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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 75 out now. (Spring issue, March 2024)


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Author Topic: I thought hrt would "solve" everything but my mood is getting worse by the day  (Read 8133 times)


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CLKD, just a thought, but I'm doing a recommended diet, exercise, good supplements and I've never had VA. Yet?! 
So, maybe those who don't have it are doing something right?! Just a consideration.

It sounds like you struggle quite a bit with it and I'm wondering if you have checked your ph level? It's just a thought, but maybe your diet is too acidic.. ?!  X
You will definitely know when you get VA


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Jaycee, I'm sorry that you really don't like hearing anything bad about hrt, but no, I won't stop telling my experiences with it, if it helps someone who is also having a bad time on it.
Just because it doesn't suit you to hear it, doesn't mean you can tell people to be quiet.
I'm not telling everyone to stop hrt, I've just said to ladies who are having a bad time with it, that it could be an idea to try without. As I have done.
Sorry you can't handle comments that don't agree with yours, but this is open debate to try and give good feedback and to help ladies make up their own minds as to what might suit them.


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Right, time out!!...Can we not bring an end to this?? Ran out of space on the naughty step, its a staircase now!! :rofl: :beat:


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Just one small point. Only 50% of women get VA.


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I agree Foxylady!!  :rofl:


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Hallelujah.!!! Had to keep my lips closed tight and my fingers off the keyboard as to not pipe in !!!!

Just want to add tho....have to...i have always been super healthy..and natural body no pill etx for long time so hormones all been left to own balance. I eat better....go gym....cook from scratch...havetried EVERY natural remedy and supplment going....and every holistic therapy going..but my body just needs what it does - hormones replacing.
This is a bit of a terrifying ride...and as strong minded as i am its also left me feeling vulnerable. This group has been a godsend....x


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JMargaret....same for me. xxx


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Hi Margherita  :welcomemm:.  I'm sorry you are having problems with your HRT regime but as I've come late to this thread & you have had some good advice from the other ladies, I would simply like to add that I agree with the suggestions to try & get a menopause clinic appointment if you can, or failing that, perhaps swap Utrogestan for MPA - a simpler switch than having a Mirena fitted in the first instance.  I think you are right to defer starting testosterone as some of your symptoms made me think of PCOS, in which raised T can be problematic.  I am not suggesting you have PCOS but simply that T may worsen some of your existing symptoms all the while your main HRT may be unbalanced.  Please let us know how you get on & don't be deterred from posting again by the aggro that has arisen on this thread.



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Whilst I think an invaluable aspect of this forum is the range of views & experiences shared, I also feel that the open-minded, supportive nature of most posters very much helps make it feel a welcoming arena.  Black & white views form part of the spectrum but I think a little care/moderation in the way these are expressed is called for, or at least responsible, given so many of us come to MM vulnerable & frightened.   

Like many members, I would far rather have gone through menopause without HRT & had good reason for avoiding it.  However, I struggled terribly with very difficult symptoms for more than a decade, before taking what felt like the only remaining responsible step, of giving HRT a serious trial.  Had I met with the sort of discouragement & sweeping statements expressed on this thread at a time of great worry & fear, this would have added considerably to my dilemma & the distress of the decision I faced.   

I hope that as a result of what they may have read on this thread, no-one has been put off trying or persevering with HRT, which may have much-needed, wide-ranging beneficial effects on their short & long-term health, wellbeing & ability to continue with their lives.  I usually prefer to avoid conflict but I'm sorry to say the manner in which some views have been aired on this thread has left me dismayed.


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Wrensong .... you have worded that very well and have said exactly what I've been thinking. Thanks for that xx


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Wrensong, I hear you. I'm afraid I do have strong feelings against hrt and that is because of the horrendous side effects it gave me, which were very frightening at the time.
Of course I know that many ladies like hrt and it works well for them, which is great.
I was encouraged to go on hrt by people on this forum, singing its praises... because it had obviously worked well for them. I did and I wish I hadn't, but hey that's hindsight.. and yes I was vulnerable at the time. So it goes both ways, but its good to see both points of view..


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Thanks Dotty..I agree with all youve said. Im one of the frightened and vulnerable newbies.

Jari - also appreciate what you say and agree always good to hear 2 sides...but its different when you start saying "you should stop" . As wrensong said (or along the lines of) - there are better ways of wording things. Ive noticed youre a real regular on this forum....but not have you shared your story (apols of you have and ive not seen) - ie - youre journey with hrt except to say how bad for you it was. I believe you - as i know it affects everybody differently..and not the way forward for many....but when sharing we need to do just that - share....and keep open minds and hearts and kind discussions. Were all walking alongside one another.....hrt or not.

Im day 3 off utrogestan after alternate eves since 4 months ago. Have a headache....cant be bothered...etc.
Still applying my 2 bit pumps gel see how i go.....then look to start a cycle. Still afraid and vulnerable....but still here to hold and accept hands to hold! Xx
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 12:51:19 PM by Jmargaret »


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  • Hiya

Totally agree Wrensong....well said.....👍🏻


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Jmargaret, you say I have not shared my experiences, but, yes you have obviously just not read them, as, believe me, I have, but of course I am happy to explain it to you.
Sorry ladies if you’ve heard it all before. ;)

Jmargaret, I’m 49. I had no peri symptoms. My periods stopped aged 47. So I’m now 1 year post menopause.
Around the time that my periods stopped I started to get the odd hot flush/night sweat.
This was all new to me as I’d had no peri symptoms like this. So it was all new to me. They gradually increased and a year down the line they had become very intense. Not nice at all.
I joined this forum.
The responses I got were to go to my gp and get on hrt.
I went to my gp and to my (naive) surprise, she absolutely refused due to family breast cancer history. I did not expect this, but now completely respect why she said this.
I came back from the gp at a loss and feeling pretty awful still with horrible daily and nightly sweats. Lack of sleep etc.
I explained all this on the forum. The responses I got were that gp’s don’t know what they’re talking about and that I should see a menopause specialist to get on hrt. I did this. I travelled to London to see a well known specialist. I had a very rushed appointment, due to a waiting room full of ladies waiting to see him. He gave me his usual gel/ utrogestan prescription and told me to come back every 3 months. At a huge cost of course.
I was relieved at the time and thought I’d be prepared to keep paying this if it stopped the sweats etc.
A couple of weeks taking it, 2 pumps that is, i started to be constantly hungry. I also noticed mild breathlessness.
I decided to reduce to 1 pump per day, but the breathlessness continued to get worse. I put on a stone in weight.
At around 8 weeks of taking it I was at the stage of gasping for breath and could hardly breathe, which was quite frightening as I live alone.
I called the specialist and had to go back for another appointment at another huge cost. I was told to stop taking straight away and to give it a month to see if it was the hrt causing this. The breathing symptoms went. I then had to go back for another follow up appointment at another cost as they wanted to do a scan to check my womb lining, at another cost. I was told the hrt had caused a fibroid to grow and it was small, but I should book in for an appointment as this can hide potential cancer growths. I was told this had happened to other ladies and I should have it removed... at another cost... I declined. By this point I was so relieved that the symptoms had gone and although my flushes had started to return, they were no-where near as bad as before. So, totally freaked out by hrt, I decided to follow a natural approach which includes certain foods, good supplements and exercise. I do still have warm flushes and feel warm at night sometimes, but this feels like it is getting better all the time. Fingers crossed.
Some ladies say that one has to take hrt to prevent osteoporosis. I think that might be one option, but with good diet etc, I’m hoping I am avoiding it. I’m having a bone scan tomorrow out of interest to see if I am achieving that.
I’m happy to explain my experience jmargaret and if any questions please do ask. I’m happy to explain. All the best. X
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 01:40:13 PM by Jari »


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Ahh thank you Jari. And apols if i came across harsh...didnt mean too. Youve probably gathered i too am at a loss and feeling lost and unsure of who i am....never mind wtf ifs happening .ha!
I understand why you feel as you do..I would too, and no doubt all the rest of our ladies here would too. Gosh 8 weeks isnt a long time is it.....and you said fibroids due to the hrt? I keep worrying that cos im on gel alone (for now) that i am at risk. Ahh i wont harp youre probably all bored of my posts singing the same song! I have a headache...and pjs...and a fab holiday to prep for for thurs and just wanna have a nap. Ive become the nap queen! (Still managed my gym and weights yesterday though so was justified haha)
Thanks again for sharing.
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