Hi Ruby,
Sorry to hear of the distress you have had. You seem to be very low on estrogen to have experienced this, I have experienced something similar, with fusing and tissue loss. I think this occurred pre use of Vagifem and HRT treatment. The gynae I saw in September said likely LS and prescribed a steroid ointment. She advised me to cut back on the Vagifem and my practice swapped me to a generic type of pessary and also generic emoilients. I then went downhill rapidly. Now I am back on the Vagifem which is a lot more expensive but I believe far superior and I have returned to appearing quite healthy, Vagifem for me is 100% necessary , and I notice after leaving it a day or so (when I have recently experimented on this) that things really decline quickly, particularly the colour of the skin, I literally turn purple! I saw a dermatologist on Monday, she offered a biopsy and I said queried how necessary was this as there was no sign of LS. The investigation was a mere glance I felt, also she was not a Vulval dermatologist, I am hoping all is ok with that conclusion, but at least I have the steriod. I was told to continue preventative dose of steroids weekly and keep up the regular Vagifem.