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Author Topic: Tell us how you cope with joint aches  (Read 712154 times)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #225 on: November 09, 2010, 08:14:30 AM »

Hi poppyrose,
                 When i read your post i just thought this could have been me writing this exact to yhr letter.especially the bit abou left hip and not being able to stand up straight first thing in the morning,being all bent over like an old womanMy problem is that because i have MS i am finding the symptoms difficult to understand if it is my MS playing up or my menopause playing up its so difficult and would drive you round the bend.
Keep all the info coming its most appreciated.
I am going to see my Gp on thursday so i will let you know how it goes.

maggie x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #226 on: November 14, 2010, 10:23:59 PM »

God yes i have been getting out of bed like an old lady of 100 and whats with the stiff finger joints first thing.
I also find that i stiffen up if i sit and rest during the evening, when i go to get up the ankles struggle with walking. iv tried logging my diet, because i thought maybe it was something im eating. but i cant find any pattern there.


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #227 on: November 15, 2010, 08:06:39 AM »

Hi debbieanne
I have recentlt been to see my gp.She has started me on Climaval 1mg.It is still to early to tell if it is helping the joints as i havent noticd any change in the old woman syndrome.But i have noticed that the neck and face flusshes have not been as bad.Are you aon any HRT treatment at all?
Its a mystery to me how stiff you get and all this wrist carry on is so annoying.
Take care
maggie x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #228 on: January 08, 2011, 02:52:23 PM »

IM NEW TO your site and can i start by saying its great.i am 44 years and dr told me im in menopause ,i have been suffering for ages with aches and pains worse in my right shoulder is this all down to the menopause ???i even had a cortozone injection to give me relife before i knew i was in menopause,but now i think this is whats causing it,i also have the night sweats ,headaches,tiredness,foggy heads,im due to get a mirena coil fitted and some hrt anyone no will this help,thanks


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #229 on: January 08, 2011, 04:04:04 PM »

I have had joint pains for years now my Knees are the main problem very painful at times & swollen but I do have other joint pains too, in fact most joints hurt at some point , can't remember 24 hours without pain 
If really bad I take Diclofenac as prescribed but try not to reach maximum doze
then co-codamol at times which causes Constipation but helps me sleep , vicious circle
I find just to keep moving is best for me , and I have attended a Chiropractor for my back so the Sciatic pain is much relieved now



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #230 on: January 08, 2011, 04:22:56 PM »

Hi dianb
Your symptoms certainly do sound like meno to me. Hopefully HRT wll help you. Might be worth you starting a new thread on "New Members" as you might get missed in an old thread and others will want to welcome you, I'm sure.
Bette x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #231 on: February 10, 2011, 12:16:22 PM »

I realise this thread was started in November but I have only just seen it and read through it. 

I struggled with the pains in my body, my back, my arms and thighs for about 5 years - it increased over that time.  It all coincided with peri and menopause.  I had other symptoms though which seemed to cross over between thyroid, hormone and fibromyalgia.  I reached a point I could not walk 500 metres without having to turn back and hobble home with the pains in my back and hips.  If I tried swimming, I could not climb out of the pool or walk when I did get out.  My body was like lead.   

If I touch my thighs they feel as if they are bruised and sore (I still have that to a degree).  I had an MRI scan and tests and in the end they confirmed I have fibromyalgia.  I was advised to have injections into my lower spine and to take anti depressants and anti inflammatories.   I decided not to do that immediately and look for alternatives.

I believe FM is a syndrome which is really the body in a state of crisis - physical, emotional, chemical, hormonal.  I decided to tackle it from different angles.  HRT, chiropractor and I found a fantastic physiotherapist who does myofascial release, trigger therapy, and kinetic chain release.  He corrects short leg length which he has found causes many/most of the skeletal and muscular pains we have.   I also realised that sugar exacerbates the FM pains so diet is important for me.

So, less than 9 months later, I have just walked around Paris for a weekend with only slight discomfort.  I managed to walk around the local loch which I have not been able to do for 2 years.  I sleep soundly, I rise in the morning without needing a car jack to straighten me up.  I do still get some pains in my lower back and hip but I have learned how to use trigger point therapy on myself to release that pain and the frequency is much less than it was.

I tried Bowen Therapy although did not see much benefit from that personally on this occasion.
Reiki is very good for relaxation, stress reduction and a feeling of wellbeing.  Yoga is great for stretching the muscles that have tightened and shortened.  Unfortunately, I recently developed what has been described as tendonitis in both arms and wrists which restricted what I could do in yoga and I felt embarrassed I was so bad n the class.  However, the yoga instructor has been fantastic and contacted me to explain how I can do moves in alternative ways and she said even if I sit in a chair to do some moves she would rather I was there, so I have decided to return this year.

My arms can be very very painful at times and I have to rest my hands and wear supports.  However, I am going to go back to see the physio since he has said that frozen shoulder, pain in the neck and tennis elbow are often a direct result of the short leg length.   

I take some ibuprofen or paracetemol from time to time for the pain, but that is down to 10% of the level it was.

For me, there has definitely been a big improvement by adopting a multi therapy approach and realising it is a work in progress with changes and adjustments needed. 

I hope some of you have found similar ways to cope with the challenges you have described, and perhaps if you can try some of the therapies I have tried, you will find some relief.

Rhona x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #232 on: February 11, 2011, 07:34:19 AM »

Hi Rhona - what a wonderful, positive post. Thank you for cheering up my morning!

I have had fibro for around eleven years and I can remember how ecstatic I was when I first managed a half mile walk after two years without being able to get quite that far! Now I can walk a two mile fast walk around three times a week. Any more than this and I get a relapse of the pain and fatigue. I have learnt to accept that I need to manage my condition. It took me a while to realise that I wouldn't get back to my pre PM fitness as regards walking and I did fight it for a few years I must admit.

I will make a note of the treatments which have worked for you so that if I need to I can give them a go. Was it expensive by the way - the physio with the myofascial release technique?

Taz  :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #233 on: February 11, 2011, 02:48:57 PM »

Hi Taz. 

Thanks for the feedback.  I could genuinely imagine your feeling when ou managed to walk the first half mile and then to complete the fast walk.  I am suffering yesterday and today after the weekend in Paris - but it is less than before, and I genuinely believe it is a stretch each time, because look how far you have come too although you still have the pain and fatigue.   And absolutely right - it is about understanding and managing the condition.

The physio is around £30 per session.  The chiro is £30 or £35.  You can look for a chiro or physio who does the myofascial release and trigger point therapy, and you get the best of both worlds.  It can take a bit of time to find one but worth the effort because they are already in the healing zone you need them to be in.

I did Reiki 1 myself and found it helped me while I practised on others and I am fortunate that I could have Reiki free occasionally if I wanted to through my Mum's group. 

The specialist physio I referred to is quite unique in his approach.  Sometimes someone comes along into your life and you realise they are very special indeed.  He is one of those people.  He combines all of the treatments but does not label them as that.  He calls it Kinetic Chain Release and he has now started some 2 day learning courses to pass on this skill.   He charges £100 per session.  Very expensive I know, but I was with him for 3 hours on each occasion and was only there twice.  I saved to go there.   He works with disadvantaged groups free of charge and also with forces people who suffer badly from PTSD.

Anyway, I was going to try to send you a link about myofascial but there is quite a lot you can google.  I know from our posts you are well informed and read up on subjects so I think you will get enough from the google option.  Same with Trigger point therapy.   It is a painful process, but one which has brought me so my improvement.   

Yoga is cheaper and very good for relaxatin and stretching and strengthening muscles, if the rest is not viable - or to do alongside.  If you have not tried it; Dru Yoga is about the person and the emotions, and not holding the position which an be very painful for me.    Here is the DruYogaWorldwide link.  You can find a local person through that or contact the local organiser to check if they know of anyone in your area.

Sometimes you can barter your skills for others if you can do something for them and you are short of money. 

So pleased you have learned how to manage your condition.  A positive attitude and a focus on improvement rather than on the pains etc. works wonders for mem and it seems to work for you too.

Okay - enough - war and peace from me. ::)   I hope the information helps.



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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #234 on: February 12, 2011, 11:33:59 PM »

Hi dianb
Your symptoms certainly do sound like meno to me. Hopefully HRT wll help you. Might be worth you starting a new thread on "New Members" as you might get missed in an old thread and others will want to welcome you, I'm sure.
Bette x
hi bette ,ive just read yr reply took a while lol .ive now been on hrt for a month and have the marina coil ,i am now beggining to feel alot better .back to myself ,thanks to this site and its imformation ,i no im not on my own  ;D


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #235 on: February 17, 2011, 03:38:01 PM »

 :( I have had OA since my early 30s- family history and road running- tut tut silly lady! Some days are better than others, I do yoga twice a week- this is fanbloody fantastic!!!!!!!! sorry for swearing but I love it- the teacher also talks about our femaleness and femininity, makes me feel more like a woman again. I am now on Amotryptelyne and arthrotec- down to 2  paracetomol per day- this is GOOD. I used to rrattle with all my painkillers. I know I'm too heavy- 12 and a half stone, anf 5 foot 7 is Too much, this I know but am trying to loose the excess bagage. Having a good husband and family helps and a positive frame of mind- my employer is great as well. I intend to kick ass my arthritis if it gives me too much gip!  Valx


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #236 on: April 24, 2011, 09:38:47 PM »

Well Debbieanne - I read your post and recognised myself.  I find it hard to understand WHY do I walk like a woman for 100 when I first get out of bed in the morning.  My finger joints are stiff and now I feel my big Toe has started with the symptoms as well.  My left elbow bone is so painful  to touch all day.  What have you tried to help the condition?  I can`t take HRT so am desperate to try anything to improve ALL of my conditions!! 
I have never been a one for medication, but lately I am trying every alternative remedy there is! :)


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #237 on: April 25, 2011, 08:05:24 AM »

Danzily - we call that "the monster walk" on here. The walk from the bedroom to the bathroom first thing is characterised by this sot of stiff gait and you do indeed feel about 90.  I also had lots of pain in my finger joints so that doing up buttons etc was difficult and the first joint on the index finger was swollen and bumpy looking. When I started HRT these things disappeared. I had forgotten about them.. until I stopped HRT and it all came back within a few weeks. Once I re-started HRT the pain and stiffness disappeared. I had blamed a lot of this on my fibromyalgia but realise now that it was hormone related.

Sorry not to have an alternative to HRT to offer.

Taz x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #238 on: April 25, 2011, 08:25:41 AM »

I think you are right about joint pain related to hormones in some cases. I have had a couple of instances of joint pain in the fingers and a couple of them looking swollen and bumpy, so much so that I went to my Doctors who sent me for bloods tests, they came back negative, and satisfactory for inflammation levels.

I realised that the symptoms had come on when I was doing my on- off phase of my patch according to what I was reading on internet. I have no symptoms now since my patch has been firmly in place.

silverlady x


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Re: Tell us how you cope with joint aches
« Reply #239 on: April 25, 2011, 10:53:44 AM »

Hi Susan - Danzily has said that she can't take HRT. I am not sure what else would help though  :-\
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