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Summary of Alternative therapies

Results posted: June 20 2007

Alternative therapies

There were responses from 22 countries to the alternative questionnaire.

Overall, 84% answered the question “no” when asked  ”Do you feel you know enough about alternative therapies to make an informed choice?” Yet 36% had used alternative therapies.  Of those who had not tried an alternative therapy to HRT, 78%, said they might try it.  14%, were concerned that it was quackery and 8%, felt that the alternatives were too expensive. The most common place for obtaining alternative medication was the chemist.

Of those who used alternatives 71%, who answered the question “Were you given any advice?” said no and 31%, said that they were there aware of an interaction. 95% said that they would try alternative therapies before considering HRT for menopausal symptoms. The reasons given by those who answered the question “Why did you try alternatives?” in descending order were women felt concerned regarding health risks associated with HRT, alternatives were more natural, tried out of desperation and because a friend had recommended it.

When asked, “How much you would be prepared to pay for alternative therapies?” women who lived in England replied as follows:


The results suggest that many women feel they do not have enough information on alternative treatments. Women perceive alternative therapies to be natural and are willing to pay for them despite lack of evidence for their effectiveness.

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