
Anyway,she loved it and had found it quite easy,although she's only a young 'un ( 42  :) )

I didn't end up using the app,but I just felt so bloomin downright unfit since Xmas,that I decided to have a little experimental jog whilst out walking.Setting myself little goals like 'to the next tree' or 'to that parked car'  ::)
I managed it ok-ish,but felt terribly self-conscious,puffing along in my little old lady way of moving.

Freakishly . . . after a lifetime of comparitive inertia.....I find I like it! :o
My knees however.....don't!!! But I'm going to see if that's just the initial shock to their system and try and build up very gently.My teenage daughter was hysterical with laughter,and my husband looked at me queerly over his spectacles,when I announced my new 'hobby'.And that has made me all the more keen.... ;)

Let's keep going girls!  :)


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2012, 04:16:51 PM »

Well done all you ladies who are getting active.

I've worked in a building for 9 years which has a gym (where we get a hugely discounted membership rate) on the ground floor and never joined or even been in there until recently.  I felt that I needed to do something, having been sat on my bottom all day at a desk and then being inactive most evenings.

Like some of you I am really enjoying it.  I go in my lunch break and do work on the power plate then 20 mins of cardio (running, rowing or cross trainer).  I'm surprised at how much I want to keep up with my 3 times a week rule that I've made for myself!  Having some good tunes on my iPod certainly helps!

Keep it up everyone.


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2012, 04:26:27 PM »

Fantastic Jillymoo ;D - that's what I've started doing, the NHS Couch to 5K podcasts and they're brilliant! I can highly recommend them. 

I started the week 2 podcast today (but the fourth of my jogging weeks), by week 9 I'll be running for 30 mins 3 times a week but like you, more than anything I'm enjoying it so much!  I'm really surprised because although I used to fast walk on a treadmill quite often, the thought of going faster and jogging filled me with horror, but now that I'm doing it, it's not as terrifying as I thought.

Re your knees, make sure you have a rest day in-between runs/walks to recover and build it up gradually.

Jellyb - again fantastic  :) I have an iPod playlist from when I was fast walking it's got some weird slow songs on that don't inspire running necessarily but inspire me because of the power of them, if you know what I mean :)

Well done to all of us!!!  ;D


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2012, 11:46:41 PM »

Hi All
How's the fitmess stuff going? I hope you are all feeling good? I have had a really stressful work both at work and home but I'm convinced the walking and running has helped me to cope with it better than I would have done before. Mind you I still enjoy my glass of wine which I am indulging in right now!

Hugs to everyone



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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #27 on: February 29, 2012, 04:53:05 PM »

Hi Donna

I'm still doing the couch to 5K, I'm on week 3 now and loving it.  I even signed up for the Race for Life 5K in July! ;D

I bought some shiny new trainers at the weekend and a couple of new sports tops and am contemplating running outside on Friday instead of on the treadmill, just not to keen with being watched, I like to huff and puff in relative anonymity!!

But it's going well and I'm really proud of myself.  Are you following any particular programme?




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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2012, 11:59:42 PM »

Well done minuette - and everyone else  :)

You will love RFL, the atmosphere is so inspiring. I have walked it for many years but last year I ran it with my daughter dressed head to toe in purple! I know RFL is pink but we are rock chicks and don't "do" pink! LOL

I've been running for just over a year now after losing 3 stone and just wish I had done it years ago. I'm not fast and still have to walk for spells on longer runs but I just love it and my medal count is growing - 4 5k, 2 6k and 2 10k last year - and I am aiming for a half marathon in April this year.

I started off on the treadmill and found running outside much harder to begin with but it gets easier and I now run or volunteer most Saturdays at my local parkrun. You should try it if you have one near you - its a free, weekly timed 5k, not a race and caters for all ages and abilities. I was tail runner last week and went round with a 6 year old and her mum!

.......... oh by the way I'm 56 so it is never too late!  ;)


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Re: Nearly 50 and have taken up jogging :)
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2012, 11:41:50 AM »

Did anyone see the programme during the week about how good/bad exercise is for us and how some people may never lose weight by exercising because they have a gene that won't let them  .......... however, from experience I know that exercise is good, it increases oxygen intake, raises the heart beat, allows us to meet people when out and about ........... I've been gardening a lot this week and feel GOOD !
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