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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 712703 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #525 on: June 14, 2017, 07:32:42 PM »

Hi Hurdity,                       Thanks for that- I'm out of town @ the mo but I will introduce myself properly on my return- thinks MM is great. I am a lot more together since taking ye olde HRT but I am still getting the odd little moment where it feels like something's going to kick off, then it settles down again. They call it an aura 🙄 but now instead of a HF, I just get a twinge in my neck or a warm rush in my left hand, arm, shoulder for a few seconds or a slightly fast heart beat for a short time. I would love to get my oestradiol tested again-                presumably my level has increased in the last three weeks. I have tried to stick to two squirts of Oestrogel in the morn but I often feel like topping up to be honest, esp if I am going out anywhere of an evening- I did so last sat before a Girls' night out💄🥂🙏🏽 Have you any thoughts on this Hurdity? I think I read that you are a seasoned HRT user😜😊👍 Also on the subject of suspected last period, I still have not had mine, that's over five weeks since my last period & I started taking HRT two weeks after my period so should have had a bleed by now surely? The doc put me on cyclical HRT because I was still having periods- but if it all suddenly stops, should I be on continuous HRT instead? Thanks in advance for any enlightenment😊👍


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #526 on: July 08, 2017, 12:48:22 PM »

Well Ladies, back for more advice and noticed this thread regarding joint pain.  I am 54 and still having regular periods with no sign of a hot flush!  Back in October last year I got really bad pains in my left shoulder and my back felt really tight, the Dr said it was arthritis but I was not convinced and went for a course of treatment with a chiropractor, whether that helped or not I am not sure but when the warmer weather came the pain definitely abated so thought it possibly could be arthritis.  However, we are having the hottest weather here at the moment and I have pains down my left hand side, particular in my upper arm, ankle, hip and knee areas.  It is particularly painful when I am in bed, I can't lay on my left hand side my hip and leg is just too painful.  Any ideas??


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #527 on: July 08, 2017, 04:28:04 PM »

Hi dandelion, might be worth getting your vitamin d levels checked? I had the same just before peri kicked in and will never know if the vitamin d sorted it, or if I just went onto the next stage. Worth checking though.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #528 on: July 08, 2017, 06:45:51 PM »

Thank you nearly 50 I will do that, anything to help, I'm sure this is all hormone related, I just can't prove it!!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #529 on: July 08, 2017, 07:40:47 PM »

A physio would be able to give you exercises to do maybe too. In my case I had many trigger points they released.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #530 on: July 13, 2017, 08:55:24 AM »

Hi All,
I started with severe knee pain so bad that i couldn't climb steps. As that pain started to recede my elbows started to hurt and i couldn't lift things. These pains slowly went away and then i had left shoulder pain. I couldn't even buckle myself in the car. i had to get shots on my shoulder for pain. After a while that disappeared and i started to have left hip pain. Doctor diagnosed it as osteoarthritis. Right now this is where i am. It is difficult to walk even moderate stretches and it hurts along with my left knee when i have slept on the left side for some time. it wakes me up. All this happened over a period of 3 1/2 years. The orthopedic prescribed physiotherapy, which didn't help much. Once a week i went to rehab sport led by trained sport therapists, and that helped a lot. Other than that i use Voltaren pain balm and Ibuprofen for pain, if it gets acute. I also have had cervical spondulytis on my neck vertebrae for many years from overuse of computers and stress. So i avoid sitting in front of computers for too long. It is better now. I have quit going to the orthopedic now. Long time ago i tried acupuncture for pain in my knee and that helped.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #531 on: August 09, 2017, 06:54:51 AM »

 :-*. Hi I am Suffering with severe joint an muscle ache , I could sit in a corner an cry in so much pain , the severity of the pain an the joint differ  every nite last nite iv been in agony most of the nite with. I sleep again.
My wrist an elbow I can't even move or straighten
Hurts to touch
 Along with legs ankles knees hips that all ache too
PleAse someone give any advice
Not on hrt
I have appt with rheumatology next week too

Joint Pain has been bad in the last couple of weeks shoulders, hips and knees .  I finally got my doctor to run some tests.  No answers back yet.  I have lost 17 lbs in 2 months have  to force my self to eat and now have a rash on one side of my body chest arms and legs.   I just want to get better  I am going to be seeing  a rhemutologist  and hopefully she will be able to give me some answers.  I feel for each and everyone of you that have posted.    Has anyone ever had a rash like this accompanied by joint pain??   Why isn't more being done to help us  ??????


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #532 on: September 04, 2017, 11:41:58 AM »

Thank you all for posting on this site, it has made me feel as though I am not alone!
Brief history: periods stopped at 49, been having hot flushes/night sweats since and occasional mood swings. Already taking glucosamine, had previous shoulder joint problems. I am now 55.
Woke up one morning in April this year with a pain in my neck. Over the course of about a week, it spread on my left side (I am left-handed) to the muscle along the shoulder blade, sometimes shoulder joint, tricep muscle, elbow joint, forearm muscle and wrist. I was in agony. I didn't want to take HRT, I prefer a natural approach, so I did a lot of research and came up with the following plan:
STEP 1. LINDA KEARNE'S MENOPAUSE CAKE.  (Other recipes based on this can also be found online). It took about 3-4 weeks of eating a slice every day, but I definitely found some improvement in my symtoms, especially my joints. I also started taking an Omega 3 supplement too. I found some relief using a wheat bag that can be heated in the microwave – mine has lavender inside. Used a cool stick on hot days, again with lavender. Put a mattress topper on the bed to make it slightly more comfortable to sleep. However, I was still having a lot of muscle pain. Time to do more research, which led to...
STEP 2. MAGNESIUM. Various studies say that 60 to 80% of the population may be deficient in magnesium. One of the main symptoms is MUSCLE PAIN. There are several ways to increase magnesium (in addition to food intake), it can be absorbed through the skin or taken as supplements:
Bath or foot bath - with EPSOM SALTS (magnesium sulfate) or MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE FLAKES. This can be quite costly if you use the amount stated on the packet each time.
Supplements – I started taking a combination MAGNESIUM/CALCIUM/VIT D/VIT K tablet, as there is a complex relationship between these vitamins and minerals.
Magnesium Oil Spray (although it is technically not an oil) - this has been a complete life changer for me! You can buy ready made sprays, but I decided to make my own. It is very easy to do, equal measures of magnesium bath flakes and pure water. Boil the water, add the flakes so that they dissolve, cool, then pour into a spray bottle. This is much cheaper than buying a ready made spray. If you have sensitive skin, you may have a rash appear for a week or two and it may tingle or sting when you apply it. Consult a doctor if you have any doubts about trying this, especially if you have kidney problems or have low blood pressure.
I have been using the spray for just over 2 weeks and I am now able to do gardening, housework etc. I still have a minor amount of pain, but it is more just a slight niggle. I have my life back!


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #533 on: November 04, 2017, 03:49:32 PM »

Hello Everyone,

I am 52 and started suffering like all of you with symptoms of the dreaded menopause 3-4 years ago.  It started with the usual night sweats and difficulty sleeping and the usual issues with the sex life.  My GP said I was peri-menopausal and since my symptoms were coming and going at that point and I was just 48 decided to see how things went.  I was offered a cream to help with the love life so that was something.

Now at 52 I am currently taking nothing and my hot flushes only come at night - thank God.  Difficulty sleeping at night is a given but the most recent and difficult issue is joint pain.  The pain in my right hip and knee is probably the worst and keeps me up at night.  I have paracetamol and water on my bedside table to help get me through the night which I need almost every night.  My Dr arranged an XRay last week and I am due to receive the results this Tuesday.

I suffer with pain in both my heels, my right wrist (particularly when putting a bra on and off) both knees, my right hip and by back.  I regularly struggle to get up and down stairs and often walk sideways or take the stairs on  my hands and knees.   I was diagnosed with Scoliosis some years ago which is not severe but makes it difficult to know if the menopause is contributing to my back pain as well.

18 months ago following 3 years under a Dermatologist taking antibiotics, I was put onto a very powerful drug called Roacutane for Rosacea, the consultant called it 'the nuclear weapon' for my condition and it was a last chance saloon to treat it.  I was aware this drug had numerous side effects, some quite awful but regrettably I decided to take the risk.  After 10 weeks of the 20 week treatment I was taken off the drug as I was in so much pain in the joints of both my feet/ankles and I was struggling to walk at all.  I was then diagnosed with Achilles Tendinopathy in both feet by a specialist physio.  I did some research and discovered one side effect was severe joint pain, especially in the feet which the physio was horrified to see when he also researched the drug I was taking.  It took some months before I could walk for more than 10 minutes and was on strong painkillers.

With my history of joint pain and scoliosis it is hard to know how much pain is caused by menopause and how much by my back condition and the potential damage caused by the medication I took previously.  What I do know is I am in pain on a daily basis and every night.  I don't sleep well and am at the stage where I feel something has to change. 

I have read many posts and feel for you all, we are all the the dreaded M club and are finding our way through each day.  I am learning much about drugs and herbal remedies and am so very grateful for anything I pick up from here that may help me.  I go to Zumba, Legs Bums and Tums. Aerobics and Pilates, 5 classes a week in total but sadly I am considering dropping the Aerobics and Legs Bums and Tums due to my knee pain. I gained about 2 stone and have managed to get one back off, my waistline is certainly not what it used to be but I eat as healthily as I can, I do not drink or smoke, what more can you do.

I hope I have not gone on too much, just felt I needed to tell the full story.

Thanks for listening to a new member moan.   :(



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #534 on: November 04, 2017, 04:09:00 PM »

Hi Sparkle,

Thanks for the welcome :)

I have not had my Vit D checked but am due to make an appointment with the menopause specialist GP so will be asking what can be done to help my current issues.  I will definitely mention a Vit D check though so many thanks.  Sorry to hear about your CFS - take care.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #535 on: February 15, 2018, 07:45:06 AM »

I know this is an old post but just wondered if anyone had any clues.. I've recently been prescribed Prednisone after the flu- docs said I needed it again as my chest has been weakened. I suffer from asthma and Sarcoidosis so steroids are a regular requirement after a cold or flu.
Had posted in a different part of this page about the steroids.
I've found that my achy joints,bones have felt better since being in the prednisone. My arms,elbows,wrists,upper legs,hips and sciatic nerves have all been achy but since the steroids have felt lots better. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?
Be interesting to see what happens after the course of tablets.
I do take Vit D and evening primrose caps, they'd had no effect on the aches.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #536 on: February 15, 2018, 11:13:10 AM »

I don't really understand steroids, but they do seem to make a lot of things better.  A friends mother (90s) was put on them recently for a short while and suddenly she could get herself on the loo and loads of stuff.  Unfortunately she could not stay on them so she reverted back.

I have found that I need a bit of magnesium when taking vitamin D otherwise the pains in my neck and back etc come back.  I have tried Epsom salts (which I found in the pound shop  :) ) and they seem to work, but it is so up and down it is hard to tell.

I also find frequent gentle exercise helps and not staying in one position for long.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #537 on: October 22, 2018, 08:40:09 PM »

This is very interesting as I am currently suffering with my knees hips and especially thighs. Is there a alternative to oestrogen as after my total hysterectomy I will no longer need progesterone but will need  oestrogen. I have gained so much weight on HRT


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #538 on: January 27, 2019, 09:18:04 AM »

Just seen this post and even although it is an old one I thought I would still post. I am 67, not overweight. I have advanced osteoarthritis and now it is particularly bad in my lower back and neck. I take GOPO which is expensive but it does mean my hands can work more easily.  I also walk twice a day for half an hour and have a few exercises to do in the afternoon with a resistance band to try and make the muscles stronger around the discs.  This is still a work in progress


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #539 on: February 26, 2019, 09:02:56 PM »

This is very interesting as I am currently suffering with my knees hips and especially thighs. Is there a alternative to oestrogen as after my total hysterectomy I will no longer need progesterone but will need  oestrogen. I have gained so much weight on HRT
Hi Jojo, what is the pain in your thighs like? I have had painful thighs, especially the right thigh for a couple of weeks now. I'm on Elleste duet 2mg. My thighs feel achy off and on through the day like a cramp.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 10:30:51 PM by Artyone »
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