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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness  (Read 878743 times)

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #855 on: June 26, 2015, 06:50:58 AM »

Hey your not Billy No Mates Im terrified of the dentist I vommit pass out u name it bUT I GO
As for your fanny again mines burning like hell opening was so sore I did 3 a week for the last 12 days
Hasnt made much difference openings not as sore by any means and Im soaking wet IMO its irritating me
Outside I mean its leaking as its always done but for some reason my bits outside are burning?
Im sure when your ready it will be so simple probably as I said a Local in the Gyny Office
I hadnt heard of that before? Mine would have a hard job to fuse theres almost nothing left its vaished
My inner labias that go down to between the end of your lady bits and bottom vanished 3 yrs ago
They disolved in to the skin so all I have is 2 small flaps almost  up to the clitoral hood so much has gone
Beside whats left of the hair im like a child down there but less plump more sunken pretty gross.
Im convinced that this is it Im 62 tomorrow no HRT went over at 37 no periods for 19yrs IM doomed
To have this burning and aware of my fanny 24/7 is so tireing and depressing and it hurts
It did go for ages then 2 weeks or so back it came and Im on 25m Vagifem but maybe its not working?
So is this it then? If so as long as it gets no worse I can cope NO more Doctors Ive had enough
I think sitting on the comp doesnt help the pressure but its normlly eased by now this time no xxxx
With a vengenace


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #856 on: June 26, 2015, 10:53:59 AM »

Hi Suzi, Thanks so much for your reply.  I;ve read a lot of your posts on here and you always make me feel better.  The fact that the front is fusing doesn't bother me and I can't feel it but I'm concerned about eventually closing up.  When I saw the gynae in 2012 she said the extra skin at the back was nothing to worry about but no other information and my GP didn't explain anything either except to reassure me it  was nothing serious like cancer.  I guessed it was connected to the va as it happened arround the same time.  I spoke to my neighbour who is a medical secretary and she got in touch with the secretary to the consultant in charge.  She obviously isn't medically qualified but knows quite a lot from typing letters and reports.  She confirmed that they don't usually recommend removing it if the lady is not sexually active (we haven't 'done it' for a few years) and its not causing a nuisance.  It has increased at the back in the last 3 and a half years.  I did go back again to the GP, can't remember when, to say it was still growing.  Think that was when he mentioned the cryosurgery. He didn't try to persuade me or, again, give me any explanation, so I wimped out. 
Just this week I've had splitting at the back - not had this before, like the paper cut thing.  Thinking about it I'm wondering if some oestrogen cream on the outside would stop or slow down the fusing.  Afterall, its a consequence of no oestrogen.  When I asked for some replens on prescription the GP said to me 'oh, that's ok its not oestrogen' so I'm doubtful that he will give it to me.   I'm even nervous about asking. 
Apart from this problem which I'm worrying about again because of noticing about the front labia, the vagifem is working fine at the moment, unless of course my stress causes a blip.  So sorry to read that you have problems again with the soreness and burning.  Its really dreadful and considerably reduces quality of life.  I look at other women walking about and envy them that they don't have these problems but I don't know do I? They might have.  They don't know I've got it.  I do hope you get some improvement soon. I get really depressed when I get a blip because you start thinking is this it forever.  So far I've been lucky and the vagifem has worked again but you alway have that doubt. (I'm 69 - a bit older than most on here I think).  Guess I'm lucky to have got this so late as a lot start in late 40's,
Ladies who use oestrogen cream as well as vagifem, can I ask how often you apply it.  I assume I can tell my gp its only a tiny amount applied and won't amount to a full dose.  Don't know how long it'll be before I steel myself to make an appointment.
Thank you for reading this long missive.  I can't tell you how much comfort I've received from this site.  XX


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #857 on: June 26, 2015, 11:13:21 AM »

Nervousnel - maybe you could consider using an oestrogen cream instead of Vagifem and then you can use it vaginally and underneath as well (just use what is left in the applicator). The gynae I saw said Vagifem would be no good for me because it didn't reach all the parts it was needed. She also said I couldn't use Vagifem (it didn't suit me anyway!), with the cream externally - it was one or the other. I now use the Estriol cream twice a week and the 'Yes' water based moisturiser (prescribed by my GP) on the other days. Perhaps that combination could help you?

Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #858 on: June 26, 2015, 01:37:49 PM »

Jenna  im convinced some Drs are alike bottom holes they all have an opinion
Ive never heard of not being able to use both If your insides dry you need HRT creams
Sylk etc is just a nicer form of KY jelly its not a medicinal treatment u may as well use baby lotion
What part did Vagifem not reach YOUR womb? Its reaches the kneck of the bladder thats why ladies on Report a fantastic improvement on weeing cos hormones in Vagi r absorbed at the kneck of the bladder It tightens it as HORMONES do there work as they are needed up there. Good job Vagifem didnt suit you
I can see no reason why if your in pain why u werent put on Ovestin or Orthogynest internaly
2 Vagifem /2 Ortho/ or2 Ovestin aplications wkly add up to only taking 2 HRT pills in a  YEAR
Rubbing cream in to your bits is a bit like putting a pin on the head of a Nuke Missile its pretty useless
The creams if you look on the PKT are for internal use it doesnt say and rub it all over your bits
I did that inside and out for 12 years I still got Severe atrophy found my outside shrivelled up@the pain
The cuts the suction ache swelling redness burning all due to NO HORMONES or not enough
When I finally went on Vagifem not only did the cuts vanish the pain and soreness vanished@weeing
I did put some of my Ovestin left outside and it burnt me and id been doing that for years?
You mustnt have  Atrophy cos if you did youd be in agony. I dont wish Atrophy on anyone
Im amazed at how unimformed about meno@post meno some GPS are  I wouldnt let them cut my nails
Sorry if I sound tense but with so many differeing opinions its hard for someone to not get confused
I found Nervy that rubbing Nilstat over the counter thrush cream treated the cuts FAB gone in 24hrs
As for your closed fanny IM sure when you decide to do something it will be when you decide
I still try to have a decent sex life yes it can still hurt on entry and the 1st few movement but after that!
BUT if we ave love reg it doesnt hurt on entry at all with Atrophy your opening shrinks as well
Thats where the saying use i or lose it comes in BUT Ive a problem cos Bobbles is having problems
61 BP pills Col Pils sides to them not enough blood gets to uknow we can do it but it takes longer for him and he almost never has a climax so hes of to the Doctors he made me go now shhh this is  secretx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #859 on: July 02, 2015, 08:20:53 PM »

Hi Suzi,  been trawling the net looking at things that happpen to lady bits post meno.   Found a condition called lichen sclerosus.  Causes bits to disappaear and also burning and stinging.  Maybe you could look it up to see if that might be you. 
Also, some baby girls are born with the labia joined.  Treatment is with topical oestrogen cream which separates them again.  Condition usually resolves on puberty when own oestrogen is produced.  So - maybe -  putting  cream on the outside can help some post meno women with the va and dry outside bits.  lol xx


Suzi Q

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #860 on: July 06, 2015, 06:56:10 AM »

way too late now
they dont grow back ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #861 on: July 06, 2015, 12:42:14 PM »

Your personal places are stuck together  :o - that's a recipe for disaster  ::) - get yourself into the bath with some warm water and gently wash the area otherwise if there is infection behind the labia you'll have bigger problems than you do already  ???  :o …….. get to know your body  ;)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #862 on: July 20, 2015, 05:19:47 PM »

This is my very first post
I am post menopausal, and had REALLY bad problems with this!
Went from Sloppy Guiseppe to Sudden Sahara!!
Anyhow, did loads of internet research, and asked my doc for Estring
Was really happy with this, and it really sorted the problem, and then there was a shortage of supply
Went onto Vagifem which worked too, but was difficult to remember to insert twice a week.
Am told that Estring supplies are now resumed, so will be going to the docs to get some more!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #863 on: July 20, 2015, 06:18:09 PM »

Hi Marta

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #864 on: July 21, 2015, 10:45:01 AM »

Hi to all ladies

I have been reading this site on and off ..... More on in last few weeks especially this thread.

Briefly I had a hysterectomy over 2 years ago .... Womb and cervix gone but still have my ovaries .

I started to notice the menopause about 18 months ago ...... Hot flushes mainly , dry skin etc. I'm on isoflavones which has greatly helped the sweats and over last year noticed getting dryer down below which I treated by 1. Always using lube 2. Smearing coconut oil on my bits twice a day. Lol.

But just returned from holiday where it started ...... Sandpaper sex ! 😳. I thought at first it might be thrush but did some research and I think it's VA. I guess if I look back over last year there have been times when sex has been a little uncomfortable .... Sore afterwards ... And I put this down to not enough lube. But now even with lube it's sore. I had also noticed that when I use my kegel 8 machine removing the probe even covered in lube felt like I was pulling my insides out 😥😥😥.

Ok so came across this thread which made me think there could be help out there 😁.

I have an appointment with a lady doctor this Thursday so feel I'm pretty up to date with some applications after reading this thread but just wondered if I coukd ask you ladies a few questions.

1 I like the sound of vagifem but I'm worries about side effects ie swollen tummy , mood swings. I have in the past taken the contraceptive pill and it's never really agreed with me. Not sure if this is similar ...... Sorry if I sound stupid lol.

2. How intrusive is the estring ? I used to use a cap but contracted BV a few times using it so eventually stopped.

3. Is ovestin the same as vagifem ?

I look forward to chatting 😊😊😊😊😊

ancient runner

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #865 on: July 21, 2015, 11:29:17 AM »

Hello Jennifer
I've used all of these! I find the Estring the best as it's a consistently higher dose over the week than Vagifem and there are no peaks and troughs. Also you can just forget it's there. Vagifem - I don't know about swollen tummy. It didn't do that to me... but the 2x10 weekly dose just wasn't enough. Ovestin cream - I still use a little of this on the outside as necessary, but again the maintenance dose was just a bit too low for me personally. Your doc is probably likely to start with cream or vagifem and move you onto Estring if the others don't suit (but not many know about it so be prrepared to ask)  ;)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #866 on: July 21, 2015, 11:38:40 AM »

Hi Ancient runner

Thank you for your reply. 😊

I'm guessing it's going to be trial and error like yourself 😳. I feel like I'm fairly well equipped info wise now although unfortunately I'm seeing a trainee doctor 😨 so I'm not holding out slot of hope for guidance.

I'm I right in thinking you used to run ?? Just your user name. Lol. I used to but gave it up about 2 months ago and now reverted to interval training on a bike as less stress on my knee 🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲🚲.


ancient runner

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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #867 on: July 21, 2015, 12:40:15 PM »

I still do run - took it up when I was ancient! Not terribly far, but regularly. Went through a bad patch of about a year when undercarriage problems weren't under control. I can't do a bike - think the saddle would just be asking for trouble....
If you're seeing a trainee, you might want to go in primed with information and be very helpful.  :)
I forgot to say, the Estring isn't intrusive at all. Think unbattered calamari ring for size... fold it, pop into place and away you go.
I do use something called multigyn actable (I think - can never remember the name but Dancinggirl recommends it) every so often to keep the PH right if things are getting a bit sore. I think that is for BV..


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #868 on: July 21, 2015, 12:59:15 PM »


Like the calamari ring comment ancient runner!!

I can honestly say I have had no probs with either the vagifem or the estring.
I prefer the estring, as it is pop in and forget, and you have to apply the vagifem twice a week, and peri menopause brain not so great at remembering!!

My doc didn't really know much about the Estring, so did some Googling, and went fully armed for my docs appointment

My dryness was TERRIBLE, and there was spotting and pain with sex, so HRT has been my saviour in that department!!
I use the Sylk lubricant as well, so you can get an idea of the problem!

Hubbie is pleased, as we can have sex again!! :) x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with vaginal dryness
« Reply #869 on: July 21, 2015, 03:02:03 PM »

Hi girls

Maybe silly question but the estring doesn't stay in all the time does it ?? Ie during sex ? I'm thinking that's what I hated about cap was couldn't really be spontaneous 😟😟.  Although maybe those days are gone for good lol.
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